Western Digital My Cloud Home, 4TB

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ID: 153234 Tuotekoodi: WDBVXC0040HWT-EESN
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Takuu: 2 vuotta
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Asemien enimmäismäärä: 1
  • Kiintolevy mukana: 1 x 4 TB
Samanlaisia tuotteita
Tämä tuote Western Digital My Cloud Home, 4TB
Synology BeeStation BST150-4T, 4TB
Synology DiskStation DS124
Synology DiskStation DS224+
Suositeltu Qnap TS-253E-8G, 2-Bay
Näytä vastaavat tiedot. Piilota samanlaiset tiedot.
239,03 €
267,25 €
171,04 €
382,64 €
595,62 €
Asemien enimmäismäärä 1 2 1 2 2
CPU N/A Realtek RTD1619B Realtek RTD1619B Intel Celeron J4125 Intel Celeron J6412
CPU-ytimet N/A 4 4 4 4
eSATA-portti 0 0 0 0 0
Hot-Swap-tuki Osoitteesta Osoitteesta Osoitteesta Kyllä Kyllä
Kiintolevy mukana 1 x 4 TB 1 x 4 TB 0 0 0
Muotoilutekijä Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower
RAM N/A 1 GB 1 GB 2 GB 8 GB
RJ45-portti (LAN) 1 1 1 2 2
Suoritinytimen ydinkello N/A 1.70 GHz 1.70 GHz 2.00 GHz 2.00 GHz
USB2.0-portti 0 0 0 0 2
USB3.0-portti 1 2 2 2 2
Kaikki parametrit
Asemien enimmäismäärä : 1
CPU-ytimet : N/A
eSATA-portti : 0
Hot-Swap-tuki : Osoitteesta
Kiintolevy mukana : 1 x 4 TB
Muotoilutekijä : Tower
RJ45-portti (LAN) : 1
Suoritinytimen ydinkello : N/A
USB2.0-portti : 0
USB3.0-portti : 1
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 1.05 kg
Cable Included - LAN Cable
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Datu nesēji :: Ārējie cietie diski
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/Data storage device/External disks and casings
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - NAS-Systeme
Category Code - STS
Category_1 - Network and Servers
Category_2 - NAS
Data Link Protocol Supports - Gigabit Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Ethernet
Depth (mm) - 140 mm
Desc - Izmērs: 3.5", Apjoms: 4 TB, Maksimālais lasīšanas ātrums: 100 Mb/s, Interfeiss: USB 3.0, Krāsa: Balta, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - My Cloud Home is an easy-to-use personal storage device that plugs directly into your Wi-Fi TM router at home so you can save all your digital content in one central place. Automatically back up the photos and videos on your phone, and wirelessly back up and sync all your PC and Mac computers and cloud accounts.
Desktop/pedestal Mounting Type - Yes
Device Location - External
Dimensions - depth - 14
Dimensions - height - 17.55
Dimensions - weight - 1.03
Dimensions - width - 5.3
EAN - 718037848242
EAN - 0718037848242
EAN Code - 718037848242
Eans - 718037848242
EAN_code - 0718037848242
Form Factor - Desktop
Full Description Line - NAS Ready-to-go|Drives/bays 1|Desktop/pedestal|HDD Capacity 4TB|Included Accessories Ethernet cable,AC adapter,Quick Install Guide
General parameters - manufacturer - Western Digital
GrossWeight - 1.4400
HDD Capacity - 4TB
Height - 0.2050
Height (mm) - 175.5 mm
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/180118150131691866.jpg
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_31957_1.jpg
Included Accessories - Ethernet cable,
AC adapter,
Quick Install Guide
Included Accessories - Power AdapterĪsa lietotāja rokasgrāmata
Interface Provided - USB: 1x USB 3.0 (USB 3.0 (type A))LAN: 1x Gigabit Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Ethernet (RJ-45)
Interfaces - LAN (network, RJ45)
