HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, Black

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 966443 Tuotekoodi: 6N0A7AA
Varastossa 7 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
77,86 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: keskiviikkona, 19.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: keskiviikkona, 19.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Käytä: Gaming
  • Väri: Musta
  • Liitäntätyyppi: Kaapeli
  • Liitäntätyyppi: USB vads
  • Tyyppi: Optical
Käytä Gaming

Sovellus on opas, jonka avulla voit määrittää, sopiiko hiiri paremmin pöytä- vai kannettavaan tietokoneeseen.

Kannettavien tietokoneiden hiiret ovat kooltaan pieniä ja sopivat siksi liikkuvan työn tekemiseen.

Jos käytät kannettavaa tietokonetta enimmäkseen tietyssä työpisteessä, on suositeltavaa ostaa pöytähiiri, joka on vakiokokoinen, joten se on mukavampi käyttää pitkiä aikoja tietokoneen ääressä. Vakiohiiret liitetään kannettavaan tietokoneeseen johdolla, jotta ne toimivat pitkään vakaasti. Langattomat hiiret sen sijaan vaativat säännöllisen paristonvaihdon.

Pelihiirissä on enemmän painikkeita, tarkempi optiikka ja parempi resoluutio. Edistyneempään pelaamiseen TopPC.fi suosittelee pelihiiriä, jossa on langallinen tiedonsiirto.

Jokapäiväiseen käyttöön TopPC.fi suosittelee laserhiirtä, jossa on PS/2- tai USB-liitäntä.

Väri Musta
Hiiren pinnan väri. Tämä parametri on likimääräinen ja voi poiketa hiiren todellisesta väristä hieman.
Painikkeiden määrä : 6
Valaistus : Ja
Valaistuksen väri : RGB
Satamat ja laitteet
Liitäntätyyppi Kaapeli

Tiedonsiirto määrittää, miten hiiri liitetään tietokoneeseen.

Langallinen liitäntä on klassinen, nopea ja hyväksi havaittu tapa (sähkökaapeli, jossa on USB- tai PS/2-liitin).

Langaton yhteys taas vaatii säännöllisiä paristonvaihtoja tai paristojen lataamista, mutta tarjoaa vapauden käyttää hiirtä ilman huolta satunnaisesta hankalasta kaapelista. Tällaiset hiiret sopivat erinomaisesti käytettäväksi kannettavan tietokoneen kanssa, johon ne on liitetty Bluetoothilla tai infrapunalla. On kuitenkin huomattava, että ne painavat yleensä hieman enemmän kuin langalliset hiiret, eikä yhteys ole aina vakaa.

Liitäntätyyppi : USB vads
Tekniset tiedot
Kytkimien valmistaja : HyperX
Kytkinmalli : HyperX Switch
Paino (g) : 53
Johdon pituus (m) : 1.8
Tyyppi Optical

On olemassa optisia ja laserhiiriä.

Laserhiirellä on suurempi tarkkuus ja alhainen energiankulutus, ja ne voivat toimia myös lasi- ja peilipinnoilla.

Optisia hiiriä käytetään nykyisin useimmiten niiden houkuttelevan hinta-laatusuhteen vuoksi. Niissä ei ole mekaanisia osia, joten ne ovat nopeita ja tarkkoja.

