Huawei Band 8, Sakura Pink

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 965164 Tuotekoodi: 55020ANQ
Varastossa 49 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
43,85 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 07.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 07.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Aina päällä oleva näyttö: N/A
  • Bluetooth: Ir
  • GPS: Ir
  • Kosketuksettomat maksut: Nav
  • Malli: Huawei Band 8
  • Näytön koko: 1.47"
  • SIM-kortit: Nav
  • Sisäänrakennettu muisti (GB): N/A
  • Väri: Vaaleanpunainen
  • Akun kapasiteetti (mAh): 180
Kaikki parametrit
"Etsi puhelimeni" -toiminto : Nav
Aina päällä oleva näyttö : N/A
Barometri : Nav
Bluetooth : Ir
GPS : Ir
Herätyskello : Ir
Ilmoitukset : Ir
Kalenteri : Ir
Keskimääräinen akun kesto : 14 dienas
Kosketuksettomat maksut : Nav
Kosketusnäyttö : Ir
Latausaika (h) : 1.5
Lataustyyppi : Magnētiskā
Malli : Huawei Band 8
Musiikin hallinta : Nav
Nopea "SOS"-toiminto : Nav
Näyttö : AMOLED
Näytön kirkkaus (nits) : N/A
Näytön koko : 1.47"
Näytön resoluutio : 194 x 368
Näytön suojaus : N/A
Paino (g) : 15
Pakkasenkestävyys : Ir
Pelit : Nav
Pulsometri (HRM) : Ir
SIM-kortit : Nav
Sisäänrakennettu muisti (GB) : N/A
Sää : Ir
Tekstiviesti/Kutsuttu : Ir
Terveyden ja aktiivisuuden seuranta : Attālums, Kaloriju skaitītājs, Miega uzraudzība, Sirdsdarbības ritms, Soļu skaits, Stresa līmeņa uzraudzība, Temps, Treniņa taimeris, Treniņu režīmi
Täydellinen : Lādētājs, Lietotāja rokasgrāmata, Pulkstenis, Siksniņa
Valokuvakamera : Nav
Vedenkestävyys (m) : 50
Videopuhelut : Nav
Väri : Vaaleanpunainen
Wi-Fi : Nav
Ääniohjaus : Nav
Akun kapasiteetti (mAh) : 180
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Battery - fast charging
Battery - battery life up to - 336
Brand - Huawei
BrandCode - HUAWEI
BrandPartCode - 55020ANQ
Category - Activity Trackers
Climate - operating temperature - -10 - 45
Clock - changeable band
Clock - casing material - polymer
Clock - compatible with - Android
Clock - compatible with - EMUI
Clock - compatible with - iOS
Clock - included in the set - cable
Clock - watch type - smartwatch
Code - 55020ANQ
Data exchange - WiFi
Data exchange - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Design - Band colour - Pink
Design - Band material - Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)
Design - Colour name - Sakura Pink
Design - Control type - Buttons, Touch
Design - Device type - Wristband activity tracker
Design - Form factor - Rectangle
Design - Housing material - Polymer
Design - Maximum strap length - 19 cm
Design - Minimum strap length - 12 cm
Design - Product colour - Black, Pink
Design - Removable strap - Yes
Design - Suggested gender - Female
Design - Waterproof - Yes
Design - Water resistance - 5 ATM
Design > Band material - Silicone
Design > Waterproof - Yes
Dimensions - depth - 0.899
Dimensions - height - 4.345
Dimensions - strap size - 120 - 190
Dimensions - weight - 14
Dimensions - width - 2.454
Display > Display - 194×368 pixels
Display > Display type - AMOLED
Display > Touchscreen - Yes
EAN - 6941487291403
Features - Accelerometer - Yes
Features - Alarm clock - Yes
Features - Calendar notifications - Yes
Features - Call notifications - Yes
Features - Calories burned - Yes
Features - Camera shutter function - Yes
Features - Do not disturb function - Yes
Features - Find my phone function - Yes
Features - Gyroscope - Yes
Features - Heart rate monitor - Yes
Features - Heart rate sensor type - Optical
Features - Hours slept - Yes
Features - Pedometer - Yes
Features - Stopwatch - Yes
Features - Timer - Yes
Features - Weather display - Yes
Features - Workout tracking - Yes
Functions - sensors - accelerometer
Functions - sensors - blood oxygen sensor (SpO2)
Functions - sensors - Gyroscope
Functions - sensors - Heart Rate sensor
General parameters - colour - pink
General parameters - manufacturer - Huawei
General parameters - protection level - 5ATM
General parameters - waterproof up to - 50
GrossWeight - 0.0300
GTIN - 6941487291403
Health and activity tracking - activity tracking
Health and activity tracking - maximal oxygen uptake mesurements (VO2 max)
Health and activity tracking - sleep tracking
Health and activity tracking - stress level functions
Health and activity tracking - swim workout mode
Health and activity tracking - women's health tracking
Health and activity tracking - workout modes
Health and activity tracking - heart rate - wrist
Height - 0.1220
Length - 0.0380
Link -
