Accessories included -
Brand - Philips
BrandCode - PHILIPS
BrandPartCode - FC8241/09
Cable length - 6 m
Capacity - 3 l
Category - Root/Household articles/Cleaning/Vaccum cleaners
Category - Vacuums
category_en - Home Appliances > House cleaning equipment > Vacuum cleaners
category_lv - Sadzīves tehnika > Mājas uzkopšanas tehnika > Putekļu sūcēji
category_ru - Sadzīves tehnika > Mājas uzkopšanas tehnika > Putekļu sūcēji
Code - FC8241/09
Color - Black
Colour of product - orange / off-white
Construction - -
Cord length, m - 6
Depth - 403 mm
Description - 2000 Series Odkurzacz workowy
Wysoka efektywność na wszystkich podłogach
Odkurzacz Philips PowerGo z wydajnym energetycznie silnikiem zapewnia najwyższą skuteczność odkurzania. Z kolei filtr antyalergiczny zatrzymuje ponad 99,9% drobnych cząsteczek, co pozwala utrzymać w domu czyste i zdrowe powietrze.
Silnik o mocy 900 W generujący dużą moc ssania
Wysokowydajny silnik o mocy 900 W generuje dużą moc ssania, co gwarantuje wysoką skuteczność odkurzania.
Wyłapywanie 99,9% kurzu zapewnia wysoką skuteczność odkurzania
Nasadka wysokiej jakości i wysoka moc ssania gwarantują zebranie 99,9% drobnego kurzu.
Mała i lekka konstrukcja ułatwia przenoszenie
Dzięki małej i lekkiej konstrukcji przechowywanie i przenoszenie odkurzacza jest łatwe.
Zasięg działania 9 m umożliwia odkurzanie w bardziej oddalonych miejscach bez przełączania wtyczki
Zasięg działania 9 m od wtyczki do nasadki pozwala na dłuższe użytkowanie bez konieczności odłączania.
Filtr antyalergiczny zatrzymuje 99,9% cząsteczek ma znak jakości ECARF
Certyfikowany filtr alergiczny wychwytuje 99,9% cząsteczek kurzu w tym pyłki, sierść i roztocza i jest idealny dla alergików.
Akcesoria można przechowywać w urządzeniu, aby zawsze były pod ręką
Szczelinówkę można przechowywać w odkurzaczu, aby zawsze była łatwo dostępna.
Łatwe w użyciu i trwałe worki mieszczą się w dużej 3-litrowej komorze na kurz
Duża, 3-litrowa komora na kurz i trwałe uniwersalne worki zapewniają optymalną moc ssania aż do całkowitego napełnienia, a także szczelne i higieniczne opróżnianie.
Uniwersalna nasadka umożliwia doskonałe czyszczenie na różnych typach podłóg
Uniwersalną nasadkę można łatwo dostosować przy pomocy pedału i korzystać z niej na twardych podłogach lub dywanach.
description_en - Powerful 900 W Motor: The very powerful motor with 900 W power provides excellent suction power, which allows you to achieve an excellent cleaning result.
99.9% Dust Collection: The high-performance nozzle and strong suction power guarantee that 99.9% of fine dust* is collected, providing an excellent cleaning result.
Compact and Lightweight for Easy Carrying: This vacuum cleaner is not only powerful, but also compact and lightweight, making it ideal for use and storage for maximum convenience.
description_lv - Spēcīgs 900 W Motors: Ļoti jaudīgais motors ar 900 W spēku nodrošina izcilu sūkšanas jaudu, kas ļauj sasniegt lielisku tīrīšanas rezultātu.
99,9% Putekļu Savākšana: Augstas veiktspējas uzgalis un spēcīgā sūkšanas jauda garantē, ka tiek savākti 99,9% smalko putekļu*, nodrošinot izcilu tīrīšanas rezultātu.
Kompakts un Vieglš Ērtai Pārnēsāšanai: Šis putekļu sūcējs ir ne tikai spēcīgs, bet arī kompakts un viegls, kas padara to ideālu lietošanai un uzglabāšanai, sniedzot maksimālu ērtību.
description_ru - Мощный двигатель мощностью 900 Вт. Очень мощный двигатель мощностью 900 Вт обеспечивает превосходную мощность всасывания, что позволяет добиться превосходного результата уборки.
Сбор 99,9% пыли: Высокопроизводительная насадка и высокая мощность всасывания гарантируют сбор 99,9% мелкой пыли*, обеспечивая превосходный результат уборки.
Компактный и легкий для удобной переноски: этот пылесос не только мощный, но также компактный и легкий, что делает его идеальным для использования и хранения с максимальным удобством.