Herkkyys (DPI) : 26000
Anturin valmistaja : HyperX
Anturimalli : HyperX 26K
Kyselytaajuus (Hz) : 8000
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 mouse HyperX grips Low friction glides Quick start guide
Brand - HP
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 196786272523
BrandCode - HyperX
BrandPartCode - 6N0A7AA
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Datorpeles
Category - Mice
Category Code - MOU
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Mouses
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
Code - 6N0A7AA
Color - Black
Colour - Black
Connection - Wired
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Cord length - 1.8 m
Desc - Tips: Optiskā, Savienojums: Ar vadu, Savienojuma veids: USB, Kategorija: Datorspēlēm, Pogu skaits: 6, Krāsa: Melna, Barošana: USB, DPI jutība: 32 000 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - Game at the speed of ultra-light. The HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 is built for gamers who maximize every millisecond. Our designers optimized the original Pulsefire Haste to deliver a solid-shell sequel that performs brilliantly, but weighs just 53g3. Then our team built a high-performance HyperX suite of components, highlighted by the precision HyperX 26K Sensor which has a native DPI of up to 26,000 with a tracking speed of up to 650 IPS. The Pulsefire Haste 2 features custom HyperX Switches that provide tactile, audible feedback on each satisfying click, and are rated for a lifespan of up to 100 million clicks. Get better responsiveness and accuracy with the Pulsefire Haste 2s 8000Hz2 polling rate. Youll also enjoy superior physical control of your mouse with the included grip tape, a super-flexible paracord cable, and smooth, low-friction skates. Get the most out of every mouse movement with HyperX NGENUITY Software and program create macros for the 6 programmable buttons, customize your DPI settings, and personalize your RGB lighting. EASIER MOUSE MOVEMENT FOR EASIER WINS Game at the speed of ultra-light with the Pulsefire Haste 2. Featuring a solid shell, but still weighing in at just 53g, its designed to help you move quicker, game better, and feel less fatigue. INCREDIBLY PRECISE HYPERX 26K SENSOR Say hello to our HyperX 26K Sensor. Its capable of up to 26,000 DPI natively and can track at speeds up to 650 IPS. With that level of precision, making clutch plays has never been easier. 8000HZ POLLING RATE FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE The HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 reports in up to 8 times per millisecond. Thats a signal every .125 MILLISECONDS. Ensure you never lose a one-on-one because of mouse input lag again. REDUCE CABLE RESISTANCE WITH THE HYPERFLEX 2 CABLE HyperX built our super-flexible HyperFlex 2 Cable out of paracord material to facilitate smooth, free-flowing mouse movement and prevent cable snags in clutch situations. DURABLE, SATISFYING HYPERX SWITCHES Rated for up to 100 million clicks, HyperX mouse switches provide solid tactile and audible feedback on every satisfying click. LOW-FRICTION SKATES FOR SMOOTH, EFFORTLESS GLIDING Mouse movement is a breeze when you combine the Pulsefire Haste 2s ultra-light weight with its smooth, low-friction skates. INCLUDED GRIP TAPE FOR SECURE, CUSTOMIZABLE GRIP. 4 pieces of custom no-slip HyperX Grips are provided for left and right mouse buttons and the left and right sides of the mouse.
Description - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 - Gaming Mouse - Ultra-lightweight 53g design - Precision HyperX 26K Sensor - 8000Hz Polling Rate - Super-flexible HyperFlex 2 Cable
description_en - The HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 is built for gamers who maximize every millisecond. Our designers optimized the original Pulsefire Haste to deliver a solid-shell sequel that performs brilliantly, but weighs just 53g3. Then our team built a high-performance HyperX suite of components, highlighted by the precision HyperX 26K Sensor which has a native DPI of up to 26,000 with a tracking speed of up to 650 IPS. The Pulsefire Haste 2 features custom HyperX Switches that provide tactile, audible feedback on each satisfying click, and are rated for a lifespan of up to 100 million clicks. Get better responsiveness and accuracy with the Pulsefire Haste 2’s 8000Hz2 polling rate. You’ll also enjoy superior physical control of your mouse with the included grip tape, a super-flexible paracord cable, and smooth, low-friction skates. Get the most out of every mouse movement with HyperX NGENUITY Software and program create macros for the 6 programmable buttons, customize your DPI settings, and personalize your RGB lighting. Mouse Specifications Shape: Symmetrical
Sensor: HyperX 26K Sensor
Resolution: Up to 26000 DPI
DPI Presets: 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 DPI
Speed: 650 IPS
Acceleration: 50G
Buttons: 6
