3D support - No
Accessories included - Remote control 2 x AAA batteries Desktop stand Power cord Quick start guide Legal and safety brochure
Audio system -
Bluetooth - Yes
BrandCode - PHILIPS
Code - 75PUS8919/12
Connection - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.2
Depth - 84 mm
Depth with stand - 341 mm
Description - 4K Ambilight TV Discover the true meaning of entertainment! This 4K Ambilight TV has everything you need: exceptional picture quality, a responsive home screen full of your favourite streaming services and incredible gameplay. Get ready for the best nights of your life. The One with immersive Ambilight. Ambilight TVs are the only TVs with built-in LED lighting behind the screen that reacts to what you're watching, immersing you in a halo of coloured light. Your TV feels bigger, and you get more involved with your favourite shows, films and games. The One that delivers excitement. P5 Perfect Picture Processor. The Philips P5 Processor delivers a picture as brilliant as your favourite entertainment. Details have noticeably more depth. Colours are vibrant and skin tones are natural. Contrast is incredibly sharp, allowing you to see every detail, and movement remains perfectly fluid. The One with TITAN OS. Find your favourite programme quickly and easily with our intelligent TV platform TITAN OS. Love TV shows? Continue watching directly from the home screen. And if youre looking for something new, you can browse categories like action or drama and see recommendations from the best streaming services all in one place. Cinematic picture and sound. Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. With Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, movies, shows and games look and sound amazing. See the picture the director intended you to see no more disappointing scenes that are too dark to see! Hear every word clearly. Experience sound effects as if the action was happening around you. Ready to play? 120 Hz, ultra-low latency. VRR technology, FreeSync. The Ambilight TV with HDMI 2.1 lets you take full advantage of next-generation gaming hardware with incredibly dynamic gameplay and incredibly smooth graphics. Take a jump, spin on the spot or perfectly navigate a corner! Supports both VRR and FreeSync. Ambilight game mode adds even more excitement. Recycled plastic remote control. Responsible packaging. A central swivel stand means you can place The One anywhere and still get the best view, plus you can use Ambilight for instant mood lighting when the screens are off. The TV remote control is made from recycled plastic, the packaging is made from recycled FSC-certified cardboard and the printed materials are made from recycled paper. Philips wireless home system with DTS Play-Fi. You can enjoy great, clear sound straight out of the box from your TV. If you want more, the Philips wireless home system with DTS Play-Fi lets you connect to compatible soundbars and wireless speakers around your home in seconds. You can even create a surround sound home cinema set-up using your TV as the centre speaker. Alexa built-in and Google Assistant support You have your choice of voice assistants! Press the Alexa button on the remote and you can use your voice to search for movies and shows, get recommendations, control compatible smart home devices and more. You can also ask Google to control your TV using your Google Assistant-enabled devices. A razor-sharp, vibrant picture. No matter what youre watching, this TV delivers a bright, razor-sharp picture with vibrant colours. Whats more, this 4K UHD TV with Ambilight is compatible with all major HDR formats, so youll see more detail in dark and bright areas when streaming HDR content. Easy to connect to smart home networks and voice assistants. Seamless compatibility with Matter and Control4 means The One can easily integrate with your existing smart home network. To control your TV with your voice, you can also press the Alexa button on the remote to ask Alexa. Or ask Google via your Google Assistant-enabled devices.
Design > Colour of product - Anthracite Gray
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 1880 mm
dimension height - 1100 mm
Dimensions - depth - 34.1
Dimensions - depth without stand - 8.4
Dimensions - height - 103.3
Dimensions - height without stand - 97
Dimensions - VESA size - 300 x 300
Dimensions - width - 167.1
dimension weight - 40380 g
dimension width - 185 mm
Display > Display - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Display > Display diagonal - 75
Display > Display diagonal (metric) - 189 cm
Display > HD type - UHD
EAN - 8718863041659
ean - 8718863041659
Energy label - Pobierz
Functions - Disney+
functions - EPG
Functions - Netflix
Functions - screen mirroring
Functions - Smart TV
Functions - connection enhancement - EasyLink
General parameters - energy rating - E
General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
General parameters - model identificator - 75PUS8919/12
General parameters - number of the regulation - 2019/2013
GrossWeight - 42.0000
Group - TV > TV > 74"-79"
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
HD technology - Ultra HD/4K
Height - 1.1500
Height - 970 mm
Height with stand - 1033 mm
Hotel mode - Yes
I/O connectors - 1 x Audio out
I/O connectors - 1 x RJ-45 LAN
I/O connectors - 2 x Antenna Input
I/O connectors - 2 x USB 2.0
I/O connectors - 4 x HDMI
Image technology - P5 Perfect Picture Engine
Interfaces - WiFi
Interfaces - HDMI - 4x
Interfaces - USB-A 2.0 - 2
Length - 0.1890
Link - https://www.philips.lt/c-p/75PUS8919_12/theone-75pus8919-4k-ambilight-tv
LongDescription LV - The One ar iespaidīgu Ambilight.