LargeDescHTML - INTRODUCING A NEW CLOUD THAT PLAYS BY YOUR RULESThe all-new My Cloud Home storage device plugs directly into your Wi-Fi router at home so you can easily save, organize and control all your digital content in one central place and wirelessly access it all from anywhere.ONE CENTRAL PLACE TO STORE AND ORGANIZE EVERYTHINGPlenty of space to keep photos, videos and files from all your phones, tablets, computers and external storage devices, in one place at home. Just plug it into your Wi-Fi router and use your smartphone to set up. No computer necessary. No monthly fee required.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSCompatible with Windows 7 (64-bit only) or later and Mac OS X v10.10 or later. For mobile, compatible with iOS 9+ and Android 4.4+. Requires a router and internet connection. My Cloud Home Capacities
2TB - 8TB
(1) Gigabit Ethernet
My Cloud Home – (1) USB port for importing
LED indicator light
Package Includes
My Cloud Home
Ethernet Cable
Power Supply and Cable
Quick Install Guide 
Length - 0.0900
Local Area Network Architecture - 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T
LongDescription EN - One central place to store and organize everything
Plenty of space to keep photos, videos and files from all your phones, tablets, computers and external storage devices, in one place at home. Just plug it into your Wi-Fi router and use your smartphone to set up. No computer necessary. No monthly fee required. Individual, private spaces for each user
Invite family and friends to create individual accounts. Each invited person can set up their own private space that only they have access to on the device. They can manage, access and share their content as they want. Mobile, on-the-go access
Use the My Cloud Home mobile app, desktop app or MyCloud.com to upload, access and share your favorite memories and stream videos saved on your My Cloud Home device anywhere you have an internet connection. Auto backup for all PCs and Mac computers at home
The My Cloud Home device has enormous capacity and plugs into your network to wirelessly back up every computer at home to one central place. It works seamlessly with Windows Backup and Time Machine software. Password Protection
Help secure all your content from prying eyes by setting a unique password for your My Cloud Home account, along with a passcode and touch ID for your My Cloud Home mobile app.
LongDescription ET - Üks keskne koht oma sisu talletamiseks ja organiseerimiseks
Sinu käsutuses on nüüd piisavalt ruumi oma failide, piltide ja videote hoiustamiseks oma arvutist, telefonist, tahvelarvutist või muudest andmekandjatest. Lihtsalt ühenda võrguketas oma ruuteriga ja kasuta nutitelefoni selle seadistamiseks. Seadistamiseks pole vaja arvutit. Samuti pole vaja maksta kuutasusid. Privaatruum igale kasutajale
Lase oma perel või sõbral luua oma individuaalsed salvestusruumid. Iga kutsutud kasutaja saab luua oma privaatruumi, millele juurdepääs on vaid temal endal. Samuti saavad nemad hallata oma sisu ja soovi korral seda jagada. Mobiilne ja alati mugava juurdepääsuga
My Cloud Home rakendusega nutitelefonile, arvutile või MyCloud.com abil saad kiiresti faile üles laadida, neid kasutada ning jagada või voogedastada. Ja seda saad teha sobiva seadmega kõikjalt, kui internetiühendus on tagatud. Automaatne varundamine sinu PC või Mac arvutitele
My Cloud Home seade on suure mahuga ning ühendades selle oma võrku, saad sa juhtmevabalt varundada iga oma koduse arvuti sisu ühte kindlasse kohta. See töötab laitmatult koos Windows Backup ja Time Machine tarkvaraga. Parooliga kaitstud
Muuda oma sisu turvaliselt kaitstuks kasutades unikaalset parooli My Cloud Home kasutajale või numbrikombinatsiooni ja sõrmejälge My Cloud Home nutirakendusele.
Manufacturer - Western Digital
Manufacturer_code - WDBVXC0040HWT-EESN
Maximum Operating Ambient Temperature - 35 °C
MediumDescription EN - The all-new My Cloud Home storage device plugs directly into your Wi-Fi router at home so you can easily save, organize and control all your digital content in one central place and wirelessly access it all from anywhere.
