Leitz IQ Protect Premium Paper Shredder 8X P4

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 945033 Tuotekoodi: 80910000
Voidaan tilata 4 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta
167,89 €
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 20.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Katkaisukoko (mm): 4x40
  • Silppuamistyyppi: Cross-Cut
  • Turvataso (DIN 66399): P-4
Jäteastian tilavuus (L) : 14
Katkaisukoko (mm) : 4x40
Melutaso (dB) : 55
Paino (kg) : 5
Paperin syöttöleveys (mm) : 220
Samanaikaisten sivujen enimmäismäärä : 8
Silppuamisnopeus (mm/s) : Ei määritelty
Silppuamistyyppi : Cross-Cut
Turvataso (DIN 66399) : P-4
Automaattinen käynnistys : Ei ole
CD-levyjen tuhoaminen : Ei ole
Luottokorttien tuhoaminen : Ei ole
Niittien tuhoaminen : Ja
Ominaisuus käänteinen : Ja
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Brand - Leitz
BrandPartCode - 80910000
Category - Paper Shredders
Category - Root/Office | Company/Sprzęt biurowy/Document shredders
dimensionalWeight - 10010
Eans - 4002432127160
Features - Anti-jam mechanism - Yes
Features - Autostop on jamming - Yes
Features - Basket volume - 14 L
Features - Bin full indicator - Yes
Features - Castor wheels - No
Features - Control type - Touch
Features - Credit cards shredding - No
Features - Handle(s) - No
Features - Media weight - 80 g/m²
Features - Paper shredding - Yes
Features - Product colour - Grey
Features - Product colour - Grey, White
Features - Product colour - White
Features - Pull-out bin - Yes
Features - Reverse - Yes
Features - Security level (paper) - P-4
Features - Shredding capacity - 8 sheets
Features - Shredding CDs - No
Features - Shredding paper clips - Yes
Features - Shredding staples - Yes
Features - Viewing window - Yes
GTIN - 4002432127160
LongDesc - This super-quiet paper shredder allows for a calm working environment and does not disturb what you are doing. It features clean and easy emptying with the convenient 14L drawer style pull-out bin and will neatly fit in any room in the house or under the office desk due to its compact size. The easy to use touch controls allow you to effortlessly shred up to 8 sheets of A4 paper in one go. Protect your personal and business data with this P4 cross cut security level shredder while bringing some style to your home or office!
LongProductName - A4, P-4, 14 L, 179 x 354 x 277 mm, 4.8 kg, White
LongSummaryDescription - Leitz IQ Protect Premium Paper Shredder 8X P4. Basket volume: 14 L, Control type: Touch, Shredding capacity: 8 sheets. Width: 351 mm, Depth: 204 mm, Height: 355 mm
Name - Leitz IQ Protect 8, P4, 8 kar
Producer - Leitz
producerCode - 80910000
ProducerCode - 80910000
ProductName - IQ Protect Premium Paper Shredder 8X P4
productName - Leitz Shredder IQ Protect Premium 8X, P4, 8 sheets, 14 l basket
productSize - Normal
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - Leitz IQ Protect Premium Paper Shredder 8X P4, 14 L, Touch, 8 sheets, P-4, Grey, White, 80 g/m²
sizeX - 385
sizeY - 500
sizeZ - 260
Title - Leitz IQ Protect Premium Paper Shredder 8X P4
URL - https://www.leitz.com/en-nu/products/leitz-iq-protect-premium-paper-shredder-8x-p4_80910000/
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - F
weight - 6920
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 204 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 355 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 4.8 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 351 mm
167,89 €
Leitz IQ Protect Premium Paper Shredder 8X P4
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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