Braun Series X XT5200

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ID: 758783 Tuotekoodi: XT5200
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Takuu: 2 vuotta
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • akun käyttöikä: 50 min
  • Akun latausaika: 1 hr
  • Akun tyyppi: Li-Ion
  • Parranajokoneen tyyppi: Trimmeri
  • Trimmeri: Onko
  • Virtalähde: Akku
Samanlaisia tuotteita
Tämä tuote Braun Series X XT5200
Suositeltu Braun Refills 4 Pack Clean and Renew CCR4 3+1
Braun 53B Series 5 / Series 6 sietiņš
Braun Series 3 300s Green
Braun 73S Series 7 sietiņš
Näytä vastaavat tiedot. Piilota samanlaiset tiedot.
51,42 €
29,26 €
40,80 €
56,23 €
44,65 €
akun käyttöikä 50 min N/A 30 min
Akun latausaika 1 hr N/A 1 hr
Akun tyyppi Li-Ion Ei ole Ni-MH
Näyttö Ei Ei Ei
Parranajokoneen tyyppi Trimmeri Ei sovellettavissa Kalvoparranajokone
Trimmeri Onko Ei Ei
Vedenkestävä Onko Ei Onko
Virtalähde Akku N/A Akku
Kaikki parametrit
akun käyttöikä : 50 min
Akun latausaika : 1 hr
Akun tyyppi : Li-Ion
Näyttö : Ei
Parranajokoneen tyyppi : Trimmeri
Trimmeri : Onko
Vedenkestävä : Onko
Virtalähde : Akku
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Brand - Braun
BrandCode - BRAUN
BrandPartCode - 400424
Category - Men's Shavers
Category - Root/Household articles/Small house appliances - hygiene and care/Razors for men
Cleaning - can be rinsed under the tap
Code - XT5200
Design > Colour of product - Black/Silver
EAN - 4210201400462
Eans - 4210201400424
Eans - 4210201400462
Facial care - product - hybrid styler
Features - Control type - Buttons
Features - Cutting actions per minute - 450
Features - LED indicators - Power
Features - Number of shaver heads/blades - 1
Features - Product colour - Black, Metallic
Features - Shaver system - Foil shaver
Features - Suitable for sensitive skin - Yes
Features - Trimmer - Yes
Features - Washable - Yes
Features - Waterproof - Yes
Features - Wet & Dry - Yes
Features > Cordless - Yes
Features > Maximum hair length - 5 mm
Features > Minimum hair length - 0.3 mm
General parameters - manufacturer - Braun
GrossWeight - 0.3600
GTIN - 4210201400424
GTIN - 4210201400462
Height - 0.1900
Indication > Battery low indication - No
Indication > Charging indicator - Yes
Length - 0.0550
Link -
LongDesc - Easy, fast and comfortable – thanks to the 4D-BladeThe innovative 4D-Blade has two central shaving zones and two side trimmers. The SkinGuard comb protects skin from the blade – for a comfortable shave that's close enough to look great while staying gentle on skin.Quickly get an even trimTrim both up and down thanks to the useful two-way comb. This easy movement means you can trim quickly and in the way that best suits you.Shape easily, but with precisionAdd precision to your styling routine thanks to the 4D-Blade and anti-slip, rubberized handle. Makes shaping precise and controlled—giving you confidence at any skill level.Easy, fast and comfortable in every strokeNo matter your level of skill, enjoy a comfortable shave that's not too close. This is thanks to the fully-activated 4D-Blade that consists of four powerful cutting elements—making 450 movements per second.Body groom with comfortAttach the SkinGuard to safely groom sensitive areas such as your groin, chest and underarms. The guard shields your skin for a gentle shaving experience, leaving you with smoother-feeling skin.Control in tricky areasGet quick and precise results with the pivoting Flex head, which adapts to your facial contours—particularly useful in tricky areas. Shave intuitively: up, down, back or forwards.6-month durabilityThe durable 4D-Blade is built to last. It's made from 100% stainless steel and consistently cuts for up to 6 months.Fully waterproofYour Series X can be used with foam or gel, at the sink or in the shower. Easily clean it under running water according to your own hygiene standards.Choose your preferred lengthEasily get your desired length with the click-on combs—available in the lengths of 1, 2, 3 and 5 mm for the face; and 3 mm and 0 mm (SkinGuard) for the body.