Left / Right Button Switches: HyperX Switch
Left / Right Button Durability: 100 million clicks
Light Effects: Per-LED RGB lighting
Onboard Memory: 1 profile
Connection Type: Wired
Polling Rate: Up to 8000Hz Physical Specifications Length: 124.3mm
Height: 38.2mm
Width: 66.8mm
Weight: Weight (without cable): 0.11lb; Weight (with cable): 0.16lb
Cable Type: HyperFlex 2
Cable Length (imperial) and type: 5.9 ft | HyperFlex 2
description_lv - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 ir paredzēts spēlētājiem, kuri maksimāli izmanto katru milisekundi. Mūsu dizaineri optimizēja oriģinālo Pulsefire Haste, lai nodrošinātu cieta apvalka turpinājumu, kas darbojas izcili, bet sver tikai 53 g3. Pēc tam mūsu komanda izveidoja augstas veiktspējas HyperX komponentu komplektu, ko izceļ precīzais HyperX 26K sensors, kura sākotnējā DPI ir līdz 26 000 un izsekošanas ātrumu līdz 650 IPS. Pulsefire Haste 2 ir aprīkoti ar pielāgotiem HyperX slēdžiem, kas nodrošina taustāmu, dzirdamu atgriezenisko saiti par katru apmierinošu klikšķi, un to kalpošanas laiks ir līdz 100 miljoniem klikšķu. Iegūstiet labāku atsaucību un precizitāti, izmantojot Pulsefire Haste 2 8000Hz2 aptaujas frekvenci. Jūs izbaudīsiet arī izcilu peles fizisko vadību, izmantojot komplektācijā iekļauto roktura lenti, īpaši elastīgo paracord kabeli un gludas, zemas berzes slidas. Iegūstiet maksimālu labumu no katras peles kustības, izmantojot HyperX NGENUITY programmatūru un programmu, izveidojiet makro 6 programmējamām pogām, pielāgojiet savus DPI iestatījumus un personalizējiet savu RGB apgaismojumu. Peles specifikācijas Forma: simetriska
Sensors: HyperX 26K sensors
Izšķirtspēja: līdz 26000 DPI
DPI iepriekšējie iestatījumi: 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 DPI
Ātrums: 650 IPS
Paātrinājums: 50G
Pogas: 6
Kreisās/labās pogas slēdži: HyperX slēdzis
Kreisās / labās pogas izturība: 100 miljoni klikšķu
Gaismas efekti: Per-LED RGB apgaismojums
Iebūvētā atmiņa: 1 profils
Savienojuma veids: Vadu
Aptaujas frekvence: līdz 8000 Hz Fiziskās specifikācijas Garums: 124,3 mm
Augstums: 38,2 mm
Platums: 66,8 mm
Svars: Svars (bez kabeļa): 0,11 lb; Svars (ar kabeli): 0,16 lb
Kabeļa veids: HyperFlex 2
Kabeļa garums (impērijas) un tips: 5,9 pēdas | HyperFlex 2
description_ru - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 создан для геймеров, которые ценят каждую миллисекунду. Наши дизайнеры оптимизировали оригинальный Pulsefire Haste, чтобы создать продолжение с твердым корпусом, которое великолепно работает, но весит всего 53 г3. Затем наша команда создала высокопроизводительный набор компонентов HyperX, подчеркнутый прецизионным датчиком HyperX 26K, который имеет собственное разрешение до 26 000 точек на дюйм и скорость отслеживания до 650 дюймов в секунду. Pulsefire Haste 2 оснащен специальными переключателями HyperX, которые обеспечивают тактильную и звуковую обратную связь при каждом щелчке и рассчитаны на срок службы до 100 миллионов нажатий. Получите лучшую скорость отклика и точность благодаря частоте опроса Pulsefire Haste 2 8000 Гц2. Вы также насладитесь превосходным физическим контролем над мышью благодаря прилагаемой ленте для захвата, сверхгибкому тросу из паракорда и гладким конькам с низким коэффициентом трения. Получите максимальную отдачу от каждого движения мыши с помощью программного обеспечения HyperX NGENUITY и программы, создавайте макросы для 6 программируемых кнопок, настраивайте параметры разрешения и персонализируйте RGB-подсветку. Характеристики мыши Форма: Симметричная
Датчик: Датчик HyperX 26K
Разрешение: до 26000 точек на дюйм.
Предустановки разрешения: 400/800/1600/3200 точек на дюйм
Скорость: 650 дюймов в секунду
Ускорение: 50G
Кнопки: 6
Переключатели левой/правой кнопки: переключатель HyperX
Срок службы левой/правой кнопки: 100 миллионов нажатий.
Световые эффекты: индивидуальное светодиодное освещение RGB.
Встроенная память: 1 профиль
Тип подключения: Проводной
Частота опроса: до 8000 Гц Физические характеристики Длина: 124,3 мм
Высота: 38,2 мм
Ширина: 66,8 мм
Вес: Вес (без кабеля): 0,11 фунта; Вес (с кабелем): 0,16 фунта
Тип кабеля: HyperFlex 2
Длина и тип кабеля (британские единицы): 5,9 фута | ГиперФлекс 2
Design - Form factor - Ambidextrous
Design - Illumination - Yes
Design - Material - Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Design - Product colour - Black
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 65 mm
dimension height - 168 mm
Dimensions -
Dimensions - 124.3x38.2x66.8mm
Dimensions - depth - 3.82
Dimensions - height - 12.43
Dimensions - weight - 53
Dimensions - width - 6.68
dimension weight - 240 g
dimension width - 100 mm
EAN - 196786272523
ean - 196786272523
Ergonomics - Cable length - 1.8 m
Full Description Line - USB|Optical|26000 dpi|Number of buttons 6|Included Accessories HyperX Grips, Low-Friction Skates, Quick Start Guide.|Colour Black|Dimensions 124.3x38.2x66.8mm|Weight 0.075 kg
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - device type - corded mouse