• Quick and simple setup from your phone
• On-the-go access with My Cloud Home app
• USB port to import from external USB drives
• Backup for all your PC and Mac computers
MediumDescription ET - Uus My Cloud Home väline võrguketas ühendub otse sinu WiFi ruuteriga ja nii saad oma digitaalsisu salvestada, organiseerida ja kontrollida ühest kohast ning juhtmevaba ligipääsuga kõikjalt!
• Lihtne ja kiire seadistamine nutitelefoniga
• My Cloud Home rakenduse juurdepääs oma andmetele kõikjalt (internetiühendusega)
• USB-liides andmete edastamiseks väliselt USB-andmekandjalt
• Varukoopiad sinu PC või Mac arvutitele
MediumDescription LV - Jaunā My Cloud Home ārējais cietais disks tiek pievienots tieši pie jūsu Wi-Fi mājas rūtera, lai jūs varētu viegli saglabāt, organizēt un kontrolēt visu savu digitālo saturu vienā, centrālā vietā un bez piepūles, piekļūt visam saturam no jebkkuras vietas.
Memory / storage - form factor - 3,5"
Memory / storage - storage type - external storage
Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature - 5 °C
Name - 3,5 4TB WD My Cloud Home grey
Name - WD My Cloud Home 4TB
Name - WD 4TB My Cloud Home, NAS
Name - Western Digital My Cloud Home 4TB White
Name EN - Ext.HDD WD 4TB NAS My Cloud Home
Name ET - Väl.HDD WD My Cloud Home 4TB 3.5" NAS
NameInWeb EN - External hard drive Western Digital My Cloud Home (4 TB)
NameInWeb ET - Väline kõvaketas Western Digital My Cloud Home (4 TB)
NameInWeb LV - Ārējais HDD cietais disks My Cloud Home, WD / 4TB NAS
Name LV - Ciet.disks WD 4TB NAS My Cloud Home
NAS features - Ready-to-go
NetWeight - 1.0500
Networking Compliant Standards - IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.3ab IEEE 802.3u
Nominal Weight - 1.05 kg
Number of drives/bays - 1
Package Type - Box
Packs in Box - 1
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 1.15 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 1.05 kg
Pieces in pack - 1
Producer - WD
ProducerCode - WDBVXC0040HWT-EESN
ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=180111083433119465&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
ProductCategory - Cietie diski
ProductCode - WDBVXC0040HWT-EESN
ProductDescription - HDD External My Cloud Home (4TB, Gigabit Ethernet)
ProductType - HDD External
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0 kg
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 23 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 21 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1.38 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 9 cm
ShortDescription - 3,5" | 4TB | USB3.0 | RJ45 | 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
ShortDescription EN - The all-new My Cloud Home storage device plugs directly into your Wi-Fi router at home so you can easily save, organize and control all your digital content in one central place and wirelessly access it all from anywhere.
ShortDescription ET - Uus My Cloud Home väline võrguketas ühendub otse sinu WiFi ruuteriga ja nii saad oma digitaalsisu salvestada, organiseerida ja kontrollida ühest kohast ning juhtmevaba ligipääsuga kõikjalt!
ShortDescription LV - Jaunā My Cloud Home ārējais cietais disks tiek pievienots tieši pie jūsu Wi-Fi mājas rūtera, lai jūs varētu viegli saglabāt, organizēt un kontrolēt visu savu digitālo saturu vienā, centrālā vietā un bez piepūles, piekļūt visam saturam no jebkkuras vietas.
Software - operating system support - Windows 7
Software - operating system support - Windows 8
Software - operating system support - Windows 10
Status Indicator - Activity Status
Storage device - HDD / Flash memory capacity - 4000
Storage device - type - hard drive
Storage System Type - NAS
TariffNo - 84717050
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.004347 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 1.38 kg
Unit Net Weight - 1.05 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vendor Homepage - www.wdc.com/products/personal-cloud-storage/my-cloud-home.html
Volume - 0.00415125
Warranty - 24L months
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 1,43
Weight - 1.36
Width - 0.2250
Width (mm) - 53 mm
239,03 €
Western Digital My Cloud Home, 4TB
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