Design - Cleaning type - Dry
Design - Dust bag type - S-bag
Design - Dust capacity - 3 L
Design - Dust container type - Dust bag
Design - Flexible hose - Yes
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Tube material - Metal
Design - Tube parts quantity - 2
Design - Tube type - Telescopic
Design - Type - Cylinder vacuum
Design - Wheels material - Plastic
Design > Cable length - 6 m
Design > Cordless - No
Design > Dust bag type - s-bag Classic Long Performance
Design > Dust capacity - 3 L
Design > Dust collector type - Bag
Design > Flexible hose - Yes
Design > Motor protection filter - Yes
Design > Tube type - Telescopic
Design > Wheels material - Plastic
Designation - CE+WEEE
DesignFeatures -
Packaging: > 90% recycled materials User manual: 100% recycled paper
dimension depth - 315 mm
dimension height - 240 mm
Dimensions - 403 x 263 x 220 mm
Dimensions - depth - 40.3
Dimensions - height - 22
Dimensions - weight - 4.3
Dimensions - width - 26.3
Dimensions W x D x H, mm - 263 x 403 x 220
dimension weight - 6000 g
dimension width - 500 mm
Dust bag - S-bag
EAN - 8710103807414
ean - 8710103807414
Eans - 8710103807414
EnergyClass - -
Ergonomics - Carrying handle(s) - Yes
Ergonomics - Control type - Buttons
Ergonomics - Cord length - 6 m
Ergonomics - Cord storage - Yes
Ergonomics - Handgrip accessory storage - Yes
Ergonomics - On/off switch - Yes
Ergonomics - Storage compartment - Yes
Ergonomics > Automatic cord rewinder - Yes
Ergonomics > Carrying handle(s) - Yes
Ergonomics > Dust bag full indicator - No
Ergonomics > Filter cleaning indicator - No
Ergonomics > On/off switch - Yes
Features > Colour of product - Black
Features > Type - Bagged
Filter - Antiallergic
Filter - Piankowy
Filtering > Filter type - Allergy filter captures more than 99.90% of fine dust
Filters - filters - Allergy filter
Filters - filters - motor filter
functions - Folding pipe
functions - Handle
General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
General parameters - noise power - 77
GrossWeight - 5.200 kg
GrossWeight - 6.4800
gross_weight - 10.04 kg
GTIN - 8710103807414
GTIN - 18710103807411
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.2900
Height - 220 mm
Height - 270.000000
Length - 0.3200
Length - 500.000000
Link -
LongDesc -
LongDesc - With allergy filter to trap fine dust and allergensHigh performance on all floorsThe Philips PowerGo vacuum cleaner delivers top cleaning performance with an energy-efficient motor. Keep the air in your home clean and healthy too, thanks to our Allergy Filter, which traps 99.9%+ of harmful particles.
LongProductName - Philips 2000 Series Bagged vacuum cleaner
LongSummaryDescription - Philips 2000 series FC8241/09 Bagged vacuum cleaner. Maximum input power: 900 W. Type: Cylinder vacuum, Cleaning type: Dry, Dust container type: Dust bag, Dust capacity: 3 L. Vacuum air filtering: Allergy filter, Dirt separating method: Filtering, Noise level: 77 dB. Product colour: Black
Manufacturer - PHILIPS
ManufacturerPartNumber - FC8241/09
Maximum input power - 900W
MediumDescription EN - Excellent performance on all types of floors. Antiallergenic filter captures the smallest particles of dust and allergens. The Philips PowerGo vacuum cleaner provides excellent cleaning. Provide clean and healthy air in your home with an anti-allergenic filter that holds up to 99.9% + harmful particles.• Suitable for allergy sufferers
• The anti-allergenic filter retains up to 99.9% of dust particles
• Simple s-bag dust collectors last longer by 50%
• Working radius up to 9 meters allows you to continue working without switching out the outlets
• Included accessories are always available
• Telescopic tube for easy cleaning
MediumDescription ET - Täiuslik jõudlus kõigil põrandatel allergiavastase filtriga, mis püüab kinni ka peenema tolmu ja allergeenid Tolmuimeja Philips PowerGo energiatõhus mootor tagab parima puhastustulemuse. Allergiavastane filter püüab kinni üle 99,9% ohtlikest osakestest, hoides teie kodus õhu puhta ja tervislikuna.