LongDescription ET - • Tänu painduvale Flex lõikepeale kohandub see näokontuuridega ja saad kiireid ning täpsed tulemused ka keerulistes piirkondades.
• Uuenduslikul roostevabast terasest 4D-lõikepeal on kaks keskmist raseerimisala ja kaks külgmist trimmerit, mis teevad 450 liigutust sekundis. Raseerib piisavalt nahalähedaselt, et hea välja näha, jäädes samal ajal nahale õrnaks. Tera on loodud kestma kuni 6 kuud*.
• Series X on täielikult veekindel ja seda saab kasutada koos vahu või geeliga ning duši all. Puhastage seda kergesti jooksva vee all.
• Lihtsalt saavutatav soovitud pikkus click-on otsakutega – näo jaoks pikkusega 1, 2, 3 ja 5 mm; ja 3 mm ja 0 mm (SkinGuard) keha jaoks. Komplektis:
• 1 x pardel
• 4 x kammotsak (1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm)
• 2 x kehaotsak (0 mm SkinGuard, 3 mm)
• 1 x reisikott
• 1 x nutikas laadija
LongDescription LV - Sasniedziet ātrus un precīzus rezultātus ar kustīgo Flex galviņu, kas pielāgojas jūsu sejas kontūrām – īpaši noderīgi sarežģītāk aizsniedzamās zonās. Inovatīvajam 4D-asmenim ir divas centrālās skūšanas zonas un divi sānu trimmeri, kas rada 450 kustības sekundē. Tas skuj pietiekami tuvu, lai izskatītos lieliski, saglabājot maigu skūšanu pret ādu. Asmens ir paredzēts līdz 6 mēnešu ilgai darbībai. Jūsu Series X ir pilnībā ūdensizturīgs un izmantojams ar putām vai gelu, kā arī dušā. Viegli tīrāms tekošā ūdenī. Ar ķemmju palīdzību viegli sasniedziet vēlamo garumu – pieejamas 1, 2, 3 un 5mm garumā sejas apmatojumam un 3mm un 0mm (SkinGuard) ķermeņa apmatojumam.Iepakojumā iekļauts:• 1 X elektriskais skuveklis• 4 X ķemmes sejas apmatojumam (1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm)• 2 X ķemmes ķermeņa apmatojumam (0 mm SkinGuard, 3 mm)• 1 X somiņa• 1 X lādētajs
LongProductName - Series X XT5200 Wet & Dry all-in-one tool with 6 attachments and travel pouch, black / grey-metal
LongSummaryDescription - Braun Series X XT5200. Shaver system: Foil shaver, Product colour: Black, Metallic, Control type: Buttons. Power source: AC, Battery type: Built-in battery. Package type: Box. Quantity per pack: 1 pc(s), Attachment combs: Beard, Body
MediumDescription EN - • Shave, trim and edge with one tool: all-in-one electric razor and beard trimmer for men. • • • Easy, fast and comfortable in every stroke. For face (1, 2, 3, 5 mm combs) and body (0, 3 mm combs).
• 4D-Blade technology: one blade with 4 cutting elements, consisting of 2 side trimmers and 2 central shaving zones—making 450 movements per second. Shaves close enough to look great, while staying gentle on skin.
• Built to last longer: this trimmer and shaver’s stainless steel 4D-Blade stays sharp for up to 6 months¹.
• Skin protection: this trimmer and shaver features a SkinGuard comb to protect your skin even in delicate areas—from chest, underarms or groin to face, neck or eyebrows.
• Designed for precision and control: trim both up and down with the two-way comb. Safely shave and manscape wet or dry thanks to the rubberized, anti-slip handle.
MediumDescription ET - • Lihtne, kiire ja mugav. Raseeri, trimmi ja kujunda ühe tööriistaga: kõik-ühes trimmer ja pardel meestele. Näole (1, 2, 3, 5 mm kammotsakud) ja kehale (0, 3 mm kammotsakud).
