Savio Shadow X2, Tempered Glass, Black

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ID: 1063725 Tuotekoodi: SAVGC-SHADOWX2
Voidaan tilata 4 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
78,38 €
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 17.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Muotoilutekijä: Extended ATX
  • Tapauksen tyyppi: Premium Quality
  • Väri: Musta
  • PSU: Ei ole
Kaikki parametrit
Muotoilutekijä : Extended ATX
Tapauksen tyyppi : Premium Quality
Väri Musta
Kotelon etupaneelin väri. Tämä parametri on likimääräinen ja voi poiketa kotelon todellisesta väristä.
Sivupaneelin tyyppi : Karkaistu lasi
PSU : Ei ole
Max. CPU-jäähdyttimen korkeus, mm : 160
Patterin enimmäiskoko, mm : 360
Max. Videokortin pituus, mm : 340
2,5" sisäiset kiintolevy-/SSD-paikat : 3
3,5" sisäiset kiintolevypaikat : 2
5,25" ulkoiset asemapaikat : 0
3,5" FDD-asemapaikat : 0
USB 2.0 -portit : 2
USB 3.0 -portti : 1
USB Type-C -portti : 0
Tuulettimien määrä : 4
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
8-pin 12V power connectors - 0
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Computer casings
Chassis type - Midi Tower
Chassis type - Mini Tower
Color - Black
Color - Not applicable
Computer case backlight - No
Description -
Description - Shadow X2 Case Mesh Mesh front panel. Tempered glass hinged side door. Effective component protection and excellent component cooling. Set of dust filters. Wide compatibility with AIO water cooling systems. 4 x 120 mm fans included. Modern design. ATX MID-Tower Case Shadow X2 has dimensions of 407 x 211 x 455 mm, a Mesh front, and tempered glass hinged side doors. Thanks to this type of design, it looks very modern and provides great convenience. The dimensions of the hardware allow for the installation of an integrated liquid cooling system of 120, 240, or 360 mm on the front. There is also an optional 120 or 240 mm cooling option on the top of the case. What's more, the case accommodates standard CPU air cooling with a height of no more than 160 mm. Thanks to these dimensions, vertical mounting of the GPU graphics card is possible. 4 fans included with the PWM option The Shadow X2 Savio Case comes with 4 120mm fans with PWM control. They are characterized by performance, durability, and quiet operation. You can easily control them using motherboard-dedicated tools in the operating system or from BIOS/UEFI. In practice, this means that their speed can be adjusted over a wide range, typically from 10 -100%, while keeping noise levels low. I/O ports located on the top of the chassis The Shadow X2 has an I/O panel that features standard Power ON, Reset buttons, one USB 3.0 port, two USB 2.0 ports, HD Audio input, and output, as well as an additional RESET/LED button dedicated to controlling lighting effects. Multitasking interior The Case is characterized by high ergonomics, trouble-free installation and versatility. Its output parameters are a compromise between high performance and modern character. Importantly, you can expand the hardware at any time by adding, for example, more fans, water cooling, or other modules. The great advantage of Shadow X2 from Savio is that it accepts such parameters as you set for it. Specifications: Case Type: ATX Mid-Tower. Motherboard Compatibility: ATX, mATX, ITX, E-ATX. Supported disk formats: 2(1) x 3.5" HDD; 2(3) x 2.5" SSD. I/O ports: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0; HD audio. Side panel: tempered glass. Maximum VGA length: 340 mm (vertical). Maximum CPU cooling height: 160 mm. Supported power supply types: all types of standard/semi-modular and modular power supplies. PCI expansion slots: 7 Dust filter: 1 x top, 1 x bottom (PSU), 1 x front. Fans included: 4 x 120 mm PWM, 4 pin, 800 - 1800 RPM (3 x front, 1 x rear). Supported fans:
- front: 3 x 120/140 mm or 2 x 200 mm
- rear: 1 x 120 mm
- top: 2 x 120 (140) mm
- bottom: 2 x 120 mm Water cooling support:
- front: 1 x 120/240/360 mm
- rear: 1 x 120 mm
- top: 1 x 120/240 mm Product dimensions: (L x W x H) 407 x 211 x 455 mm. Housing material: SPCC 0.6 mml Front panel material/material: Metal mesh with small holes. Net/gross weight: 5.1/6.2 kg.
