Accessories included -
BrandCode - DELONGHI
Category - Root/Household articles/Small house appliances - kitchen/Coffee maker
Category_1 - Appliances
Category_2 - Small Electronics - Coffe Machines - Filter Coffe Makers
Color - Gray
Color - white
Construction - -
Control - Manual
Cooking functions & programs - Americano making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Caffe Crema making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Cappuccino making - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Chocolate milk making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Coffee making - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Espresso making - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Hot and cold beverages making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Hot chocolate making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Hot milk making - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Latte Macchiato making - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Latte making - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Lungo making - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Mocha making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Multi beverage - Yes
Cooking functions & programs - Orzo making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Ristretto making - No
Cooking functions & programs - Tea making - Yes
Depth - 330 mm
Description - EKSPRES WYSOKOCIŚNIENIOWY System grzewczy Thermoblock: zawsze idealna temperatura Krótki czas nagrzewania: 40 sekund Ekspres jest zawsze gotowy do użycia dzięki systemowi samozasysania (self priming) Funkcja zatrzymania przepływu wody umożliwiająca personalizację wielkości kawy Profesjonale ciśnienie 15 barów Uchwyt na profesjonalny filtr do kawy mielonej (1 lub 2 filiżanki) lub saszetek E.S.E. Regulowany system cappuccino: idealny do przygotowania gorącego mleka, mlecznej pianki do cappuccino i gorącej wody na herbatę i do naparów Podwójna kratka spływowa: dwustopniowa podstawka na filiżanki i szklanki o wysokości do 13 cm przeznaczone do dużej kawy lub napojów mlecznych Kompaktowe wymiary: tylko 15 cm szerokości Obudowa w całości wykonana z metalu Podgrzewanie filiżanek w górnej części Łatwy w obsłudze panel z 3 podświetlanymi przyciskami System oszczędzania energii: przycisk On/Off z automatyczną funkcją stand by Sygnał przypominający o odkamienianiu Wyjmowany zbiornik na wodę Wyjmowana kratka spływowa ze wskaźnikiem poziomu wody System zapobiegający kapaniu Filtr do wody (opcjonalny)
Designation - CE+WEEE
DesignFeatures -
Professional filter holder for ground coffee (1 or 2 cups) and E.S.E. PodAdjustable Cappuccino System: perfect to prepare hot milk, milk froth for Cappuccinos and hot water for teas and infusionsDouble Drip Tray: two-level cup holder to house glasses and tall cups of up to 13cm for long coffee and milk drinksOn/Off button with automatic stand-by to save energy consumption after a period of non-use
dimensionalWeight - 6384
dimension depth - 210 mm
dimension height - 380 mm
Dimensions - 149 x 330 x 305 mm
Dimensions - depth - 33
Dimensions - height - 30.5
Dimensions - weight - 4
Dimensions - width - 15
dimension weight - 6200 g
dimension width - 390 mm
ean - 8004399331211
EAN - 8004399331211
Eans - 8004399331211
EAN_code - 8004399331211
EnergyClass - -
Ergonomics - Adjustable cup stand height - Yes
Ergonomics - Backlight buttons - Yes
Ergonomics - Built-in display - No
Ergonomics - Buzzer - Yes
Ergonomics - Coffee filter - Yes
Ergonomics - Control type - Buttons
Ergonomics - Detachable filter holder - Yes
Ergonomics - Drip tray water level indicator - Yes
Ergonomics - Easy to clean - Yes
Ergonomics - Easy to use - Yes
Ergonomics - Ergonomic grip - Yes
Ergonomics - Housing material - Stainless steel
Ergonomics - Illuminated on/off switch - Yes
Ergonomics - Indication light - Yes
Ergonomics - Non-slip feet - Yes
Ergonomics - Product colour - Black
Ergonomics - Product colour - Silver
Ergonomics - Product colour - White
Ergonomics - Removable drip tray - Yes
Ergonomics - Removable water tank - Yes
Ergonomics - Standby function - Yes
Ergonomics - Visible water level - Yes
Ergonomics - Water level indicator - Yes
Espresso machine - additional pre-ground coffee usage possibility
Espresso machine - hot water volume regulator
Espresso machine - making two coffee cups simultaneously
Espresso machine - milk-frother
Espresso machine - steam / hot water
Espresso machine - coffee preparation - manual
Espresso machine - easy to prepare - cappuccino
Espresso machine - easy to prepare - hot milk
Espresso machine - easy to prepare - latte macchiato
Espresso machine - easy to prepare - milk foam
Espresso machine - espresso machine type - semi automatic
Espresso machine - functions - active cup warming
Espresso machine - onetouch preparing - black coffee
Espresso machine - onetouch preparing - espresso
Espresso machine - portion size - 240
Espresso machine - power - 1350
Espresso machine - programs - scale cleaning program
Espresso machine - pump power - 15
