Polar Woven band M-L, Grey/Orange - for Polar Ignite Vantage 3, Vanage M/M2, Grit X/Grit X Pro

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ID: 1028707 Tuotekoodi: 910109890
Varastossa 4 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
46,80 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 24.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 24.03.2025
Kaikki parametrit
Lisävarusteen tyyppi : Hihna
Nivelen ympärysmitta (mm) : 130-215
Pituus (mm) : N/A
Raidan leveys (mm) : 22
Vyön materiaali : Pārstrādāta plastmasa
Väri : Zila
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Andmed - Kella mudel - Polar Grit X
Andmed - Kella mudel - Polar Grit X Pro
Andmed - Kella mudel - Polar Vantage M
Andmed - Kella mudel - Polar Vantage M2
Andmed - Kella mudel - Polar Vantage V3
Andmed - Rihma laius (mm) - 22
Andmed - Rihma materjal - Plastik
Andmed - Värvus - Sinine
barcode - 725882064918
brand - Polar
category_en - Sports watches
category_et - Spordikellad
category_lv - Sporta pulksteņi
category_ru - Спортивные часы
description_en - Never compromise your style – match your sports watch to any look or situation with a woven wristband. The #Tide range of straps are made from upcycled plastic waste bound for our oceans. This new collection of eco-friendly wristbands brings a fresh touch to your style. This strap is durable, yet soft, and comfortably wraps around your wrist. It's compatible with Polar Vantage V3, Vantage M/M2 and Polar Grit X/Grit X Pro as well as any other watch with a 22 mm strap attachment.
description_et - Sobita spordikell oma isikliku stiiliga – vali lemmikvärv või vaheta rihma vastavalt meeleolule ja riietusele. See rihm on valmistatud mugavast ja vastupidavast silikoonist ning sobib nii Polar Vantage V3, Vantage M/M2 ja Polar Grit X/Grit X Pro kui ka teistele 22 mm kinnitusega spordikelladele. Rihma laius: 22 mm pikkus: 130–215 mm
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Woven strap for sports watches Compatible with Polar Vantage V3, Vantage M/M2 & Grit X/X Pro Also other watches with a 22 mm attachment Eco-friendly design – made of recycled plastics
description_short_et - Punutud kellarihm Polar Vantage V3, Vantage M/M2 & Grit X/X Pro spordikelladele Sobib ka teistele 22 mm kinnitusega kelladele Keskkonnasäästlik disain – valmistatud taaskasutatud plastist
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Плетеный ремешок для часовДля спортивных часов Polar Vantage V3, Vantage M/M2 и Grit X/X ProТакже подходит для других часов с креплением 22 ммЭкологически чистый дизайн – изготовлен из переработанного пластика
feature_group_en - Sports & smart watch straps
feature_group_et - Spordi- & nutikellade rihmad
feature_group_lv - Sports & smart watch straps
feature_group_ru - Ремешки для спортивных & смарт-часов
manufacturer_code - 910109890
name_en - Polar watch strap #Tide 22mm M/L, blue
name_et - Polar kellarihm #Tide 22mm M/L, sinine
name_lv - Polar watch strap #Tide 22mm M/L, blue
name_ru - Polar ремешок для часов #Tide 22 мм M/L, синий
Specifications - Band material - Plastic
Specifications - Color - Blue
Specifications - Krāsa - Zila
Specifications - Pulksteņa modelis - Polar Grit X
Specifications - Pulksteņa modelis - Polar Grit X Pro
Specifications - Pulksteņa modelis - Polar Vantage M
Specifications - Pulksteņa modelis - Polar Vantage M2
Specifications - Pulksteņa modelis - Polar Vantage V3
Specifications - Siksnas materiāls - Plastmasa
Specifications - Siksnas platums (mm) - 22
Specifications - Strap width (mm) - 22
Specifications - Watch model - Polar Grit X
Specifications - Watch model - Polar Grit X Pro
Specifications - Watch model - Polar Vantage M
Specifications - Watch model - Polar Vantage M2
Specifications - Watch model - Polar Vantage V3
Данные - Материал ремня - Пластик
Данные - Модель часов - Polar Grit X
Данные - Модель часов - Polar Grit X Pro
Данные - Модель часов - Polar Vantage M
Данные - Модель часов - Polar Vantage M2
Данные - Модель часов - Polar Vantage V3
Данные - Цвет - Синий
Данные - Ширина ремня (мм) - 22
46,80 €
Polar Woven band M-L, Grey/Orange - for Polar Ignite Vantage 3, Vanage M/M2, Grit X/Grit X Pro
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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