Western Digital 1TB, 7200rpm, 64MB, SataIII, Blue, CMR

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 70100 Tuotekoodi: WD10EZEX
Varastossa 50 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
64,75 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: perjantaina, 04.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: perjantaina, 04.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Kapasiteetti: 1 TB
  • Dataliittymä: SATA III
  • Karan pyörimisnopeus: 7200 rpm
  • Tietopuskuri: 64 MB
Dateks tarjoaa ostettavaksi Western Digital -kiintolevyn, jossa on 1 TB tallennuskapasiteetti, SATA III -liitäntä, 7200 rpm pyörimisnopeus ja 64 MB välimuisti.

Tämän kiintolevyn kapasiteetti takaa laajimman käyttömahdollisuuden lukuun ottamatta suuren tietomäärän arkistointia. 1 TB -tilavuus mahdollistaa käyttöjärjestelmän ja kymmenien sovellusten lisäksi tuhansien valokuvien ja musiikkitiedostojen sekä kymmenien elokuvien ja pelien tallentamisen.

Tässä kiintolevyssä on SATAIII-liitäntä. SATAIII eli SATA 6GB/s on viimeisimmän sukupolven tiedonsiirtoyhteys, joka löytyy nykyaikaisimmista tietokoneista ja jolla varmistetaan SATAII-mahdollisuudet ylittävä riittävä SSD-levyjen tiedonkulku. Kiintolevyjen välimuistin nopeus voi joskus ylittää myös SATAII:n läpivientimahdollisuudet, koska tämä välimuisti on pohjimmiltaan pienikokoinen SDD-levy (~64 Mb). Siksi on suositeltavaa valita SATAIII-levy, jos emolevyllä on vastaava portti. Tämän kiintolevyn suuri 64 Mt: n välimuisti voi parantaa kiintolevyn nopeaa toimintaa useissa käyttötarkoituksissa.

Magneettilevyjen 7200 rpm pyörimisnopeuden ansiosta tämä kiintolevy tarjoaa optimaalisen nopean toiminnan tiedonhaussa ja -siirrossa. 7200 rpm on klassinen standardi universaaliin käyttöön sekä käyttöjärjestelmän ja sovellusten ylläpitoon että tietojen arkistointiin.
Kaikki parametrit
Kapasiteetti 1 TB
Kiintolevyn kapasiteetti gigatavuina ilmaisee, kuinka paljon tietoa kiintolevylle voidaan tallentaa. Kiintolevyn kapasiteetti on kiinteä, eikä sitä voi lisätä kiintolevyn ostamisen jälkeen. Siksi kiintolevyä ostaessasi sinun on tarkistettava, että se vastaa nykyisiä tilavuusvaatimuksiasi ja tarjoaa varauksen tulevia tarpeita varten.
Käytä : Desktop
Dataliittymä SATA III
Kiintolevyn liittäminen tietokoneeseen. Nykyinen teollisuusstandardi on SATA-liitäntä. IDE-liitäntä on käytettävissä vanhemmissa tietokoneissa. Ennen kiintolevyn ostamista on tarkistettava, onko emolevyllä vapaa liitäntäpaikka ja onko se tuki valitulle levykapasiteetille.
Karan pyörimisnopeus 7200 rpm
Kiintolevyn kierrokset. Useimpien pöytätietokoneiden kiintolevyissä on 7200 kierrosta minuutissa, ja tästä on jo tullut alan standardi. Jos haluat saavuttaa suuremman nopeuden, kannattaa ostaa kiintolevy, jonka kierrosluku on 10000rpm. 10000 kierrosta minuutissa pyörivien kiintolevyjen toimintamelu, lämpötila ja virrankulutus ovat paljon korkeammat kuin 7200 kierrosta minuutissa pyörivien kiintolevyjen parametrit, joten ennen 10000 kierrosta minuutissa pyörivän kiintolevyn ostamista on tarkistettava, että kotelo, virtalähde ja jäähdytys vastaavat tämän kiintolevyn teknisiä vaatimuksia.