Espresso machine - water filter - yes
Espresso machine - water tank capacity - 1
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - DeLonghi
General parameters - produced - China
GrossWeight - 5.550 kg
GrossWeight - 5.5200
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.3700
Height - 303 mm
Hot water - yes
Length - 0.1950
LongDesc -
LongDescription EN - • Thermoblock heating system • Slim dimensions (only 15 cm width) • Fast heating time • Flow stop function to personalize your coffee length • Easy-to-use control panel with 3 illuminated buttons • Cup warmer • 15 bar professional pressure • This appliance can be used either with ground coffee or with the “Easy Serving Espresso” pods. • On/Off button with automatic stand-by to save energy consumption after a period of non-use • Descaling alarm • Professional filter holder for ground coffee and pods with integrated crema device for 1 or 2 cups and E.S.E Pod • Self-priming system means the machine is always ready for use • “Adjustable Cappuccino system”: it mixes steam, air and milk, producing a rich, creamy froth for great cappuccino • Possibility to dispense hot water • Removable water tank • Removable drip tray with water level indicator • Anti-Drip system • Cup shelf • Water filter (optional)
LongDescription ET - Dedica EC 685.W on kolvikujuline stiili ja Itaalia disaini musternäide laiusega vaid 15 cm! Ainulaadne disain kätkeb endas funktsionaalsed lahendused, tänu millele iga tass värskelt valmistatud kohvi rahuldab isegi kõige nõudlikuma kohviarmastaja kõik soovid. Double drip tray kõrgetele klaasidele
Double drip lahendus võimaldab kuni 12 cm kõrguste klaaside kasutamist. See tähendab, et ebastandardsete klaaside ja kruuside probleem on lahendatud. Optimaalne rõhk kohvivalmistamisel
Tänu Itaalia päritolule teame, et iga kohvioa maitse esiletoomiseks peab ka kõige väikesemate detailide eest hoolt kandma. Optimaalne rõhk De`Longhi kohvimasinates võimaldab komplekse ja intensiivse aroomi. Kaasaegne küttesüsteem Thermoblock
Tänu kõikides De‘Longhi kohvimasinates kasutatavale kaasaegsele küttesüsteemile saab nii espressot kui ka cappuccino`t valmistatada ideaalsel temperatuuril. See tagab parima maitseelamuse. Süsteemi Thermoblock eelis on madal müratase ja kiire soojenemine, mis tagab erakordselt mugava kasutamise. Niiviisi on kohvimasin silmapilkselt valmis Sinu lemmikkohvi valmistamiseks. Iga kord sametine crema vaht!
Kohvimasinal on professionaalne topeltpõhjaga filter, mis tänu oma ainulaadsele ehitusele tagab iga espresso rikkaliku aroomi ja sametiselt tiheda pähklikarva vahu crema. Kolm erinevat filtrit komplektis
Komplektis on kolm eraldi filtreerimisvõimalust, tänu millele saad kindel olla, et Sinu kohv on optimaalselt vahustatud ja doseeritud. Saadaval on filtrid ühe või kahe tassitäie kohvi valmistamiseks ja üks eraldi filter mugavate espressopatjade (E.S.E.) jaoks. Võimaldab espressopatjade (E:S.E.) kasutamist
E.S.E. on padjakesse pakitud täpselt välja mõõdetud ports värskelt jahvatud kohvi ühe espresso valmistamiseks. Tänu E.S.E. süsteemile valmistad oma musta kohvi kiiresti ja lihtsalt. See on suurepärane pakkumine neile, kes hindavad värskelt jahvatatud kohvi maitset ja praktilisi lahendusi. Tassisoojendus
Ideaalsel temperatuuril serveeritud kohvi tagab mitte ainult kohvimasinas kasutatud kõrgtehnoloogia ja kolm erineva temperatuuritasemega seadistust vaid ka tassisoojendus. Võimaldab üheaegselt valmistada kahte espressot
Ajasääst ja kohvi valmistamise lihtsus on De`Longhi kujundajate peamised eesmärgid. Seetõttu võimaldab espressomasin EC 685 üheaegselt valmistada kahte esperssot minemata kompromissidele nii kohvi kvaliteedis kui ka maitses. Mugavus ja kasutamise lihtsus
Maksimaalse mugavuse ja igapäevase naudingu tagamiseks on juurdepääs kõikidele osadele eestpoolt. Veepaaki on lihtne lahti võtta ja täita, äravoolualust on lihtne tühjendada.
LongDescription LV - Galvenās īpašības• Tasīšu turētājs divos līmeņos, lai būtu iespējams izmantot augstas krūzes un glāzes (līdz 13 cm)
• Kompakts dizains: tikai 15cm plats
• Metāla korpuss
• Tasīšu sildītājs augšdaļā
• Viegli lietojams vadības panelis ar 3 izgaismotiem taustiņiem
• Iesl./Izsl. taustiņš un automātiskais gaidstāves režīms
• Brīdinājums par atkaļkošanu
• Noņemama ūdens tvertne
• Noņemama pilienu paplāte ar ūdens līmeņa indikatoru
• Pretpilēšanas sistēma
Manufacturer - Delonghi
Manufacturer_code - EC 685.W
MediumDescription EN - Breaktrought design
Simple and contemporary shapes characterize the slimmest design in the market with only 15 cm width Professional look & feel Metal body, chrome finishing and professional filter holder remind to the traditional barista way to prepare an espresso
MediumDescription ET - Avasta koos De`Longhi kohvimasinatega Itaalia kohvi maitse! De`Longhi kaubamärk on ülemaailmselt tuntud ekspert kohvivalmistamise uuenduste valdkonnas. See tagab kõrgtehnoloogia ja usaldusväärsuse. De`Longhi on põlvest-põlve edasi antud kirg kvaliteedi ja uuendusliku disaini vastu, eelkõige aga armastus kohvi vastu - aromaatse, sametise ja kompromissitult parima kohvi vastu.