General parameters - manufacturer - HyperX
GrossWeight - 0.2320
gross_weight - 0.09 kg
GTIN - 196786272523
GTIN - 0196786272523
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Height - 0.1800
Illumination - RGB
Illumination - Yes
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_107959_1.jpg
Included Accessories - HyperX Grips, Low-Friction Skates, Quick Start Guide.
Interface - USB
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 0.0600
LongDesc - Game at the speed of ultra-light.The HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 is built for gamers who maximize every millisecond. Our designers optimized the original Pulsefire Haste to deliver a solid-shell sequel that performs brilliantly but weighs just 53g3. Then our team built a high-performance HyperX suite of components, highlighted by the precision HyperX 26K Sensor which has a native DPI of up to 26,000 with a tracking speed of up to 650 IPS. The Pulsefire Haste 2 features custom HyperX Switches that provide tactile, audible feedback on each satisfying click, and are rated for a lifespan of up to 100 million clicks. Get better responsiveness and accuracy with the Pulsefire Haste 2’s 8000Hz2 polling rate. You’ll also enjoy superior physical control of your mouse with the included grip tape, a super-flexible paracord cable, and smooth, low-friction skates. Get the most out of every mouse movement with HyperX NGENUITY Software and program create macros for the 6 programmable buttons, customize your DPI settings, and personalize your RGB lighting.
LongDescription EN - Easier Mouse Movement for Easier Victories
Play with ultra-light speed using the Pulsefire Haste 2. Even with a sturdy top shell, it weighs only 53g, designed to help you move faster, play better, and tire less. HyperFlex 2 Cable
HyperX has crafted an ultra-flexible HyperFlex 2 cable from special materials to ensure smooth and unhindered mouse movement, preventing cable snags in critical situations. Incredibly Precise HyperX 26K Sensor
Meet our HyperX 26K sensor. It can go up to 26,000 DPI and track at speeds of up to 650 IPS. With such precision, making critical moves in games is easier than ever. Durable, Satisfying HyperX Switches
Rated for up to 100 million clicks, HyperX mouse switches provide a firm tactile and audible feedback with every satisfying click. Low-Friction Skates and Customizable HyperX Grips
Be confident in your mouse control, thanks to HyperX's low-friction skates and four customizable, residue-free HyperX grip tape pieces, ensuring a secure hold. Customizable with HyperX NGENUITY Software
Personalize your lighting, set up macros for Pulsefire Haste 2's six programmable buttons, and easily adjust DPI settings with the user-friendly HyperX NGENUITY software.
LongDescription ET - Lihtsam hiire liikumine lihtsamate võitude nimel
Mängige ultra-kerge kiirusega Pulsefire Haste 2 abil. Isegi tugeva ülemise korpusega kaalub see vaid 53g, mis on loodud selleks, et aidata teil kiiremini liikuda, paremini mängida ja vähem väsida. HyperFlex 2 juhe
HyperX on loonud ülielastse HyperFlex 2 kaabli spetsiaalsest materjalist, et tagada sujuv ja vaba hiire liikumine ning vältida kaabli takerdumist kriitilistes olukordades. Uskumatult täpne HyperX 26K sensor
Tutvuge meie HyperX 26K sensoriga. See suudab kuni 26 000 DPI ja suudab jälgida kiirusega kuni 650 IPS. Sellise täpsusega on otsustavate mängude tegemine lihtsam kui kunagi varem. Vastupidavad, rahuldust pakkuvad HyperX lülitid
Kuni 100 miljoni klõpsu jaoks hinnatud HyperX hiire lülitid pakuvad iga rahuldava klõpsu korral kindlat taktiilset ja kuuldavat tagasisidet. Madala hõõrdumisega rattad ja kohandatavad HyperX haarded
Ole oma hiire juhtimises kindel, tänu HyperX madala hõõrdumisega ratastele ja 4 tükile kohandatavale, jääkidevabale HyperX haardeteibile, mis aitavad tagada kindla haardumise. Kohandatav HyperX NGENUITY tarkvaraga
Isikupärastage oma valgustust, seadistage makrosid Pulsefire Haste 2 kuue programmeeritava nupu jaoks ja kohandage DPI seadeid lihtsasti kasutatava HyperX NGENUITY tarkvaraga.
LongProductName - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 - Gaming Mouse (Black)
LongSummaryDescription - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 - Gaming Mouse (Black). Form factor: Ambidextrous. Device interface: USB Type-A, Movement resolution: 26000 DPI, Buttons type: Pressed buttons, Buttons quantity: 6, Scroll type: Wheel, Acceleration (max): 50 G. Power source: Cable. Product colour: Black
MediumDescription EN - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 is designed for gamers who can't afford even a millisecond of delay and want a reliable wired connection. This mouse features the new HyperX 26K sensor, customizable switches, and a durable HyperFlex 2 cable. • Ultra-flexible HyperFlex 2 cable
• Ultra-lightweight 53g design
• Precise HyperX 26K sensor
• Customizable HyperX switches