Tietopuskuri 64 MB
Tietopuskuri on kiintolevyn sisäänrakennettu nopea muisti, jonka avulla levy voi vastaanottaa tietoja tasaisella nopeudella riippumatta siitä, kuinka paljon levyn fyysistä muistia on ladattu kyseisellä hetkellä. Jos työskentelet suurella määrällä pieniä tiedostoja (asiakirjoja, valokuvia jne.), suosittelemme ostamaan kiintolevyn, jossa on vähintään 8 Mt:n datapuskuri.
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Buffer - 64 MB
Buffer memory size - 64 MB
Capacity - 1 TB
Category - Datortehnika :: Datoru komponentes :: Cietie diski (HDD)
category - PC Components|Drives|Hard Drives (HDDs)
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Hard drives
Category 1 - Festplatten
Category 2 - Interne Festplatten
Category Code - HDS
Category_1 - Hard Drives and Pendrives
Category_2 - Internal Hard Drives - SATA - 3.5 inch
CnCode CnCode - 84717050
Code - WD10EZEX
code - WD10EZEX
Depth (mm) - 147 mm
Depth Retail box Dimensions - 150 mm
Desc - Tips: HDD, Apjoms: 1 TB, Izmērs: 3.5", Apgriezienu skaits : 7200 rpm, Buferatmiņa: 64 MB, Savietojamība: SATA III - 6 GB/s, Rakstīšanas ātrums: Nav, Lasīšanas ātrums: Nav, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description -
Description - WD Blue drives are designed and manufactured with the proven technology found in WD’s original award-winning desktop hard drives. Built to the highest standards of quality and reliability, these drives offer the features and capacity ideal for your everyday computing needs. The recording head never touches the disk media ensuring significantly less wear to the recording head and media as well as better drive protection in transit.
Description - WYZSZA JAKOSC MAGAZYNOWANIA Powiększ pojemność pamięci swojego komputera PC, korzystając z dysków WD Blue i szeregu dostępnych opcji. Produkty tej marki są zalecane do stacjonarnych komputerów PC i komputerów typu all-in-one. Zwiększenie wydajności komputera PC Zwiększ wydajność i pojemność swojego komputera stacjonarnego. Połącz swój dysk twardy z dyskiem SSD, aby osiągnąć maksymalną prędkość dostępu do danych. Dysk WD Blue zapewni nawet 6 TB dodatkowej pojemności. Zabezpiecz się na przyszłość Nowoczesna technologia wymaga więcej pamięci. Kamery nagrywające filmy w rozdzielczości 4K z szybkością 30 kl/s wymagają dużej ilości pamięci. Dla naszego dysku o pojemności 6 TB obsługa tych wszystkich multimediów to pestka. Zaufaj marce WD Każdy dysk WD Blue został zaprojektowany, przetestowany i wyprodukowany z myślą o niezawodności i trwałości oraz jest objęty 2-letnią ograniczoną gwarancją. Łatwe Sporządzanie Kopii Zapasowej I Aktualizacja Dostępne za darmo oprogramowanie Acronis True Image WD Edition pozwala wykonać kopię zapasową systemu operacyjnego, aplikacji, ustawień i wszystkich danych zapisanych na dysku. Technologia Pomagająca Chronić Dane Technologia NoTouch Ramp Load głowica dysku jest umieszczana w bezpiecznej pozycji w celu ochrony danych. Recording Technology CMR: WD5000AZLX, WD5000AZRZ, WD10EZEX, WD10EZRZ, WD20EZRZ, WD30EZRZ, WD40EZRZ SMR: WD20EZAZ, WD20EZBX, WD30EZAZ, WD40EZAZ, WD60EZAZ
Design > Certification - CE, RoHS
Design > Internal - Yes
Designation - CE+WEEE
Device Location - Internal
dimensionalWeight - 124
dimension depth - 25 mm
dimension height - 100 mm
dimension weight - 430 g
dimension width - 150 mm
Disk type - HDD
Drive type - Internal
EAN - 718037779911
EAN - 0718037779911
ean - 0718037779911
ean - 718037779911
EAN Code - 718037779911
EANCode - 0718037779911
Eans - 718037779911
EAN_code - 0718037779911
External Data Bit Rate - 6 Gbps
Features - Component for - PC
Features - HDD capacity - 1 TB
Features - HDD interface transfer rate - 6 Gbit/s
Features - HDD size - 3.5"
Features - HDD speed - 7200 RPM
Features - HDD sustained transfer rate - 150 MiB/s
Features - Interface - Serial ATA III
Features - Start/stop cycles - 300000
Features - Storage drive buffer size - 64 MB
Features - Type - HDD
Form Factor - 3,5"
Form Factor - 3.5"
Form factor (width) - 3,5'' (LFF)
Full Description Line - Blue|1TB|SATA 3.0|Buffer 64 MB|7200 rpm|3,5"
Gross weight - 0.381 kg
Gross Weight Kg - 0,5
GRUPPE1 - Hard Drive/Optical
GRUPPE2 - Hard Drive Sata