MediumDescription LV - Lielisks sniegums uz visa veida grīdām. Pretalerģijas filtrs aiztur sīkākās putekļu daļiņas un alergēnus. Philips PowerGo putekļu sūcējs nodrošina izcilu tīrīšanu, un tam ir AAA energoefektivitātes marķējums. Nodrošiniet tīru un veselīgu gaisu savās mājās, pateicoties mūsu pretalerģijas filtram, kas aiztur 99,9 %+ kaitīgo daļiņu.• Augsta veiktspēja ar 3AAA energoefektivitātes novērtējumu
• Piemērots alerģijas slimniekiem
• Pretalerģijas filtrs aiztur 99,9 % daļiņu — ECARF sertificēts
• Vienkāršie s-bag maisi kalpo līdz pat 50 % ilgāk
• 9 metru sasniedzamība ļauj turpināt darbu, nemainot kontaktligzdas
• 3 litru ietilpība nodrošina retāku maisu nomaiņu
• Iekļautie piederumi ir vienmēr pieejami
• Teleskopiskā caurule ērtai tīrīšanai
Model - FC8241/09
Name - Philips PowerGo FC8241/09
Name - Philips | Vacuum cleaner | PowerGo FC8241/09 | Bagged | Power 750 W | Dust capacity 3 L | Black
name - Vacuum cleaner Series 2000 FC8241/0
Name EN - Vacuum cleaner Philips, black
Name ET - Tolmuimeja Philips, must
NameInWeb EN - Philips PowerGo, 900 W, black/grey - Vacuum cleaner
NameInWeb ET - Tolmuimeja Philips PowerGo
NameInWeb LV - Philips PowerGo, 900 W, melna/pelēka - Putekļu sūcējs
Name LV - Putekļu sūcējs ar maisu Philips AAAD 750w
NetWeight - 4.3000
Noise - 77 dB
Noise level, dB - 77
Nozzles - nozzles - basic nozzle
Nozzles - nozzles - crevice nozzle
Other features -
Other features - Maximum power - 900 W
Other features > Hard floor brush - Yes
Other features > Special features - AirflowMax technology; Integrated brush for ultimate convenience; Motor filter: Microfilter
Other features > Telescopic tube - Tube type: Metal 2-piece telescopic tube
PackageContents - Accessories included: Crevice toolAccessory storage: On boardStandard nozzle: Multi-purpose nozzle
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 515 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 290 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 315 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 37 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 1000.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 1 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.04704525 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Crevice tool - Yes
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging content - User manual recycled paper - Yes
Packaging content > Turbo brush - No
Performance - Certification - ECARF
Performance - Cleaning surfaces - Carpet, Hard floor
Performance - Dirt separating method - Filtering
Performance - Noise level - 77 dB
Performance - Operating radius - 9 m
Performance - Proper use - Home
Performance - Removable filter - Yes
Performance - Vacuum air filtering - Allergy filter
Performance > Carpet cleaning performance class - D
Performance > Cleaning surfaces - Carpet, Hard floor
Performance > Dust re-emission class - A
Performance > Hard floor cleaning performance class - A
Performance > Noise level (max) - 77 dB
Performance > Operating radius - 9 m
Performance > Washing function - No
Performance > Wet suction - No
PeriodofWarranty - 24 M
Power - 900 W
Power - Dust re-emission class: ACarpet cleaning class: DHard floor cleaning class: AAnnual energy consumption: 27.9 kW·hInput power (IEC): 750 WSound power level: 77 Db
Power - Annual energy consumption - 27.9 kWh
Power - Input power (IEC) - 750 W
Power - Maximum input power - 900 W
Power > Energy efficiency class - AAA
Power > Power - 750 W
Power supply - power cord length - 6
Power supply - power supply - mains
ProdDesc - Philips PowerGo Vacuum cleaner with bag FC8241/09 Allergy filter 3L
producer - Philips
Producer - Philips
ProducerCode - FC8241/09
Producer product family - Vacuum cleaner
Producer product name - PowerGo FC8241/09
ProductCode - FC8241/09
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - 2000 Series FC8241/09 Bagged vacuum cleaner
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
Range - 9 m
ShortDescription - Moc [W]: 900 | Pojemność worka [l]: 3 | Promień działania [m]: 9 | Głośność [db]: 77
ShortSummaryDescription - Philips 2000 series FC8241/09 Bagged vacuum cleaner, 900 W, Cylinder vacuum, Dry, Dust bag, 3 L, Allergy filter
Special functions -
TariffNo - 85081100
Technical details - Cable length - 6 m
Technical details > Accessories included - 2-in-1 brush, Crevice tool, Replacement Kit
Technical details > Gross weight - 6.15 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 5.15 kg
Technical details > Producer - Philips
Technical details > Warranty - 24 month(s)
Technology - Dust bag type: s-bag Classic Long PerformanceDust capacity: 3 LExhaust filter: Allergy filterMotor filter: 1 layer foam filter
Title - Philips 2000 series FC8241/09 Bagged vacuum cleaner
title_en - Philips PowerGo Vacuum cleaner
title_lv - Philips PowerGo Putekļusūcējs
title_ru - Philips PowerGo Пылесос
Type - Bag 750 W
Type - With bag
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vacuum cleaner - automatic cable rewind
Vacuum cleaner - telescopic tube
Vacuum cleaner - dustbin / dustbag capacity - 3
Vacuum cleaner - dust collection method - dust bag
Vacuum cleaner - motor power - 900
Vacuum cleaner - power adjustment - not adjustable
Vacuum cleaner - type - with bag
Vacuum cleaner - working range - 9
vendpn - FC8241/09
Volume - 0.04732800
Warranty - 2 years
Warranty - 24
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 4.3 kg
Weight - 4.300 kg
Weight - 6.000000
weight - 10 kg
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 403 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 220 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 4.3 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 263 mm
Weight, kg - 4.3
Width - 0.5100
Width - 263 mm
Width - 310.000000