Samsung Bar Plus, 256GB, Titan Grey

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 534353 Tuotekoodi: MUF-256BE4/APC
Varastossa >50 yksiköt
Takuu: 3 vuotta
38,15 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 24.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 24.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Kapasiteetti: 256 GB
  • Kirjoitusnopeus (max.): Ei määritelty
  • Lukunopeus (max.): ~300 MB/s
Kapasiteetti 256 GB
USB-muistitikusta on tullut yhtä suosittu matkapuhelimen lisävaruste, joten suosittelemme ostamaan suuren kapasiteetin muistitikun. Tavallinen mitta flash-levyn tilavuudesta on noin 1,3 Gt:n DivX-elokuva, joten suosittelemme ostamaan vähintään 2 Gt:n flash-levyn elokuvien kuljettamista varten. Jos haluat kuljettaa DVD-levyn sisällön taskussa, kannattaa ostaa vähintään 8 Gt:n flash-levy.
Kirjoitusnopeus (max.) Ei määritelty

Tiedon enimmäiskirjoitusnopeus megatavuina sekunnissa. Se osoittaa, kuinka monta megatavua sekunnissa kyseinen flash-muisti voi "vastaanottaa" tietokoneelta tai muulta laitteelta. Esimerkiksi 5 MB/s mahdollistaa yhden korkealaatuisen mp3-tiedoston tai digitaalisen valokuvan "vastaanottamisen" sekunnissa.

Lukunopeus (max.) ~300 MB/s

Tiedon suurin lukunopeus megatavuina sekunnissa. Se osoittaa, kuinka monta megatavua sekunnissa kyseinen flash-muisti voi siirtää tietokoneeseen tai muuhun laitteeseen. Esimerkiksi 5 MB/s mahdollistaa yhden korkealaatuisen mp3-tiedoston tai digitaalisen valokuvan lähettämisen sekunnissa.

Väri : Harmaa
Satamat ja laitteet
Liitäntä : USB 3.2 Gen 1
Satama USB Type-A

USB2.0 teknisesti suurin kaistanleveysnopeus on 480 megabittiä, jotka muunnetaan megatavuiksi ja jotka ovat 40 megatavua sekunnissa reaalimaailman toiminnassa. Näin ollen USB2.0-muistit, jotka voivat kirjoittaa ja lukea tietoja yli 30 Mt/s, voidaan katsoa suurimmaksi nopeudeksi tämän yhteyden rajoissa.

Suuremman toimintanopeuden varmistamiseksi otettiin käyttöön USB3.0-standardi, joka on tällä hetkellä saatavilla uusissa keskihintaisissa ja kalliissa tietokoneissa ja jolla voidaan varmistaa enintään ~4 gigabitin sekuntinopeudella tapahtuva tiedonsiirto, mikä tarkoittaa jopa 400 megatavun kaistanleveyttä sekunnissa.

On kuitenkin

myönnettävä, että tietojen kopioimiseksi tällä nopeudella tietokoneessa on oltava kiintolevy tai SSD-levy, jonka kirjoitus- tai lukunopeus on yhtä suuri tai suurempi kuin flash-muistin luku- tai kirjoitusnopeus ja lähellä USB 3.0 -indeksiä.

USB 2.0 ja USB 3.0 ovat taannehtivasti yhteensopivia standardeja, eli USB 2.0 -laitteita voidaan käyttää USB 3.0 -liitäntäpaikoilla ja päinvastoin. On vain otettava huomioon, että käytetään hitainta kaistanleveyttä, eli USB 2.0:n

Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Brand - Samsung
BrandCode - SAMSUNG
BrandPartCode - MUF-256BE4/APC
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Datu nesēji :: Zibatmiņas (USB atmiņas)
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/Data storage device/USB Flash memory (Pendrive)
Category - USB Flash Drives
Category 1 - Flash-Speicher
Category 2 - USB Sticks
Category Code - MDU
Category_1 - Hard Drives and Pendrives
Category_2 - Pendrives
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Storage media > USB Memory
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Datu nesēji > USB atmiņa
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Datu nesēji > USB atmiņa
Code - MUF-256BE4/APC
Color - Titanum
Colour - Grey
Connection - USB Standard - USB 3.1 Gen 1
Desc - Apjoms: 256 GB, USB versija: USB 3.1, Lasīšanas ātrums: 300 Mb/s, Rakstīšanas ātrums: Nav zināms, OS savietojamība: Windows/Mac/Linux, Garantija: 5 gadi
Description - SAMSUNG BAR Plus USB 3.2 Gen 1 Flash Drive 256GB Performance Meets Style The Samsung BAR Plus 256GB USB Flash Drive combines modern design with impressive speed and reliability. Its sleek, titanium gray metal casing delivers durability and sophistication, making it a perfect blend of form and function. Ideal for professionals and everyday users alike, it offers a stylish way to carry and transfer your most important files. Blazing Fast Transfer Speeds Equipped with USB 3.1 technology, the BAR Plus delivers read speeds of up to 300MB/s, ensuring quick and efficient file transfers. Move large files, such as videos and presentations, in seconds, reducing waiting time and improving productivity. Backward compatibility with USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 ensures seamless performance with a variety of devices. Compact and Durable Design Built to withstand the toughest conditions, the BAR Plus features a sturdy metal body that is water-resistant, shockproof, temperature-proof, magnet-proof, and X-ray proof. This durability ensures your data remains secure even in challenging environments, making it an excellent choice for work, travel, or outdoor activities. Ample Storage Capacity With 256GB of storage, the BAR Plus provides plenty of space to store a vast collection of documents, photos, videos, and more. Its generous capacity means you can carry your entire digital library wherever you go, eliminating the need for multiple storage devices. Easy Portability and Convenience The ergonomic design includes a keyring hole, allowing you to attach the drive to your keys, bag, or lanyard for ultimate convenience. Its compact size ensures it fits effortlessly into pockets or bags, making it easy to take on the go. Trusted Samsung Quality Samsung’s reputation for reliable technology is evident in the BAR Plus. With a 5-year limited warranty, you can trust this USB flash drive to deliver dependable performance and secure data storage for years to come. Upgrade Your Storage Today The Samsung BAR Plus 256GB USB Flash Drive is more than just a storage device. It’s a stylish and durable solution for anyone who values speed, reliability, and design. Whether for personal use or professional needs, it is the perfect choice for transferring and protecting your data.
Description - Szybkość w wielkim stylu
Nowoczesne podejście do klasyki. BAR Plus nowej generacji przenosi pamięć flash na niezbędny element codziennego użytku, oferując imponującą szybkość i efektowny wygląd. Dopasowany do dłoni metalowy unibody to czysty minimalizm w napędzie, który sprytnie łączy styl, szybkość i niezawodność. Przenoś pliki w mgnieniu oka
Odzyskaj swój czas. Szybkie i wygodne prędkości odczytu do 300 MB/s dzięki najnowszemu standardowi USB 3.1 dają więcej czasu na pracę, zabawę, oglądanie i tworzenie. Wyślij plik wideo 3 GB 4K UHD z BAR Plus na komputer w zaledwie 10 sekund. Wytrzymałe wyrafinowanie
Tak silny, jak to jest stylowe. Solidny metalowy korpus został zaprojektowany tak, aby Twoje dane były bezpieczne i nienaruszone, a zintegrowany brelok może zapobiec przypadkowemu zgubieniu lub zgubieniu. BAR Plus to idealne połączenie oszałamiającego designu i bezproblemowej trwałości. Twardy i godny zaufania