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Hard drive > Hard drive capacity - 1000 GB
Hard drive > Hard drive interface - SATA
Hard drive > Hard drive size - 3.5 "
Hard drive > Hard drive speed - 7200 RPM
Hard drive > SMART technology - Yes
Hard drive > Start/stop cycles - 300000
HDD capacity - 1 TB
HDD Capacity - 1TB
HDD Family name - Blue
HDD interface - SATA III - 6 Gb/s
Height (mm) - 25.4 mm
Height Retail box Dimensions - 105 mm
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/220518160016880468.jpg
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_1559_1.jpg
Installed Cache Memory Storage Capacity - 64 MB
LargeDescHTML - Trusted engineeringBuilt to WD’s highest standards of quality and reliability, WD Blue offers the features and entry-level capacities that are ideal for your computing needs. WD Blue is designed by the brand that you trust with the quality you would expect for a tested, proven, everyday storage solution. A modern classicWD Blue storage is designed and manufactured with technology found in WD’s original award-winning desktop and mobile hard drives. WD Blue sets the baseline for everyday storage by consistently delivering improved performance over previous generations while successfully maintaining WD’s quality and reliability for over six generations. The difference is that our colors never fade, generation after generation. Your power of choiceWD Blue is available in a broad range of entry-level capacities, cache sizes, form factors and interfaces so you can be sure there’s a drive that’s the perfect fit for your system. However, not all hard drives are created equally and for your applications that demand more, WD gives you the power of choice. Drive with confidenceWe perform tests on hundreds of systems, configurations, and a multitude of platforms in our FIT Lab™ to give our customers the confidence that our drives will work in their systems for the ultimate compatibility. WD Blue allows you to use our drive with confidence, knowing that our storage advancements such as NoTouch™ Ramp Load technology are proven and reliable everyday solutions.The WD advantageWD puts our products through extensive Functional Integrity Testing (F.I.T.) prior to any product launch. This testing ensures our products consistently meet the highest quality and reliability standards of the WD brand. WD also has a detailed Knowledge Base with more than 1,000 helpful articles as well as helpful software and utilities. Our customer support lines have longer operational hours to ensure you get the help you need when you need it. Our toll-free customer support lines are here to help or you can access our WD Support site for additional details.Easy upgradeAcronis True Image, available as a download on the WD Support website, enables you to copy all your data to a new drive so you don't have to reinstall your operating system to get all the benefits of a new drive.Recommended useWD Blue storage is tested and recommended for use in desktop and All-in-One PCs, industrial applications, notebooks, and external enclosures where capacity is not needed. For additional capacity, look at WD Green capacity storage drives.SATA or PATA, the choice is yoursWhile SATA has become the industry standard interface, WD continues to manufacture desktop drives with a PATA interface for unique or legacy systems.  The information provided on this page is a property of the manufacturer or the brand.To find out more, please visit: http://www.wdc.com/
Link - http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=770
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84717050
Manufacturer - Western Digital
Manufacturer Code - WD10EZEX
Manufacturer Name - Western Digital
Manufacturer_code - WD10EZEX
Maximum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - 70 °C
Maximum Operating Ambient Temperature - 60 °C
Maximum Power Consumption - 6.8 W
Minimum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - -40 °C
Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature - 0 °C
Minimum Power Consumption - 1.2 W
Model - Caviar Blue
Name - 1TB WD WD10EZEX Blue 7200RPM 64MB
Name - Cietais disks WD 1TB Blue
name - HDD Blue 1TB 3,5'' 64MB SATAIII/7200rpm
Name - WD 1TB WD10EZEX Blue SATA