• Trimmi ja raseeri intuitiivselt, nii üles kui alla, tagasi või edasi, tehes lihtsaid ja kiireid liigutusi.
• Tänu 4D-lõikepea ja libisemisvastasele kummeeritud käepidemele, saad oma stiilirutiinile täpsuse ja parima kontrolli.
• Kinnita SkinGuard kaitseotsak ohutuks kasutamiseks tundlikes kohtades, nagu kubemepiirkond, rindkere ja kaenlaalused. Kaitseotsak kaitseb nahka õrnaks raseerimiseks, tagades sileda tulemuse.
MediumDescription LV - • Viegli, ātri un ērti. Skuj, griež un veido stilu ar vienu ierīci: trimmeris un elektriskais skuveklis viss vienā vīriešiem. Sejas apmatojumam (1, 2, 3 un 5mm ķemmes) un ķermeņa apmatojumam (0, 3mm ķemme);
• Bārdas pielīdzināšanai un skūšanai dažādos virzienos – gan uz augšu un leju, gan uz priekšu un atpakaļ, veicot intuitīvas, vieglas un ātras kustības;
• Papildiniet Jūsu stila veidošanu ar precizitāti un labāku kontroli, pateicoties 4D-asmenim un neslīdošajam gumijas rokturim;
• Pievienojiet SkinGuard ķemmi, lai droši koptu apmatojumu jutīgās zonās – cirkšņos, uz krūškurvja un padusēs. SkinGuard aizsargā ādu, nodrošinot saudzīgu skūšanu un padarot ādu vēl gludāku.
Name - Braun Series XT5200
Name - Braun | Beard trimmer | XT5200 | Cordless or corded | Wet & Dry | Black/Silver
Name EN - Trimmer/shaver X Braun
Name ET - Hübriidraseerija X Braun
NameInWeb EN - Braun Series X, black/grey - Trimmer/shaver
NameInWeb ET - Hübriidraseerija Braun Series X
NameInWeb LV - Braun Series X, melna/pelēka - Skuveklis/trimmeris
Name LV - Skuveklis-trimmeris Braun X series
NetWeight - 0.1840
Other features > Nose trimmer included - No
Other features > Rechargeable - Yes
Other features > Type - Cordless or corded
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 125 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 185 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 190 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 210 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 55 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 140 mm
Package features > Inner carton packing Qty - 5 pc(s)
Package features > Net weight master carton - 1.059 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 3 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 951 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 149 g
Package features > PET - 38 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.149 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.092 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.03 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00130625 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Attachment combs - Beard, Body
Packaging content - Charger - Yes
Packaging content - Number of stubble combs - 6
Packaging content - Pouch - Yes
Packaging content - Protection cap - Yes
Packaging content - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Packaging content - Travel case - Yes
Packaging content > Base station - No
Packaging content > Charger - Yes
Packaging content > Storage pouch - Yes
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Performance > Suitable for entire body - Yes
Performance > Wet & Dry - Yes
Power - Battery type - Built-in battery
Power - Power source - AC
Power - Rechargeable - Yes
Power > Battery technology - Built-in rechargeable battery
Power > Charging time - 1 h
Power > Operating time (max) - 50 min
Power > Power supply type - Accumulator
Power > Voltage - 100-240 V
Power supply - power supply - accumulator
Producer - Braun
ProducerCode - XT5200
Producer product family - Beard trimmer
Producer product name - XT5200
ProductCode - XT5200
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - XT5200
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shaver - case
Shaver - wet shaving
Shaver - accessories - storage bag
Shaver - attachments - beard trimmer
ShortDescription - Rodzaj: męska | Sposób golenia: na mokro i sucho | Rodzaj zasilania: akumulatorowe| Czas pracy bezprzewodowej [min.]: 45 | Czas ładowania [min.]:
ShortSummaryDescription - Braun Series X XT5200, Foil shaver, Black, Metallic, Buttons, Power, AC, Built-in battery
TariffNo - 85102000
Technical details > Attachments quantity - 6
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.353 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.204 kg
Technical details > Producer - Braun
Title - Braun Series X XT5200 Foil shaver Trimmer Black, Metallic
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00130625
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Width - 0.1250
51,42 €
Braun Series X XT5200
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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