Philips hand blender set HR2543/90, Black

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ID: 775589 Tuotekoodi: HR2543/90
Voidaan tilata 5 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta
59,98 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 14.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 14.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Blenderin tyyppi: Sauvasekoitin
  • Jauda (W): 700
  • Nopeudet: 2
  • Säiliön tilavuus (l): 0.5
  • Tehon säätö: Onko
  • Vaahdotin: Onko
  • Väri: Musta
  • Väri: Ruostumaton teräs
Kaikki parametrit
Blenderin tyyppi : Sauvasekoitin
Jauda (W) : 700
Johdon pituus (m) : N/A
Jään silppuaminen : N/A
Murskaimen kapasiteetti (l) : Ei tietoja
Nopeudet : 2
Pulssitoiminto : Ei ole
Silppuri : Onko
Säiliön tilavuus (l) : 0.5
Tehon säätö : Onko
Turbo-toiminto : Ja
Vaahdotin : Onko
Väri : Musta, Ruostumaton teräs
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included - Dzbanek Trzepaczka Kompaktowy rozdrabniacz
Accessory - accessories - mixing jug
Accessory - accessories - whisk
Brand - Philips
BrandCode - PHILIPS
BrandPartCode - HR2543/90
Category - Blenders
Category - Root/Household articles/Small house appliances - kitchen/Blenders
Color - black
Color - inox
Color - White
Construction - -
Depth - -
Description - Blender ręczny Philips HR2543/90 Świeże domowe jedzenie. Bez wysiłku. Technologia ProMix - 2 razy dokłądniejsze i 30% szybsze miksowanie Przycisk turbo dla dodatkowej mocy Solidny silnik o mocy 700W zapewnia skuteczne miksowanie w kilka sekund Łatwe odłączenie i wymiana akcesoriów Łatwe czyszczenie pod bieżącą wodą Osłonka przeciwrozpryskowa zapobiegająca rozpryskiwaniu
Designation - CE+WEEE
DesignFeatures - Speeding settings: 1
dimension depth - 240 mm
dimension height - 295 mm
Dimensions -
dimension weight - 980 g
dimension width - 260 mm
Dishwasher safe - Not recommendable
EAN - 8710103989509
ean - 18710103989506
Eans - 8710103989509
EnergyClass - -
Features - Easy to clean - Yes
Features - Easy to disassemble - Yes
Features - Ergonomic design - Yes
Features - LED indicators - No
Features - Product colour - Black
Features - Type - Tabletop blender
Functions - functions - crushing
Functions - functions - mixing
Functions - functions - whipping
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - foot material - metal
General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
GrossWeight - 1.200 kg
GrossWeight - 1.8000
GTIN - 8710103989509
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Hand blender - turbo function
Hand blender - nozzle - detachable
Hand blender - type - wired
Height - -
Height - 0.2800
Length - 0.2300
LongDesc -
LongSummaryDescription - Philips Daily Collection HR2543/90. Type: Tabletop blender, Product colour: Black. Control type: Buttons, Chopper bowl capacity: 0.5 L. Housing material: Metal, Plastic, Handle material: Plastic, Material jar(s): Plastic. Power: 700 W, Power source: AC. Number of cups: 1 pc(s)
Material - Handle material - Plastic
Material - Housing material - Metal, Plastic
Material - Material jar(s) - Plastic
MediumDescription EN - Fast and efficient blending with touch of a button Enjoy effortless healthy homemade meals every day. With powerful motor and unique ergonomic design the new daily hand blender provides fast and efficient blending with the touch of a button, helping you effortlessly prepare healthy homemade meals every day.
MediumDescription ET - Kiire ja tõhus segamine vaid ühe nupuvajutusega Nautige iga päev lihtsasti valmistatavaid tervislikke toite. Võimsa mootori ja ainulaadse ergonoomilise disainiga saumikser tagab kiire ja tõhusa tulemuse vaid ühe nupuvajutusega. Valmistage igapäevaselt tervislikke ja koduseid toite.
MediumDescription LV - Ātra un efektīva blendēšana ar vienu pieskārienuAr jaudīgu motoru un unikālu ergonomisku dizainu jaunais ikdienā lietojamais rokas blenderis nodrošina ātru un efektīvu blendēšanu ar vienu pieskārienu pogai un tādējādi palīdz jums bez piepūles katru dienu pagatavot veselīgas maltītes mājas apstākļos
name - Hand blender HR2543/90
Name - Philips HR2543/90
Name EN - Hand Blender ProMix Philips
Name ET - Saumikser Philips ProMix
NameInWeb EN - Philips ProMix, 700 W, black - Hand blender
NameInWeb ET - Saumikser Philips ProMix
NameInWeb LV - Philips ProMix, 700 W, melna - Rokas blenderis
Name LV - Rokas blenderis ProMix, Philips
NetWeight - 1.2320
Other features -
Other features - Country of origin - China
Other features - Warranty period - 2 year(s)
PackageContents -
  • Beaker
  • Blade unit S-blade

  • Packaging content - Beaters - Yes
    Packaging content - Manual - Yes
    Packaging content - Mixing cup with spout - Yes
    Packaging content - Number of cups - 1 pc(s)
    Packaging content - Whisk - Yes
    Performance - Built-in display - No
    Performance - Chopper - Yes
    Performance - Chopper bowl capacity - 0.5 L
    Performance - Control type - Buttons
    Performance - Number of speeds - 2
    Performance - Turbo - Yes
    Power - 650 W
    Power - 700 W
    Power - Power - 700 W
    Power - Power source - AC
    Power - total power - 700
    ProdDesc - Philips ProMix Handblender HR2543/90, 700 W
    producer - Philips
    Producer - Philips
    ProducerCode - HR2543/90
    ProductCode - HR2543/90
    ProductionCountry - CN
    ProductName - HR2543/90
    ProductPicture -
    ProductPicture2 -
    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    ShortDescription - Moc [W]: 700 | Stopa miksująca: stal | Akcesoria: rozdrabniacz, trzepaczka, zlewka | Kolor: czarny
    ShortSummaryDescription - Philips Daily Collection HR2543/90, Tabletop blender, 700 W, Black
    TariffNo - 85094000
    Technology -
  • Material bar: Metal
  • Material housing: Plastic

  • Tip - metal
    Title - Philips Daily Collection HR2543/90 blender Tabletop blender 700 W Black
    Turbo/Pulse function - yes
    Type - Hand Blender
    Type - Hand blender
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    vendpn - HR2543/90
    Volume - 0.01610000
    Warranty - 2 years
    Weight - -
    Width - -
    Width - 0.2500
    59,98 €
    Philips hand blender set HR2543/90, Black
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
    Kaikki luokat