TEESA Sonic, White

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 242908 Tuotekoodi: TSA8010
Voidaan tilata 10 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
36,96 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 31.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 31.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Rpm: 31000
  • Suuttimien määrä: 2
  • Virtalähde: Akku
  • Väri: Valkoinen
Kaikki parametrit
Bluetooth : N/A
Käyttöaika (h) : 3
Latausaika (h) : N/A
Näyttö : Ei ole
Rpm : 31000
Sisäänrakennettu sammutusajastin : Ja
Sisäänrakennettu sammutusajastin (min) : 2
Suuttimien määrä : 2
Tilat : 3
Virtalähde : Akku
Väri : Valkoinen
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included - - Induction Charger
- Two replaceable tips
Battery life - 180 min
Color - White
Description - If the electric toothbrush does not meet your expectations, it's time to move to a higher level of oral care. Tees Sonic, a technologically advanced device that thoroughly cleans your teeth, using a gentle, yet highly effective pulsating. As a result, washing teeth, it protects tooth enamel and prevents gum recession. Importantly, using the device, you can work out the correct habits of brushing time recommended by dentists. Every 30 seconds a toothbrush Sonic will remind you of the need to change the cleaned part of the oral cavity, and after two minutes will automatically turn off.
Tees Sonic is equipped with three operating modes, including the functions of cleaning, massage and gentle cleaning of sensitive teeth. Each uses 31 000 pulsations, so you are guaranteed an effective oral care.
Includes receive induction charger and two replaceable brush head. You can decide whether one of them useful for your other half, or will use it later as a backup option. At any time, you can obtain the available brand's tees additional head cleaning. Enjoy a beautiful smile without any restrictions. The toothbrush is equipped with a battery capacity of 700 mAh, which provides up to 6 weeks of work.
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 55 mm
dimension height - 215 mm
Dimensions -
dimension weight - 200 g
dimension width - 195 mm
ean - 5901890021647
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
name - Sonic Toothbrush SONIC
Other features - - Protection: IPX7
- Automatic shutdown after 2 minutes; guide every 30 seconds
- Soft bristles
- Sound level:
Power - Built-in battery
Pressure sensor - No
producer - TEESA
System - Sonic
Timer - Yes
Unboxing -
vendpn - TSA8010
36,96 €
TEESA Sonic, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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