Twinkly Candies LED TWKS200RGB-G

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ID: 1037249 Tuotekoodi: TWKS200RGB-G
Voidaan tilata 31 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
67,93 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 17.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 17.04.2025
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
BrandCode - Twinkly
Category - Root/Smarthome/LED lighting/Smart lighting
Description - Discover the phenomenal possibilities of Twinkly Candies, which are the perfect combination of innovative technology and artistic expression. Thanks to the LED technology used, each installation will illuminate the space with extraordinary lighting effects. Featuring 200 RGB LEDs, the device allows you to create your own unique compositions that will delight both household members and guests. Twinkly Candies is not only a decoration, it is also a tool to express yourself and inspire others. Using the Twinkly app, you can easily control the lighting effects using your smartphone. This provides unprecedented customisation, making it easy to create animations and effects according to your mood and preferences. Add a social connection by creating different visuals that are perfect for a variety of occasions - from house parties to Christmas decorations. What's more, with BT+WiFi technology, you can easily synchronise your lights with other Twinkly devices. Twinkly Candies are also a symbol of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Thanks to its low-voltage 5V operation, the device is environmentally friendly and consumes little energy, making it ideal for those who care about the planet's resources. By choosing Twinkly Candies, you not only get an extraordinary decoration, but also a universal source of inspiration that creates beauty and harmony in any setting. The high quality of workmanship and aesthetics mean that these lights will work equally well both indoors and outdoors. Type: LED Colour: RGB Technology: BT+WiFi Diode diameter: 7mm Power supply: USB-C Degree of protection: IP20 Easy to install Compatible with smart home
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 55 mm
dimension height - 180 mm
Dimensions - length - 12
dimension weight - 355 g
dimension width - 120 mm
ean - 8053614841226
EAN - 8053614841226
Eans - 8053614841226
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - voice control support - Amazon Alexa
Functions - voice control support - Apple Siri
Functions - voice control support - Google Assistant
General parameters - colour - green
General parameters - manufacturer - Twinkly
General parameters - protection level - IP20
GrossWeight - 0.5000
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.1800
Illumination - dimmable
Illumination - average lamp life - 30000
Illumination - lamp type - LED string lights
Illumination - light flux - colored
Illumination - number of light sources - 200
Interfaces - Apple HomeKit
Interfaces - Bluetooth
Interfaces - Google Home
Interfaces - WiFi
Lenght - 12 m
Length - 0.0560
Light color - RGB
LongDescription ET - Loov valgus igaks olukorraks
Twinkly Candies Stars pakuvad säravaid ja kohandatavaid valgusefekte, mis lisavad igale ruumile või sündmusele mängulisust ja loovust. Tänu Twinkly äpile saad seada oma valgustuse täpselt vastavalt meeleolule, kasutades üle 16 miljoni värvitooni.
Lihtne seadistamine ja paigaldamine
Candies Stars on kerged ja kaasaskantavad, ühendudes USB-C kaudu, mistõttu sobivad need suurepäraselt aastaringseks kasutamiseks nii siseruumides kui ka väljas. Twinkly äpi abil saad kaardistada iga LED-tule, luues ainulaadseid valgusefekte ja värviüleminekuid.
Muusikaga sünkroniseerimine
Koos Twinkly Music'iga tantsivad tuled muusika rütmis, lisades igale pidustusele või mänguõhtule dünaamilist valgustust.