Pliki pozostają bezpieczne, gdziekolwiek jesteś. Wiodąca pozycja Samsunga w dziedzinie pamięci flash sprawia, że BAR Plus jest godnym zaufania napędem do przechowywania cennych danych. Działa to wszystko dzięki obudowie wodoodpornej, odpornej na wstrząsy, odpornej na temperaturę, odpornej na magnes i odpornej na promieniowanie rentgenowskie, wszystkie objęte 5-letnią ograniczoną gwarancją.
description_en - Samsung MUF-256BE
Capacity: 256 GB
Device Interface: USB Type-A
USB Version: 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)
Read speed: 300 MB/s
Write speed: 30 MB/s
Format: Monoblock
Password protection
Weight: 10.9 g
Product Color: Gray
description_lv - Samsung MUF-256BE
Kapacitāte: 256 GB
Ierīces interfeiss: A tipa USB
USB versija: 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)
Lasīšanas ātrums: 300 MB/s
Ierakstīšanas ātrums: 30 MB/s
Formāts: monobloks
Aizsardzība ar paroli
Svars: 10,9 g
Produkta krāsa: pelēka
description_ru - Samsung MUF-256BE
Емкость: 256 GB
Интерфейс устройства: USB тип-A
Версия USB: 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)
Скорость считывания: 300 MB/s
Скорость записи: 30 MB/s
Формат: Моноблок
Защита паролем
Вес: 10,9 g
Цвет товара: Серый
Design - Certification - KC, FCC, CE, VCCI, RCM
Design - Form factor - Capless
Design - Product colour - Grey
Design - Protection features - Magnet proof, Shock resistant, Temperature proof, Waterproof, X-ray proof
Design > Colour of product - Grey
Design > Material - Metal
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 20 mm
dimension height - 150 mm
Dimensions - 15,60 x 40,01 x 11,70 mm
Dimensions - 15.60 X 40.01 X 11.70 mm
Dimensions - depth - 1.202
Dimensions - height - 1.546
Dimensions - weight - 10.9
Dimensions - width - 4.05
dimension weight - 20 g
dimension width - 110 mm
EAN - 8801643230678
ean - 8801643230678
Eans - 8801643230678
EAN_code - 8801643230678
Flash drive series - BAR Plus
Flash memory capacity - 256 GB
Flash memory capacity - 256GB
Full Description Line - BAR Plus|1xUSB 3.1|Capacity 256GB|Read speed 400 MBytes/sec|Write speed 300 MBytes/sec|Colour Grey
General parameters - colour - dark gray
General parameters - manufacturer - Samsung
GrossWeight - 0.0200
gross_weight - 0.1 kg
GTIN - 8801643230678
guarantee - 60
guarantee_type - normal
Height - 0.0050
ImageUrl -
Interface - USB 3.0/USB 3.1 gen 1/USB 3.2 gen 1
Interfaces - USB-A
LargeDescHTML - trums ar stiluModernais izaicina klasiku. Nkams paaudzes BAR Plus pace zibatmias disku ikdienas nepieciešambas lmen, piedvjot iespaidgu trumu un spou dizainu. rti satveramais metla korpuss ir veidots minimlisma stil, un taj ir atjautgi apvienots stils, trums un uzticamba.Prvieto failus vien mirklIetaupi laiku. trs un rts lasšanas trums ldz pat 300 MB/s* apvienojum ar jaunko USB 3.1 standartu piedv vairk laika darbam, splm, vrošanai un radšanai. Prsti 3GB 4K UHD video failu no sava Bar Plus uz datoru tikai 10 sekunds**.*Ldz 300 MB/s 256/128 GB modeiem‡ ldz 200 MB/s 64/32 GB modeiem. **Vismaz 10 sekundes 256/128 GB modeiem‡ vismaz 14 sekundes 64/32 GB modeiem (testts apvienojum ar Asus Z370-G, Intel i7-8700K@3.70GHz, 8GB DDR4 un Windows 10 Enterprise 64biti).Raupja izsmalcintbaTikpat spcgs, cik stilgs. Izturgais metla korpuss glabs Tavus datus droši un nevainojami, bet integrtais piekariš novrss netšu prvietošanu vai pazaudšanu. BAR Plus ir nevainojama elpu aizraujoša dizaina un uzticamas izturbas kombincija.Izturgs un uzticamsLai kurp Tu dotos, Tavi faili ir drošb. Samsung vadoš loma zibatmiu jom garant BAR Plus diska uzticambu, taj var droši glabt vrtgkos datus. Tas ir densizturgs*, triecienizturgs**, noturgs pret temperatru***, izturgs pret magntu**** un rentgena starojumu*****, turklt tam ir 5 gadu garantija******.*Ldz 72 stundm jras den. **Ldz 1 500 gravitcijas patrinjumu. ***Iztur no -25°C ldz 85°C temperatru darbbas laik, no -40°C ldz 85°C nedarbojoties. ****Ldz pat 15 000 gausiem (ldzvrtgi MRI). *****Ldz pat 50 rentgeniem (ldzvrtgi lidostas rentgena iekrtm). ******Samsung neuzemas atbildbu par datu bojjumiem un/vai zudumiem , k ar par UFD datu rekonstrukcijas izmaksm. Vairk informcijas par garantiju skatt:
