Silverstone TemJin TJ04B-E, Black

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 160305 Tuotekoodi: SST-TJ04B-E USB 3.0
Voidaan tilata 1 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
220,22 €
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 02.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Muotoilutekijä: ATX
  • Tapauksen tyyppi: High-End
  • Väri: Musta
  • PSU: Ei ole
Kaikki parametrit
Muotoilutekijä : ATX
Tapauksen tyyppi : High-End
Väri Musta
Kotelon etupaneelin väri. Tämä parametri on likimääräinen ja voi poiketa kotelon todellisesta väristä.
Sivupaneelin tyyppi : Suljettu
PSU : Ei ole
Max. CPU-jäähdyttimen korkeus, mm : 168
Patterin enimmäiskoko, mm : 240
Max. Videokortin pituus, mm : 431
2,5" sisäiset kiintolevy-/SSD-paikat : 6
3,5" sisäiset kiintolevypaikat : 9
5,25" ulkoiset asemapaikat : 4
3,5" FDD-asemapaikat : 0
USB 2.0 -portit : 0
USB 3.0 -portti : 2
USB Type-C -portti : 0
Tuulettimien määrä : 0
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
category - Cases & Modding|PC Cases|Mid Towers|Steel Mid Towers
Category_1 - Computer Cases and Cooling
Category_2 - Computer Cases
code - SST-TJ04B-E USB 3.0
ean - 4710713968189
EAN_code - 4710713968189
Manufacturer - Silverstone Technology
Manufacturer_code - SST-TJ04B-E USB 3.0
name - SilverStone SST-TJ04B-E TemJin Midi-Tower - schwarz
Name - SilverStone TJ04B-E USB 3.0 black EATX
Technical_details - Introduced in 2004, the TJ04 has been a main stable of SilverStone’s prestigious Temjin series of tower chassis. Its excellent original design needed only a few minor tweaks and improvements over the years to keep up with the demands of modern PC hardware. An important equation in keeping the TJ04 a popular choice among system builders was its understated and classic styling. So in designing the TJ04-E (Evolution), SilverStone engineers kept the exterior styling largely unchanged while vastly improving the internals. The power supply is now bottom-mounted with the ability to accommodate up to four 5.25” drives, nine 3.5” hard drives and six SSDs, raising the bar significantly for storage capacity in a mid tower format. In addition to increased storage capacity, the TJ04-E can also install cards up to 17 inches without the need to remove any hard drive cage, a feat usually accomplished in full towers. To make sure the myriad of component can operate effectively, the TJ04-E includes a custom cooling solution to reduce hard drive temperatures and two custom cables with built-in capacitors to facilitate cable management and improve drive stability. To finish up TJ04-E’s already impressive layout efficiency, design details borrowed from other great SilverStone products such as positive pressure and quick removable filters will enable users to easily maintain consistently high performance for years to come. So it is possible that TJ04-E, like its predecessor, will again be able to outlast many generations of PC builds. - Positive pressure design for effective dust reduction
- Support eight expansion slots and extra long graphic cards up to 17 inches
- Classically styled 7mm thick aluminum front panel
- Quick access and removal for fan filters
- Smart backside cable routing design
- Motherboard back plate opening for quick CPU cooler assembly
- Support up to nine 3.5” hard drives and multiple 2.5” drive slots
- Built-in innovative hard drive cooler
- Includes two custom SATA cable for improved cable management Format ATX, SSI-CEB Maximum CPU-Cooler Height 168 mm Special Featuress die Frontanschlüsse befinden sich gut zugänglich an der Oberseite; ein 120-mm-Fan im rechten Seitenteil included, ein weiterer 120-mm-Fan einbaubar; ein 120-mm-Fan im chassisdeckel included, ein weiterer 120-mm-Fan einbaubar; ein 120-mm-Fan im chassisboden einbaubar Power Supply Slot Design ATX Drive Bays external 5,25 inches 4 internal 3,5 inches 9 2,5 inches 6 Fans Included 3x 120 mm Installable 3x 120 mm Front-Side Special Featuress Power- and Resettbutton, 2x LEDs (Power, HDD) Ports USB 3.0 2 Audio 2 Back-Side Slots Full-Size 8 Product dimensions 214 x 489 x 489 mm Weight 9.6 kg
Weight - 11,80
220,22 €
Silverstone TemJin TJ04B-E, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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