LongDesc - Airy Light on Your ArmHUAWEI Band 8 features an AMOLED bezel-less screen and angular design, showing us that elegance runs more than skin deep — even when you can barely feel it on your wrist.PressReplacePress to remove the strap — with Huawei's innovative quick release design, switching straps is that easy.Design YourOwn DisplayCreate a personalised watch face5 from your perfect outfit photo, to put your personality on full display!More FunMore FlairTap to download any one of 10,000+ exquisite watch faces6, or set an Always On Display (AOD) to stay plugged in at every glance.Tru Series Technologies Wrist-based Health and Fitness Expert The HUAWEI TruSleep™ 3.0 system tracks every second of slumber, while also providing the tools and tips you need to sleep tight every night.Smart TruSeen™ 5.0 capabilities allow the band to automatically track your SpO2 level7, and notify you immediately if it ever drops below the ideal range, so that you can get back to feel good in no time.HUAWEI TruSeen™ 5.0Wear Your Heart on Your SleeveHUAWEI Band 8 features a new and improved AI algorithm that tracks heart rate round the clock and tells you right away if something is abnormal8. The system shows you your resting heart rate data for the past 7 days in intuitive graphs, and provides healthy heart rate zones and upper limit reminders during workouts.HUAWEI TruSport™Enhances Your Fitness100 band-tastic workout* modes9 are here for you to choose from. The band will even recognise when you're running and walking, and automatically detect any of the four major swimming strokes, as well as provide real-time heart rate monitoring during swimming. You can even get rewarded with a wealth of wondrous data, including running ability index (RAI), weekly training load, recovery, and VO2Max10 with TruSport™ system support. AI running plan in HUAWEI Health app helps you get the most out of every step or stride. HUAWEI TruRelax™Relieves Your StressHUAWEI TruRelax™ technology makes it easy to take it easy, with stress-busting breath exercises. Activity reminders work in tandem with the Health Clovers in the Huawei Health app to keep you motivated to stay healthy and active throughout the day.Women's Health FeaturesThis band can help you track your menstrual cycle and anticipate your next period in advance, to ensure that you're always prepared8.Life Made EasySmall but SmartSwipe right to view the weather for the week and bring your music playback within finger's reach on HUAWEI Assistant·TODAY.Fast Charging, Robust Battery LifeHUAWEI Band 8 charges to capacity in just 45 minutes, which is 30% faster11. It can last for two whole days2 on a quick five-minute charge. Once fully charged, the band can be used for up to 14 days12, or 9 days13 in typical usage scenarios.Built to Outlast the ElementsHaving undergone eight strict tests, this band is built to handle whatever rough and rugged conditions you might encounter, thanks to 50 m water resistance15 and tried-and-tested durability.Compatible with More DevicesHUAWEI Band 8 works seamlessly with both iOS and Android smartphones3.Start a New ChapterTo learn more about fitness and health, download the Huawei Health app and start your journey right now!
LongDescription EN - Airy Lightness on Your Wrist
The Huawei Band 8 features a floating AMOLED display that seamlessly blends with a breathable wristband, providing a comfortable and stylish fit. Mix and Match Straps
With Huawei's innovative quick-release design, you can easily swap out the straps and mix and match them to suit your style and mood. Design Your Own Display
Create a personalized watch face using your favorite outfit's photo to showcase your unique personality. More Fun, More Style
Choose from over 10,000 stunning watch faces or set an Always-On Display (AOD) to keep your screen constantly connected and stylish. Tru Series Technologies
The Huawei Band 8 is equipped with the Tru series technologies for comprehensive wrist-based health and fitness tracking. Huawei TruSleep™ 3.0
The Huawei TruSleep™ 3.0 system monitors your sleep patterns and provides tools and tips to help you achieve a better night's rest. Huawei TruSeen™ 5.0 SpO2 Monitoring
The intelligent TruSeen™ 5.0 capability automatically tracks your SpO2 (blood oxygen saturation) levels and alerts you if they fall below the ideal range, ensuring your well-being. Huawei TruRelax™
The Huawei Band 8 cares for your body, mind, and soul. The TruRelax™ stress monitoring mode features soothing breathing exercises to help you reach a state of comfort, and the Healthy Living Shamrock provides timely reminders for fluid intake and medication, keeping you feeling great throughout the day. Huawei TruSport™
With 100 energizing workout modes, the Huawei TruSport™ fitness system covers your favorite activities and more, from running to cycling to swimming... even yoga! It tracks advanced metrics such as running efficiency index, VO2Max, recovery time, and workout impact, providing data-based advice and engaging TriRing challenges to keep you motivated. Women's Health Tracking
This smart band helps you track your menstrual cycle and predicts your next period, ensuring that you're always prepared. Fast Charging, Long Battery Life
The Huawei Band 8 charges to full capacity in just 45 minutes, 30% faster than its predecessor. With a quick 5-minute charge, it can last for two full days. With a full charge, the band can be used for up to 14 days or 9 days in typical usage scenarios. Compatibility
The Huawei Band 8 is compatible with both Android and iOS, bringing life-changing convenience right to your wrist.