Ambilight televizori ir vienīgie televizori, kuru aizmugurē ir iebūvēts LED apgaismojums, kas reaģē uz to, ko skatāties, ieskaujot jūs krāsainas gaismas fonā. Tas maina visu: televizors šķiet lielāks, un jūs varēsiet iedziļināties savās iecienītākajās sporta spēlēs, filmās un videospēlēs utt. The One ar brīnišķīgu attēlu. Philips P5 Picture dzinis.
Philips P5 dzinis nodrošina perfekti dzidrus attēlus, kas ir tikpat izcili, kā jūsu iecienītais saturs. Ievērojami dziļākas detaļas. Izteiksmīgas krāsas un dabiski ādas toņi. Nepārspējami dzidrais kontrasts ļauj jums izbaudīt ikvienu attēla detaļu. Videoattēls ir nevainojami vienmērīgs. The One ar TITAN OS.
Ar TITAN OS jūs pavisam viegli varēsit atrast visu, ko vien sirds kāro. Jums patīk seriāli? Tos atradīsiet jau sākuma ekrānā. Ja meklējat ko jaunu, varat izvēlēties no vairākiem žanriem, piemēram, asa sižeta seriāli vai psiholoģiski seriāli, kā arī jūs vienuviet varēsit aplūkot zināmāko straumēšanas platformu sniegtos ieteikumus. Kinoteātra kvalitātes attēls un skaņa. Dolby Vision un Dolby Atmos.
Pateicoties Dolby Vision un Dolby Atmos sistēmai, jūsu filmas, seriāli un spēles izskatās un izklausās satriecoši. Ieraugiet attēlu tādu, kādu režisors to vēlējās parādīt. Aizmirstiet par sabojātām ainām, kad ekrāns ir pārāk tumšs, lai saprastu notiekošo. Skaidri dzirdiet ikvienu vārdu. Izbaudiet skaņas efektus tā, it kā darbība notiktu jums visapkārt. Aiziet! 120 Hz, ļoti zema reakcijas aizture, VRR, FreeSync.
Jūsu Ambilight televizors ar HDMI 2.1 ļauj jums optimāli izmantot jūsu nākamās paaudzes spēļu tehnoloģijas, nodrošinot ļoti responsīvu spēlēšanas gaitu un vienmērīgi plūstošu grafiku. Leciet, mainiet virzienu vienā mirklī vai ideāli izņemiet līkumu driftā. Tas atbalsta VRR un FreeSync. Ambilight spēļu režīms padara visu vēl aizraujošāku. Philips bezvadu mājas sistēma ar DTS Play-Fi.
Lieliska, skaidra televizora skaņa. Ja vēlaties vairāk, Philips Wireless Home System ar DTS Play-Fi ļauj dažu sekunžu laikā izveidot savienojumu ar saderīgiem Soundbar skaļruņiem un bezvadu skaļruņiem. Jūs pat varat izveidot mājas kinozāles telpiskās skaņas sistēmu, izmantojot savu televizoru kā centrālo skaļruni. Iebūvēta Alexa un darbība ar Google Assistant
Jūs varat izvēlēties balss asistentus. Tālvadības pultī nospiediet Alexa pogu un izmantojiet balsi, lai meklētu filmas un raidījumus, iegūtu ieteikumus, pārvaldītu viedas mājas ierīces un paveiktu daudz ko citu. Varat arī lūgt Google asistentam pārvaldīt televizoru, izmantojot ierīces, kurās darbojas Google Assistant. Īpaši ass attēls. Dinamiska skatīšanās.
Lai ko jūs skatītos, jūs izbaudīsiet spilgtu, īpaši asu attēlu ar dzīvīgām krāsām. Turklāt šis 4K (UHD) Ambilight TV ir saderīgs ar visiem zināmākajiem HDR formātiem, tāpēc, straumējot HDR saturu, pat tumšās un gaišās zonās saskatīsiet sīkākās detaļas. No pārstrādātas plastmasas veidota pults. Otrreiz pārstrādāts iepakojums.
The One izskatīsies lieliski jebkādā telpā, turklāt jūs varat izmantot Ambilight tehnoloģiju, lai uzreiz pēc ekrāna izslēgšanas ieslēgtu īpašu apgaismojumu. TV tālvadības pults ir veidota no pārstrādātas plastmasas, televizors tiek piegādāts FSC sertificētā un otrreiz pārstrādāta kartona iepakojumā un lietošanas pamācība ir drukāta uz otrreiz pārstrādāta papīra. Viegli savienot ar viedajiem tīkliem un balss asistentiem.
