Philips 5000 Series Handheld Steamer, Blue

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ID: 1154110 Tuotekoodi: STH5020/20
Varastossa 12 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
66,07 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 17.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 17.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Automaattinen sammutus: Ei
  • Maksimiteho (W): 1400
  • Pohjalevy: N/A
  • Vesisumutin: Ei
  • Vesisäiliön tilavuus (ml): 120
  • Väri: Zila
Kaikki parametrit
Anti-drip-järjestelmä : Ei
Automaattinen höyryn syöttö : N/A
Automaattinen sammutus : Ei
Itsepuhdistustoiminto : Ei
Jatkuva höyryn syöttö (g/min) : 24
Kalkinpoistotanko : Ei
Maksimiteho (W) : 1400
Pohjalevy : N/A
Putken pituus (m) : 2
Pystysuora höyry : Onko
Säädettävät höyryn tasot : N/A
Vesisumutin : Ei
Vesisäiliön tilavuus (ml) : 120
Väri : Zila
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Brand - Philips
BrandCode - PHILIPS
BrandPartCode - STH5020/20
Category - Garment Steamers
Category - Root/Household articles/Small house appliances - house and garden/Irons
Color - Blue
Construction - -
Depth - 97 mm
DesignFeatures - -
Dimensions - depth - 31.7
Dimensions - height - 8.6
Dimensions - weight - 0.815
Dimensions - width - 9.7
EAN - 8720389043772
Eans - 8720389043772
EnergyClass - -
Features - Continuous steam - Yes
Features - Continuous steam performance - 24 g/min
Features - Cord length - 2 m
Features - Device type - Handheld garment steamer
Features - Heating time - 0.5 min
Features - Product colour - Light Blue
Features - Ready indicator - Yes
Features - Safe for all fabrics - Yes
Features - Water tank capacity - 0.12 L
General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
General parameters - water container capacity - 120
GrossWeight - 1.0560
GrossWeight - 1.06 kg
GTIN - 8720389043772
Height - 0.0950
Height - 86 mm
Iron - steam
Iron - vertical steam
Iron - additional features - eco mode
Iron - additional features - precision tip
Iron - additional features - removable water tank
Iron - additional items - heat protection glove
Iron - continuous steam - 24
Iron - handle type - open
Iron - iron type - steam generator
Iron - steamer type - handheld
Iron - steam levels - 2
Iron - warmup time - 35
Length - 0.1100
LongDesc -
LongDesc - Elevate your wardrobe coolness with philipsFashion future: steam meets styleYou've chosen your outfit, but have no time to iron. Don't worry, we've got you! Forget clunky irons and embrace the Philips handheld steamer 5000. It's ready to go in 35 seconds and a joy to use. No-burn guarantee with ultimate fashion flair!
LongProductName - Philips 5000 Series Handheld Steamer
LongSummaryDescription - Philips 5000 series Handheld Steamer. Device type: Handheld garment steamer, Water tank capacity: 0.12 L, Heating time: 0.5 min. Power: 1400 W, AC input voltage: 220–240. Width: 97 mm, Depth: 316 mm, Height: 86 mm. Package width: 110 mm, Package depth: 332 mm, Package height: 95 mm. Country of origin: China
MediumDescription EN - You’ve chosen your outfit, but have no time to iron. Don’t worry, we've got you! Forget clunky irons and embrace the Philips handheld steamer 5000. It’s ready to go in 35 seconds and a joy to use. No-burn guarantee with ultimate fashion flair! • Ideal for delicate items and tricky creases too
• Stylish and streamlined design - easy to use
• Portable, convenient, easy to store
• 2-in-1 GlovePouch for travel and protection from burns
MediumDescription ET - Oled valinud oma riietuse, aga triikimiseks pole aega? Ära muretse, meil on lahendus! Unusta kohmakad triikrauad ja võta kasutusele Philipsi käeshoitav auruti. Valmis kasutamiseks 35 sekundiga ja äärmiselt mugav kasutada. Garanteeritud põletusvaba riiete aurutamine stiilse disainiga! • Ideaalne õrnadele esemetele ja keerulistele kortsudele
• Stiilne ja lihtsa disainiga - lihtne kasutada
• Kaasaskantav, mugav kasutada ja lihtne hoiustada
• 2-ühes kuumakinnas ja hoiukott reisimiseks ja kaitseks põletuste eest
MediumDescription LV - Aizmirstiet par neparocīgiem gludekļiem un izmantojiet Philips 5000 rokas apģērbu tvaicētāju. Tas ir gatavs darbam tikai 35 sekundēs, un ārkārtīgi ērts lietošanā, turklāt tas arī garantē aizsardzību pret apdegumiem. • Ideāli piemērots arī smalkiem apģērbiem un sarežģītām krokām
• Stilīgs un vienkāršs dizains – ērti lietojams
• Pārnēsājams, ērts, viegli uzglabājams
• Divi vienā cimdu maciņš ceļojumiem un aizsardzībai pret apdegumiem
Name - Philips 5000 STH5020/20 jasnoniebieski
Name EN - Handheld Steamer 5000, 120ml/1300W/24g_min, Philips, Light Blue
Name ET - Käsiaurutaja,kokkup. 5000,120ml/1300W/24g_min,Philips,Helesinine
NameInWeb EN - Philips 5000 Series, 1400 W, blue - Handheld Steamer
NameInWeb ET - Philips 5000 Seeria, 1400 W, sinine - Käsi-aurukeskus
NameInWeb LV - Philips 5000, 1400 W, zila - Rokas apģērbu tvaicētājs
Name LV - Rokas tvaika glud. 5000, 120ml/1300W/24g_min, Philips,Gaiši Zils
NetWeight - 0.9430
Other features - Country of origin - China
PackageContents - Pouch included
Packaging data - Package depth - 332 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 95 mm
Packaging data - Package width - 110 mm
Power -
  • Voltage: 220 V
  • Power: 1400 W
  • Cord length: 2 m

  • Power - AC input voltage - 220–240
    Power - Power - 1400 W
    Power - total power - 1400
    Power supply - on/off switch
    Power supply - power cord length - 2
    ProdDesc - Philips 5000 Series Handheld Steamer STH5020/20
    Producer - Philips
    ProducerCode - STH5020/20
    ProductCode - STH5020/20
    ProductionCountry - CN
    ProductName - 5000 Series Handheld Steamer
    ProductPicture -
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    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    ShortDescription - Moc [W]: 1400| Wytwarzanie pary [g/min]: 24 | Kolor: jasnoniebieski
    ShortSummaryDescription - Philips 5000 series Handheld Steamer, Handheld garment steamer, 0.12 L, 0.5 min, Light Blue, 24 g/min, 2 m
    TariffNo - 85167970
    Technology -
  • Steam plate: Heated metal plate
  • Ready to use: 35 sec
  • Water tank: 120ml
  • Steam rate: 24 g/min
  • Vertical & horizontal steam

  • Title - Philips 5000 series Handheld Steamer
    Type - Handheld Steamer
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    URL -
    Volume - 0.00346940
    Warranty - 2 years
    WarrantyInfo -
    Weight - 0.72 kg
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 316 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 86 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 815 g
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 97 mm
    Width - 0.3320
    Width - 317 mm
    66,07 €
    Philips 5000 Series Handheld Steamer, Blue
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
    Kaikki luokat