Name - WD Blue 1TB 7200RPM
name - Western Digital Blue, SATA 6G, 3,5 Zoll - 1 TB
Name - Western Digital | Caviar Blue | 7200 RPM | 1000 GB | 64 MB
Noise - 30 dB
Nominal Weight - 0.44 kg
Non-Recoverable Errors - 1 per 10^14
Operational conditions - Non-operating shock - 350 G
Operational conditions - Operating shock - 30 G
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 60 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 70 °C
Operational conditions > Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90 %
Operational conditions > Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 60 °C
Operational conditions > Storage relative humidity (H-H) - 5 - 90 %
Operational conditions > Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 60 °C
Other features - Transmission speed (buffer-to-disk): 150 MB/s (continuous)
Cycles of start/parking: Min 300 000
Other features - Compliance certificates - RoHS
Other features > Dimensions (WxDxH) - 101.6 x 147 x 26.1 mm
Other features > Number of products included - 1 pc(s)
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 100 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 490.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 150 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 210 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 22 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 270.00 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 7.62 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 20.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 1240 pc(s)
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 12.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.012 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.278 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00033 m³
Package features > WEEE tax - No
Packaging content - Storage drive adapter included - No
Packaging data - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Packs in Box - 20
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.45 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.44 kg
Pallet quantity - 800
Performance > Capacity - 1000 GB
Performance > Data transfer rate - 6 Gbit/s
Performance > Drive device, buffer size - 64 MB
Performance > Windows operating systems supported - Yes
Pieces in pack - 1
Ports & interfaces > Interface - SATA 6 Gb/s
Power - Operating voltage - 5 / 12 V
Power - Power consumption (idle) - 6.1 W
Power - Power consumption (read) - 6.8 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 1.2 W
Power - Power consumption (write) - 6.8 W
Power > Power consumption (idle) - 6.1 W
Power > Power consumption (read) - 6.8 W
Power > Power consumption (standby) - 1.2 W
Power > Power consumption (write) - 6.8 W
Producer - WD
producer - Western Digital
producerCode - WD10EZEX
ProducerCode - WD10EZEX
Producer product name - Caviar Blue
ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=120705054155122988&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
ProductCategory - Cietie diski
ProductCode - WD10EZEX
ProductDescription - WD Blue HDD Desktop (3.5", 1TB, 64MB, SATA III-600)
productName - Western Digital Blue internal hard drive 1 TB 7200 RPM 64 MB 3.5" Serial ATA III
productSize - Normal
ProductType - HDD Desktop
Rotational Speed - 7200 rpm
Rotational Speed - 7200 RPM
Rotation speed - 7200 rpm
SATA 3.0 Interface - Yes
SATA Interface Connector Type - SATA 7-pin
SATA Interface Quantity - 1
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.458 kg
Shock Tolerance Operating - 30G @ 2ms
Shock Tolerance Storage - 300G @ 2ms
ShortDescription - 3,5" | 1TB | SATA600 | 7200RPM | 64MB cache
Short description - WD HD3.5" SATA3 1TB WD10EZEX / 7.2k (Di)
sizeX - 155
sizeY - 115
sizeZ - 35
Software > Linux operating systems supported - Yes
Software > Mac operating systems supported - Yes
Start / Stop Cycles - 300000
Stck_Kart - 20
Stck_Pal - 800
Storage Capacity - 1 TB
Storno - Y
Supports Data Channel - SATA III-600
System requirements > Mac compatibility - Yes
Technical details > Capacity - 1TB ml
Technical details > Net weight - 0.369 kg
Technical details > Producer - Western Digital
Technical details > Warranty - 24 month(s)
Technical_details - Massive capacity.