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 260 mm
dimension height - 450 mm
Dimensions -
Dimensions - (L × W × H) 407 × 211 × 455 mm
dimension weight - 5400 g
dimension width - 500 mm
Drive bays 2.5'' extern. - 0
Drive bays 2.5'' intern. - 0
Drive bays 2.5'' intern. - 3
Drive bays 3.5'' extern. - 0
Drive bays 3.5'' intern. - 0
Drive bays 3.5'' intern. - 1
Drive bays 5.25'' extern. - 0
Drive bays 5.25'' intern. - 0
ean - 5901986048305
Eans - 5901986048305
Fans installed - 1 x 80 mm (front)
Fans installed - 1 x 120 mm (back)
Fans installed - 3 x 120 mm (front)
Floppy power connectors - 0
Form-factor - ATX
Front panel connectors - 1 x headphones
Front panel connectors - 1 x USB 3.0
Front panel connectors - 1x microphone
Front panel connectors - 2 x USB 2.0
Front panel connectors - None
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Maximum CPU cooling height - 0 mm
Maximum CPU cooling height - 160 mm
Maximum length of the graphics card - 0 mm
Maximum length of the graphics card - 340 mm
Maximum number of fans - 0
Maximum number of fans - 8
MB power connector - 20 + 4 pin
MOLEX power connectors - 0
name - Computer case Shadow X2 SAVIO
Name - Savio Shadow X2
No. of drive bays - 0
Number of fans installed - 0
Number of fans installed - 4
Number of power supply connector 4+4-pin 12V - 0
Number of power supply connector 4-pin 12V - 0
Number of power supply connectors PCI-E 6 +2 pin - 0
Ooptional water cooling - 1 x 120 mm (back)
Ooptional water cooling - 1 x 120 mm (front)
Ooptional water cooling - 1 x 120 mm (top)
Ooptional water cooling - 1 x 240 mm (front)
Ooptional water cooling - 1 x 240 mm (góra)
Ooptional water cooling - 1 x 360 mm (front)
Optional fans - 1 x 120 mm (back)
Optional fans - 1 x 120 mm (front)
Optional fans - 3 x 120 mm or 3 x 140 mm (front)
Other features -
Other features - Case Type: ATX Mid-Tower. Motherboard Compatibility: ATX, mATX, ITX, E-ATX. Supported disk formats: 2(1) x 3.5" HDD; 2(3) x 2.5" SSD. I/O ports: 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0; HD audio. Side panel: tempered glass. Maximum VGA length: 340 mm (vertical). Maximum CPU cooling height: 160 mm. Supported power supply types: all types of standard/semi-modular and modular power supplies. PCI expansion slots: 7 Dust filter: 1 x top, 1 x bottom (PSU), 1 x front. Fans included: 4 x 120 mm PWM, 4 pin, 800 - 1800 RPM(3 x front, 1 x rear). Supported fans:
- front: 3 x 120/140 mm or 2 x 200 mm
- rear: 1 x 120 mm
- top: 2 x 120 (140) mm
- bottom: 2 x 120 mm Water cooling support:
- front: 1 x 120/240/360 mm
- rear: 1 x 120 mm
- top: 1 x 120/240 mm
Housing material: SPCC 0.6 mm Front panel material/material: Metal mesh with small holes. Net/gross weight: 5.1/6.2 kg
PCI-E 6-pin power connectors - 0
PCI-E 8-pin power connectors - 0
Power supply - Failure
producer - Savio
Producer - Savio
ProducerCode - SAVGC-SHADOWX2
SATA power connectors - 0
ShortDescription - Middle Tower | czarna | bez zasilacza | 1 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0 | 407 x 215 x 455 mm |
Side panel - Tempered Glass
Side panel - Yes
Weight - 0 kg
Weight - 5.1 kg
78,38 €
Savio Shadow X2, Tempered Glass, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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