MediumDescription LV - • Thermoblock karsēšanas sistēma: vienmēr perfekta temperatūra
• Ātrs uzkaršanas laiks: 40 sekundes
• Pašsagatavošanās sistēma ļauj iekārtai būt gatavai darbam visu laiku
• Plūsmas pārtraukšanas funkcija ļauj pielāgot kafijas intensitāti
• 15 bar profesionāls spiediens
• Profesionāls filtra turētājs samaltajai kafijai (1 vai 2 tasītēm) un E.S.E Pods
• Regulējama Kapučino sistēma: Sagatavo karstu pienu vai piena putas kafijai vai karstu ūdeni tējām
Milk frother - Yes
Mill - No
Name - De'Longhi Dedica EC 685.W biały
Name - DeLonghi Dedica Style EC 685.W
name - Espresso machine white EC 685.W
Name EN - Espresso machine Dedica DeLonghi, white
Name ET - Espressomasin Dedica Delonghi, valge
NameInWeb EN - Delonghi Dedica pump, white/inox - Espresso machine
NameInWeb ET - Espressomasin Delonghi Dedica
NameInWeb LV - Delonghi Dedica pump, balta/nerūsējošā tērauda - Kafijas automāts
Name LV - Kafijas automāts DeLonghi, balts
NetWeight - 4.2000
Other features -
Other features - On/off switch - Yes
Other features - Overflow protection - Yes
Other features - Pump pressure - 15 bar
Other features - Water tank material - Plastic
PackageContents - -
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging data - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Performance - Adjustable coffee strength - Yes
Performance - Adjustable temperature - Yes
Performance - Adjustable water flow - Yes
Performance - Anti-drip function - Yes
Performance - Anti-scale system - Yes
Performance - Appliance placement - Countertop
Performance - Automatic flow stop - Yes
Performance - Built-in grinder - No
Performance - Built-in milk frother - Yes
Performance - Certification - CE, WEEE
Performance - Coffee input type - Coffee pod
Performance - Coffee input type - Ground coffee
Performance - Coffee maker type - Semi-auto
Performance - Cup warmer - Yes
Performance - Fast heat - Yes
Performance - Heating system - Thermoblock
Performance - Hot water system - Yes
Performance - Number of spouts - 2
Performance - Number of temperature settings - 3
Performance - Product type - Espresso machine
Performance - Programmable - Yes
Performance - Reservoir for brewed coffee - Cup
Performance - Steam pipe - Yes
Performance - Warm-up time - 40 s
Performance - Water hardness selector - Yes
Performance - Water tank capacity - 1.1 L
Power - 1350 W
Power - Rated voltage/Frequency (V~Hz): 220/240~50/60Input power (W):1300
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 220 - 240 V
Power - Auto power off - Yes
Power - Auto power off after (max) - 180 min
Power - Auto power off after (min) - 9 min
Power - Energy saving mode - Yes
Power - Power - 1300 W
Pressure - 15 bar
ProdDesc - DELONGHI EC685W espresso, cappuccino machine white
producer - DeLonghi
Producer - DeLonghi
ProducerCode - 0132106141 EC685.W
producerCode - EC 685.W
ProductCode - EC685W
ProductionCountry - CN
productName - De’Longhi Dedica Style EC 685.W Semi-auto Espresso machine 1.1 L
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
ShortDescription - Moc [W]: 1350 | Ciśnienie [bar]: 15 | Pojemność zbiornika na wodę [ml]: 1100 | Rodzaj kawy: mielona/w saszetekach | Kolor: Biały
sizeX - 400
sizeY - 380
sizeZ - 210
Special functions -
TariffNo - 85167100
Technical_details - Colour: white Design: thermo block Pump pressure: 15bar Water tank capacity: 1l, detachable coffee system: suitable for coffee powder and coffee pads (E.S.E-System) Features: 2-cup-function, steam and hot water frother, foaming help, self-ventilating, detachable/?height-adjustable dish rack, cup shelf Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x149x330mm Weight: 4.20kg Power: 1350W
Technology - Thermoblock heating system: always the perfect temperatureFast heating time: 40 secondsSelf-priming system means the machine is always ready for useFlow stop function to personalize your coffee length15-bar professional pump
Type - Coffee maker
Type - Pressure
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - EC 685.W
Volume - 0.02777775
Warranty - 2 years
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - F
Weight - 4 kg
Weight - 4.200 kg
Weight - 5,42
weight - 5525
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 330 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 303 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 4.2 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 149 mm
Width - 0.3850
Width - 149 mm