Length - 0.1530
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84717070
LongDesc - Pack it all inPlenty of room for the peace of mind you need. With storage capacities ranging from 64GB to 512GB[1] , you'll have space to store up to 170,251 photos or a full 24 hours of 4K video[2] , whichever suits your preference.Speed for any occasionHave your files ready right when you need them. BAR Plus transfers 4GB files in just 9 seconds[3] with sequential read speeds of up to 400 MB/s,[4] supported by the USB 3.2 Gen 1 standard. It's also backward compatible, allowing you to connect it to any USB 2.0 port.Flair in every movePairing a minimalistic, elegant design with a robust metal body, BAR Plus not only performs exceptionally but also looks good. The integrated keyring loop makes it easy to carry wherever you go, seamlessly blending style with practicality.Connect with confidenceWherever you go and whatever device you use, BAR Plus enhances efficiency with its extensive compatibility. Whether saving files on an office PC, playing videos on your home TV, or enjoying your favourite playlist in the car on the move, it gets the job done swiftly and reliably.Tough & TrustedFiles stay secure, anywhere you go. Samsungs flash memory technology makes the BAR Plus a trustworthy drive to store your valuable data. It offers protection against water[5] , shocks[6] , magnets[7] , temperature fluctuations[8] and X-rays[9]. Plus its backed by a 5-year limited warranty.Samsung Magician softwareUnlock the full power of BAR Plus with Samsung Magician software - a user-friendly suite of management tools that facilitates optimal USB flash drive performance. Verify product authenticity, monitor drive health, and benchmark performance.Bringing innovations to lifeFor decades, Samsungs NAND flash memory has powered groundbreaking technologies that have changed every part of our daily lives. This NAND flash technology also powers our USB flash drives, making room for the next big push of innovation.Fast transfer speedsDelivers sequential read speeds of up to 400 MB/s through its USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface, transferring 4GB files in a mere 9 seconds.Wide compatibilityCompatible with PCs, Macs, smart TVs, and cars via USB Type-A ports for seamless save, transfer, and play across devices.Reassuring reliabilitySafeguards data from water, extreme temperatures, x-rays, magnetic fields, and shock, making it well-suited for on-the-go usage.
LongProductName - MUF-256BE4/APC
LongSummaryDescription - Samsung MUF-256BE. Capacity: 256 GB, Device interface: USB Type-A, USB version: 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1), Read speed: 300 MB/s, Write speed: 30 MB/s. Form factor: Capless. Password protection. Weight: 10.9 g. Product colour: Grey
Manufacturer - Samsung
Manufacturer - SAMSUNG
Manufacturer_code - MUF-256BE4/APC
MediumDescription EN - A modern version of a classic. The next-generation BAR Plus turns a storage device into a basic consumer item that's blazingly fast and looks great at the same time. The metal monolithic case, designed exactly according to your hand, is a pure minimalist work of art that cleverly combines style, speed and reliability.
MediumDescription ET - Nüüdisaegne versioon klassikast. Järgmise põlvkonna BAR Plus teeb mäluseadmest elementaarse tarbeeseme, mis on rabavalt kiire ja näeb samas suurepärane välja. Täpselt sinu käe järgi kujundatud metallist monoliitkorpus on puhas minimalistlik kunstiteos, milles on nutikalt ühendatud stiilsus, kiirus ja töökindlus.
MediumDescription LV - Ātrums ar stilu
Modernais izaicina klasiku. Nākamās paaudzes BAR Plus paceļ zibatmiņas disku ikdienas nepieciešamības līmenī, piedāvājot iespaidīgu ātrumu un spožu dizainu. Ērti satveramais metāla korpuss ir veidots minimālisma stilā, un tajā ir atjautīgi apvienots stils, ātrums un uzticamība.
Memory / storage - memory capacity - 256 GB
Memory / storage - storage type - USB memory sticks
Memory / storage - transfer rate - 300
Model - BAR Plus USB 3.1
name - Pendrive BAR Plus USB3.1 256 GB Titan Gray
Name - Samsung 256GB BAR Plus Titan Gray USB 3.1