LongDescription ET - Õhuline kergus sinu käel
Huawei Band 8 muljetavaldav AMOLED-ekraan näib õhus hõljuvat, sobitudes ülihästi hingavale kellarihmale, mida saab hõlpsasti ümber randme keerata. Ülikitsad ääred raamivad ekraani, juhtides tähelepanu sinu meeldivatele teenustele ja funktsioonidele. Rihmad, mida saab segada ja sobitada
Vajuta, et eemaldada rihm - Huawei uuendusliku kiirvabastuse disainiga on rihmade vahetamine lihtne. Kujunda oma ekraan
Loo isikupärastatud kellanägu oma ideaalse riietuse fotost, et oma isiksust täielikult välja näidata! Rohkem lõbu, rohkem stiili
Klõpsa, et alla laadida üks 10 000+ suurepärasest kella numbrilauast või seadista alati sisse lülitatud ekraan (AOD), et iga pilguheit oleks ühendatud. Tru seeria tehnoloogiad
Huawei Band 8 on varustatud Tru seeria tehnoloogiatega, mis pakuvad randmepõhist tervise- ja fitnessi jälgimist. Ühele on see aktiivsusmonitor, teisele spordikell. Huawei TruSleep™ 3.0
Huawei TruSleep™ 3.0 süsteem jälgib iga sekundit magamise ajal, pakkudes samal ajal tööriistu ja näpunäiteid, mida vajate iga öö magamiseks. Huawei TruSeen™ 5.0 SpO2 jälgimine
Nutikas TruSeen™ 5.0 võimekus võimaldab nutikellal automaatselt jälgida sinu SpO2 (vere hapnikusisalduse) taset ja teavitada sind kohe, kui see langeb alla ideaalse vahemiku, nii et saad kiiresti end hästi tunda. Huawei TruRelax™
Huawei Band 8 on mõeldud kehale, vaimule ja hingele. HUAWEI TruRelax™ stressi jälgimisrežiim on varustatud rahustavate hingamisharjutustega, mis aitavad teid hetkega mugavustsooni viia, ja Healthy Living Shamrock pakub õigeaegset vedelikutarbimise ja ravimite võtmise meeldetuletusi, et tunneksite end kogu päeva jooksul suurepäraselt. Huawei TruSport™
100 ergutavat treeningrežiimi katavad sinu kõige enam armastatud tegevusi ja palju muud, alates jooksmisest kuni jalgrattasõiduni* ja ujumiseni... kuni joogani! Huawei TruSport™ fitness-süsteem jälgib kõrgetasemelisi näitajaid, nagu jooksuvõime indeks, VO2Max, taastumisaeg ja treeningu mõju, koos andmepõhiste nõuannete ja kaasahaaravate TriRingi kontrollülesannetega, et saaksid ennast käima! Naiste tervise jälgimine
See käepael aitab sul jälgida oma menstruaaltsüklit ja ette näha järgmist menstruatsiooni, tagades, et oled alati valmis. Kiire laadimine, pikk aku kestus
Huawei Band 8 laeb täisvõimsuseni vaid 45 minutiga, mis on eelkäijaga võrreldes 30% kiirem. Viie minuti pikkuse kiirlaadimisega kestab see kaks täispikka päeva. Täislaetuna saab bändi kasutada kuni 14 päeva või 9 päeva tüüpilistes kasutusstsenaariumides. Ühilduvus
Huawei Band 8 on ühilduv nii Androidi kui ka iOSiga, tuues elumuutva mugavuse otse sinu randmele.