MediumDescription EN - Twinkly Candies, star-shaped, smart decorative lights bring enchantment to any living space in your home with extraordinary brightness, customizable effects mappable from your phone and a lightweight, portable design. Whether you want to create a cozy glow in your child's room, craft mesmerizing streaming setups, elevate holiday celebrations, or add a personalized touch to your interior. Set the scene with Candies. • App controlled: Control all your decorations with just the Twinkly mobile application
• Combine Virtually: Virtually combine multiple Twinkly lights into one beautiful installation
• Instant setup: Easily set up Twinkly lights with Bluetooth® & WiFi connectivity
• Voice control: Twinkly works with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa
• Sync with music: Make all your decorations dance to the rhythm of your music with amazing synchro capabilities
• Sync with gameplay: Get the ultimate multi-sensory gaming experience with Razer Chroma RGB & Omen Light Studio
MediumDescription ET - Twinkly Candies Stars on tähekujulised nutikad dekoratiivsed tuled, mis toovad maagilise valguse igasse kodu nurka. Need kerged ja kaasaskantavad tuled pakuvad eredat valgust ja kohandatavaid efekte, mida saab hallata Twinkly mobiilirakenduse abil. Üle 16 miljoni värvi ja piiramatu loomingulise vabadusega loovad Candies Stars meeleolu, olgu see siis lapse toas, voogesitusseadetes või pidustuste ajal. Ühendatavus USB-C kaudu muudab need kergesti kasutatavaks aastaringselt. Toiteallikas ei kuulu komplekti.
• Tähekujulised, kohandatavad nutikad tuled
• Üle 16 miljoni värvi
• USB-C ühenduvus (toiteallikas ei kuulu komplekti)
• Ühilduvus Alexa ja Google Assistantiga
• Muusika ja mängudega sünkroniseerimine
MediumDescription LV - Twinkly Candies, zvaigžņveida, viedā gaismas virtene piešķirs burvību jebkurai jūsu mājas dzīves telpai ar neparastu spilgtumu un pielāgojamiem efektiem, kas kartējami no jūsu tālruņa, un vieglu, pārnēsājamu dizainu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties sava bērna istabā radīt mājīgu mirdzumu, izveidot burvīgus straumēšanas iestatījumus, izcelt svētku svinības vai piešķirt savam interjeram personalizētu pieskārienu. Iestatiet ainu ar Candies. • Kontrolētas ar lietotni: kontrolējiet visus savus rotājumus, izmantojot tikai mobilo lietojumprogrammu Twinkly
• Apvienot virtuāli: virtuāli apvienojiet vairākas Twinkly gaismas vienā skaistā instalācijā
• Tūlītēja iestatīšana: viegli iestatiet Twinkly gaismas, izmantojot Bluetooth® un WiFi savienojumu
• Balss vadība: Twinkly darbojas ar Google Assistant un Amazon Alexa
• Sinhronizācija ar mūziku: ļaujiet visām dekorācijām dejot mūzikas ritmā ar pārsteidzošām sinhronizācijas iespējām
• Sinhronizācija ar spēli: iegūstiet izcilu vairāku sensoru spēļu pieredzi, izmantojot Razer Chroma RGB un Omen Light Studio
name - Twinkly Candies 200 LED RGB Green Star
Name - Twinkly Candies LED TWKS200RGB-G
Name EN - Twinkly Candies – 200 Star-shaped, Green Wire, USB-C
Name ET - Twinkly Candies – 200 Star-shaped, Green Wire, USB-C
NameInWeb EN - Twinkly Candies Stars, RGB, 200 LED, USB-C, 12 m, green wire - Smart Lights
NameInWeb ET - Twinkly Candies Stars, RGB, 200 LED, USB-C, 12 m, roheline - Nutivalgusti
NameInWeb LV - Twinkly Candies Stars, RGB, 200 LED, USB-C, 12 m, zaļš vads - Viedā gaismas virtene
Name LV - Twinkly Candies – 200 Star-shaped, Green Wire, USB-C
NetWeight - 0.5000
Number of LEDs - 200 LED/m
Other features -
Power supply - power supply - USB-C
producer - TWINKLY
Producer - Twinkly
ProducerCode - TWKS200RGB-G
ProductCode - TWKS200RGB-G
ProductionCountry - CN
Protection class - IP20
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
ShortDescription -
TariffNo - 94053100
Type of LED - LED
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - TWKS200RGB-G
Volume - 0.00120960
Width - 0.1200
67,93 €
Twinkly Candies LED TWKS200RGB-G
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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