Name - Samsung BAR Plus 256 GB Titan Grey, USB-Stick (titan, USB-A 3.2 (5 Gbit/s))
Name - Samsung Drive Bar Plus 256GB Titan Gray
Name - Samsung | BAR Plus | MUF-256BE4/APC | 256 GB | USB 3.1 | Grey
Name - STICK 256GB USB 3.1 Samsung Bar Plus MUF-256BE4 Titan Grau
Name EN - USB flash Samsung 256GB Bar Plus USB3.1
Name ET - Mälupulk Samsung 256GB Bar Plus USB3.1
NameInWeb EN - Samsung BAR Plus, USB 3.1, 256 GB, titan gray - Memory stick
NameInWeb ET - Samsung BAR Plus, USB 3.1, 256 GB, titaanhall - Mälupulk
NameInWeb LV - Samsung BAR Plus, USB 3.1, 256 GB, tumši pelēka - USB zibatmiņa
Name LV - Zibatm. Samsung 256GB Bar Plus USB3.1
NetWeight - 0.0010
Operational conditions - Duration shock - 0.5 ms
Operational conditions - Operating shock - 1500 G
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -25 - 85 °C
Operational conditions - Operating vibration - 15000 G
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 85 °C
Other features - Compatible products - PC, laptop
Other features - Country of origin - Taiwan
Other features > Special features - Interface - USB 3.1 Gen 1 (backward compatible with USB 3.0/2.0)
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 10 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 152 mm
Package features > Gross weight - 0.025 kg
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 100 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 5684 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 15 g
Package features > PET - 7.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 1.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.016 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.000152 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Packaging data - Package type - Blister
Performance - Capacity - 256 GB
Performance - Device interface - USB Type-A
Performance - Plug and Play - Yes
Performance - Read speed - 300 MB/s
Performance - USB version - 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)
Performance - Write speed - 30 MB/s
Performance > Capacity - 256 GB
Performance > Interface type - USB 3.1
producer - Samsung
Producer - Samsung
ProducerCode - MUF-256BE4/APC
Producer product family - BAR Plus
Producer product name - MUF-256BE4/APC
ProductCode - MUF-256BE4/APC
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - MUF-256BE
Reading speed - 300 MB/s
Read speed - 400 MBytes/sec
Security - Password protection - Yes
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 15.5 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.03 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10.5 cm
ShortDescription - 256GB | USB 3.1 | Odczyt do 400 MB/s
ShortSummaryDescription - Samsung MUF-256BE, 256 GB, USB Type-A, 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1), 300 MB/s, Capless, Grey
TariffNo - 85423269
Technical details > Net weight - 0.009 kg
Technical details > Producer - Samsung
Technical details > Warranty - 60 month(s)
Title - Samsung MUF-256BE USB flash drive 256 GB USB Type-A 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Grey
title_en - Samsung BAR Plus USB 3.1 Flash Drive 256GB
title_lv - Samsung BAR Plus USB 3.1 Zibatmiņa 256GB
title_ru - Samsung BAR Plus USB 3.1 Флеш Hакопитель 256GB
Unit Box Height - 0.01
Unit Box Length - 0.155
Unit Box Width - 0.105
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0001627 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.03 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.01 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
USB 3.1 Input/Output connectors - 1
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - MUF-256BE4/APC
Volume - 0.00007803
Warranty - 60
Warranty - 60L months
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 0,02
weight - 0.011 kg
Weight - 0.02
Weight - 10 g
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 40 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 12 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 10.9 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 15.5 mm
Width - 0.1020
Write speed - 300 MBytes/sec
38,15 €
Samsung Bar Plus, 256GB, Titan Grey
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
Kaikki luokat