LongProductName - 1.47" AMOLED, 194 × 368 pixels, 282 ppi, 2.4 GHz, BT 5.0, 5 ATM, 5V/1A, 43.45 × 24.54 × 8.99 mm, 14 g, Sakura Pink
LongSummaryDescription - Huawei Band 8. Display type: AMOLED, Display diagonal: 3.73 cm (1.47"), Display resolution: 194 x 368 pixels. Device type: Wristband activity tracker, Form factor: Rectangle, Product colour: Black, Pink. Heart rate sensor type: Optical. Battery life: 14 day(s), Battery voltage: 5 V, Charging time: 45 h. Weight: 14 g, Width: 43.5 mm, Depth: 24.5 mm
MediumDescription EN - Huawei Band 8 is a lightweight and stylish smartwatch equipped with an AMOLED display and offers several health and fitness tracking features. It is an ideal companion for daily activities and workouts. • 1.47'' touchscreen AMOLED display
• Huawei TruSleep™ 3.0 sleep tracking
• Huawei TruSeen™ 5.0 heart rate monitoring
• Huawei TruRelax™ stress monitoring
• Huawei TruSport™ activity tracking
• Long battery life and fast charging
MediumDescription ET - Huawei Band 8 on kerge ja stiilne nutikell, mis on varustatud AMOLED ekraaniga ja pakub mitmeid tervise- ja fitnessi jälgimise funktsioone. See on ideaalne kaaslane igapäevaseks aktiivsuseks ja treeninguteks. • 1.47'' puutetundlik AMOLED ekraan
• Huawei TruSleep™ 3.0 une jälgimine
• Huawei TruSeen™ 5.0 südametöö jälgimine
• Huawei TruRelax™ stressi jälgimine
• Huawei TruSport™ aktiivsuse jälgimine
• Pikk aku kestvus ja kiirlaadimine
MediumDescription LV - Huawei Band 8 ir viegls un stilīgs viedpulkstenis, kas aprīkots ar AMOLED ekrānu un piedāvā vairākas veselības un fitnesa izsekošanas funkcijas. Tas ir ideāls sabiedrotais ikdienas aktivitātēm un treniņiem.• 1,47 collu skārienekrāna AMOLED ekrāns;
• Huawei TruSleep™ 3.0 miega uzraudzība;
• Huawei TruSeen™ 5.0 sirdsdarbības uzraudzība;
• Huawei TruRelax™ stresa monitorings;
• Huawei TruSport™ aktivitātes uzraudzība;
• Ilgs akumulatora darbības laiks un ātra uzlāde.
Name - Huawei | Band 8 | Smart watch | AMOLED | Touchscreen | Heart rate monitor | Waterproof | Bluetooth | Sakura Pink
Name EN - Huawei Band 8, pink
Name ET - Huawei Band 8, roosa
NameInWeb EN - Huawei Band 8, pink - Smartwatch
NameInWeb ET - Huawei Band 8, roosa - Nutikell
NameInWeb LV - Huawei Band 8, rozā - Viedpulkstenis
Name LV - Huawei Band 8, rozā
NetWeight - 0.0200
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -10 - 45 °C
Other features - Frequency band - 2.4 GHz
Other features > Colour - Sakura Pink
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 38.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 122.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 91.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 100 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 8.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 2.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.01 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEEE tax - No
Packaging content - Charging base - Yes
Packaging content - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Performance - Display diagonal - 3.73 cm (1.47")
Performance - Display resolution - 194 x 368 pixels
Performance - Display type - AMOLED
Performance - Pixel density - 282 ppi
Performance - Touchscreen - Yes
Performance > GPS (satellite) - No
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth version - 5.0
Ports & interfaces - Wi-Fi - No
Ports & interfaces > Bluetooth - Yes
Power - Battery life - 14 day(s)
Power - Battery voltage - 5 V
Power - Charging time - 45 h
Processor - processor -
Producer product name - Band 8
ProductCode - 55020ANQ
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - 8
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Screen - touch panel
Screen - display technology - AMOLED
Screen - panel resolution - 194x368
Screen - screen size - 1.47
ShortSummaryDescription - Huawei Band 8, Wristband activity tracker, 3.73 cm (1.47"), AMOLED, Waterproof, Pink
System requirements - Mobile operating systems supported - Android, iOS
TariffNo - 91021200
Technical details > Built-in microphone - No
Technical details > Built-in speaker(s) - No
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.03 kg
Technical details > Heart rate monitor - Yes
Technical details > Net weight - 0.02 kg
Technical details > Producer - Huawei
Technical details > Product type - Smart watch
Technical details > Vibrating alert - No
Title - Huawei Band 8 AMOLED Wristband activity tracker 3.73 cm (1.47") Black, Pink
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00042188
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 24.5 mm
Weight & dimensions - Thickness - 8.99 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 14 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 43.5 mm
Width - 0.0910
43,85 €
Huawei Band 8, Sakura Pink
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
Kaikki luokat