WD leads the way; pioneering capacity to deliver a massive 3 TBs of storage on a single drive. Reduced power consumption.
Reduced power consumption makes it possible to build systems with higher capacities and the right balance of system performance, ensured reliability, and energy conservation. Cool and quiet.
WD GreenPower Technology yields lower operating temperatures for increased reliability and low acoustics perfect for ultra-quiet PCs and external drives. Did you know...
It's easy to install an internal hard drive in your computer. The world's largest capacity internal hard drive.
WD Caviar Green SATA drives now deliver up to a massive 3 TB's of storage on a single drive. IntelliSeek.
Calculates optimum seek speeds to lower power consumption, noise and vibration. Advanced Format (AF).
Technology being adopted by WD and other drive manufacturers as one of multiple ways to continue growing hard drive capacities. AF is a more efficient media format that enables increased areal densities. IntelliPower.
A fine-tuned balance of spin speed, transfer rate and caching algorithms designed to deliver both significant power savings and solid performance. Additionally, WD Caviar Green drives consume less current during startup allowing lower peak loads on systems as they are booted. Ideal for:
PCs, external storage and other devices that require lower power consumption and cool, quiet operation. Desktop / Consumer RAID Environments - WD Caviar Green Hard Drives are tested and recommended for use in consumer-type RAID applications. (RAID-0 / RAID-1) Perfect for external drives.
External drive manufacturers can eliminate the need for a fan in a high-capacity product by utilizing the cool and quiet operation of WD Caviar Green hard drives. NoTouch ramp load technology.
The recording head never touches the disk media ensuring significantly less wear to the recording head and media as well as better drive protection in transit. Model Name WD10EZEX Series WD Blue Design 3,5 inch Capacity 1000 GB Interface internal Serial ATA/600 Power Connection 15-pin Maximum Data Transfer Rate Read 150 MB/s Rotational Speed 7.200 rpm Access Speed Read 8 ms Cache 64 MB Noise level Rest 29 dB Operating 30 dB Power Consumption Read / Write 6.8 watt(s) Idle 6.1 watt(s) Stand-By 1.2 watt(s) Sleep 1.2 watt(s) Shock Resistance Operating 1 2 ms (0 G) Turned-Off 1 2 ms (0 G) Product dimensions 102 x 26 x 147 mm Weight 440 grams RoHS Compliant Yes
Typical Operating Noise Level - 30 dB
Unit Box Height - 0.17
Unit Box Length - 0.03
Unit Box Width - 0.1
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0004725 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.458 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.44 kg
Vendor Homepage - http://wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=110
vendpn - WD10EZEX
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24L months
warrantyLength - 24
Warranty Products returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 24 month(s)
warrantyType - G
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 0,43
Weight - 0.44
weight - 440
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 147 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 25.4 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 450 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 101.6 mm
Weight & dimensions > Weight - 440 g
Width (mm) - 101.6 mm
Width Retail box Dimensions - 30 mm
64,75 €
Western Digital 1TB, 7200rpm, 64MB, SataIII, Blue, CMR
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
Kaikki luokat