Tā kā ierīce ir saderīga ar Matter un Control, The One varēsiet integrēt savā viedās mājas tīklā. Lai pārvaldītu televizoru ar balsi, varat arī nospiest Alexa pogu uz tālvadības pults un lūgt Alexa veikt konkrētas darbības. Vai arī varat jautāt Google, izmantojot ierīces, kurās pieejams Google Assistant. Saderīga ar Matter un Control4.
Max speaker power (total) - 40 W
MediumDescription EN - Philips The One PUS8919 is a 4K UHD LED LCD television that delivers high-quality picture performance and vibrant colors. This TV is an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy sharp and detailed images while watching movies, TV shows, and sports broadcasts. Additionally, the PUS8919 is equipped with smart TV features, allowing easy access to various streaming services and apps, making home entertainment convenient and enjoyable. • Ambilight TV
• P5 Perfect Picture Engine
• Titan OS
• Dolby Vision and Atmos
MediumDescription ET - Philips The One PUS8919 on 4K UHD LED LCD televiisor, mis pakub kõrgekvaliteedilist pildikvaliteeti ja rikkalikke värve. See teler on ideaalne valik neile, kes soovivad nautida teravat ja detailset pilti nii filmide, telesaadete kui ka spordiülekannete vaatamisel. Lisaks on PUS8919 varustatud nutiteleri funktsioonidega, võimaldades lihtsat juurdepääsu erinevatele voogedastusteenustele ja rakendustele, muutes meelelahutuse kodus mugavaks ja nauditavaks. • Ambilight TV
• P5 Perfect Picture Engine
• Titan OS • Dolby Vision ja Atmos
MediumDescription LV - 4K Ambilight TV
Izbaudiet The One! Šis 4K Ambilight TV nodrošina visu, ko vēlaties: episku attēla kvalitāti, ātri reaģējošs sākumekrāns ar jūsu iecienītākajiem straumēšanas pakalpojumiem un neticama videospēļu pieredze. Sagatavojieties labākajiem vakariem savā mūžā! • AMBILIGHT televizors;
• P5 Perfect Picture dzinis;
• Titan operētājsistēmas viedā platforma;
• Dolby Vision un Atmos.
Model - 75PUS8919
Name - Philips 4K LED TV with Ambilight | 75PUS8919/12 | 75 | Smart TV | Titan OS | UHD | Anthracite Gray
name - TV LED 75 inches 75PUS8919/12
Name EN - TV Philips 75"
Name ET - TV Philips 75"
NameInWeb EN - Philips The One PUS8919, 75'', 4K UHD, LED LCD, black - TV
NameInWeb ET - Philips The One PUS8919, 75'', 4K UHD, LED LCD, must - Teler
NameInWeb LV - Philips The One PUS8919, 75'', 4K UHD, LED LCD, melna - Televizors
Name LV - TV Philips 75"
NetWeight - 41.0000
Other features -
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 190.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 1106.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 1879.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 6 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 6480.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 1620.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 8.10 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.02 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Battery
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.39 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Panel type - LED
PDF - https://www.blobs.lt/products/9/3/1/5/3/4/07318547c075386df1885ff2063fd661/original.pdf
Picture enhancement - HDR
Picture enhancement - picture enhancement systems - Dolby Vision, HDR10, HDR10+, HLG
Picture enhancement - TV backlighting - Ambilight 3
Power - energy consumption - 91
Power - HDR energy consumption - 268
Processor -
producer - Philips
ProductCode - 75PUS8919/12
ProductionCountry - CH
Resolution - 3840 x 2160
Screen - display screen type - LED LCD
Screen - HDR energy rating - G
Screen - panel resolution - 3840х2160 4K UHD
Screen - refresh rate - 100
Screen - screen size - 75" / 190 cm
Screen size (diag.) - 75''
Smart TV - yes
Smart TV > Operating system installed - Titan OS
Smart TV > Smart TV - Yes
Software - operating system - TITAN OS
Sound - Bluetooth audio
Sound - Sound power (RMS) - 50
Sound - sound technology - Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, DTS:X, Clear Dialogue
Special functions -
System TV - Smart TV
TariffNo - 85287240
Technical details > Gross weight - 40.80 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 32.70 kg
Technical details > Producer - Philips
Technical details > Producer product family - 4K LED TV with Ambilight
Technical details > Producer product name - 75PUS8919/12
Technologies -
Teletext (memory) -
TV tuner - DVB-C
TV tuner - DVB-S
TV tuner - DVB-S2
TV tuner - DVB-T2/HEVC (H.265)
TV tuner - DVB-T MPEG-2
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - 75PUS8919/12
Volume - 0.51338070
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
Weight & dimensions > Dimensions (W x D x H) with stand - 1671 x 341 x 1033 mm
Width - 2.3620
Width - 1671 mm
WiFi - Yes
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi - Yes