MediumDescription ET - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 on mõeldud mängijatele, kes ei saa endale lubada millisekunditki viivitust ja soovivad kindlat juhtmega ühendust. See hiir on varustatud uue HyperX 26K sensori, kohandatavate lülitite ja vastupidava HyperFlex juhtmega. • Ülipaindlik HyperFlex 2 juhe
• Ultra-kerge 53g disain
• Täpne HyperX 26K sensor
• Kohandatavad HyperX lülitid
MediumDescription LV - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 ir paredzēts spēlētājiem, kuri nevar atļauties nekādu kavēkli un vēlas uzticamu vadu savienojumu. Šai pelei ir jauns HyperX 26K sensors, pielāgojami slēdži un izturīgs HyperFlex 2 vads.• Izturīgs HyperFlex 2 vads;
• Īpaši viegls 53 g dizains;
• Divu režīmu bezvadu savienojums;
• Precīzs HyperX 26K sensors;
• Pielāgojami HyperX slēdži.
Model - 6N0A7AA
Model - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2
Model - Pulsefire Haste 2
Mouse - Acceleration (max) - 50 G
Mouse - Buttons durability (million clicks) - 100
Mouse - Buttons quantity - 6
Mouse - Buttons type - Pressed buttons
Mouse - Device interface - USB Type-A
Mouse - mouse connection type - USB-A
Mouse - Mouse tracking speed - 650 ips
Mouse - Movement resolution - 26000 DPI
Mouse - Polling rate - 8000 Hz
Mouse - programmable buttons - 6
Mouse - Purpose - Gaming
Mouse - Scroll type - Wheel
Mouse - sensitivity - 26000
Mouse - sensor - optical
Mouse Type - Optical
Name - Datorpele HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 Black
name - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 Gaming Mouse
Name EN - Wired Mouse HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, black
Name ET - Juhtmega Hiir HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, must
NameInWeb EN - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, black - Wired mouse
NameInWeb ET - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, must - Juhtmega hiir
NameInWeb LV - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, melna - Datorpele ar vadu
Name LV - Wired Mouse HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, black
NetWeight - 0.0900
No. of buttons - 6
No. of scroll wheels - 1
Number of buttons - 6
Other features - 8000Hz Polling Rate Plug and play
Other features - Warranty period - 2 year(s)
Packaging data - Package depth - 100 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 64 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 240 g
Packaging data - Package width - 165 mm
Packaging data - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Power - USB 5V
Power - Power source - Cable
producer - HyperX
Producer - HyperX
ProductCode - 6N0A7AA
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 - Gaming Mouse (Black)
Resolution - 26000 dpi
Resolution (max) - 26000 dpi
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Scroll - Yes
Sensor - Optical
Shape - Right-handed
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 33.5 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 19 cm
Shipping box quantity - 15
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 3.9 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 32.5 cm
ShortSummaryDescription - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 - Gaming Mouse (Black), Ambidextrous, USB Type-A, 26000 DPI, Black
Software - additional software -
Software - operating system support - PC
Software - operating system support - PlayStation 4
Software - operating system support - PlayStation 5
Software - operating system support - Xbox One
Software - operating system support - Xbox Series S
Software - operating system support - Xbox Series X
TariffNo - 84716070
Technical details - General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) URL - https://kaas.hpcloud.hp.com/pdf-public/pdf_8666243_en-US-1.pdf
Title - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 - Gaming Mouse (Black)
title_en - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 Gaming mouse
title_lv - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 Datorpele
title_ru - HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2 Мышь
Unit Box Height - 0.165
Unit Box Length - 0.1
Unit Box Width - 0.065
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001379 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.26 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.075 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
URL - https://www8.hp.com
Usage - Gaming
USB Interface - Yes
Vendor Homepage - hyperx.com/products/hyperx-pulsefire-haste-2-gaming-mouse?variant=43416224006301
vendpn - 6N0A7AA
Volume - 0.00129600
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo - 2 year
weight - 0.05 kg
Weight - 53 g
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 67 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 38 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 52 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 124 mm
Width - 0.1200
77,86 €
HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
Kaikki luokat