barcode - 8886419332992
Bezvadu - Bezvadu tehnoloģija - 2.4 GHz
Bezvadu - Bezvadu tehnoloģija - Bluetooth
Bezvadu - Izturība - 70 hours (2,4 GHz)
Bezvadu - Izturība - 120 hours (Bluetooth)
brand - Razer
category_en - Peripherals
category_et - Lisaseadmed
category_lv - Papildus ierīces
category_ru - Дополнительные устройства
Color -
BlackRazer Chroma RGB
depth - 10.8
Depth - 61.7 mm
description_en - Ergonomics unleashed
With over 10 million Razer DeathAdders sold, the most successful gaming mouse of all time sheds its cord for comfort without limits. All hail the Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro—a wireless ergonomic gaming mouse that ushers in a new reign of dominance through total freedom of movement and control. A proven legacy
While the Razer DeathAdder has evolved over the years, what it’s most known for has never changed—amazing ergonomics that have stood the test of time. Razer™ HyperSpeed wireless
25% faster than any other wireless technology available, you won’t even realize that you’re using a wireless gaming mouse due to its high-speed transmission, lowest click latency, and seamless frequency switching in the noisiest, data-saturated environments. Razer™ Focus+ optical sensor
Our new, improved sensor has an industry-leading 20,000 DPI with 99.6% resolution accuracy, ensuring that even the finest movement from this wireless ergonomic gaming mouse is tracked with consistency. Equipped with intelligent functions, the sensor becomes even more accurate, allowing for an acute level of precision for game-winning headshots. 2nd gen Razer™ optical mouse switch
Improved with greater tactile feedback, every click now feels and sounds more satisfying—actuating via an infrared light beam for an industry-leading response time of 0.2ms. Because this form of actuation no longer requires traditional physical contact, it removes the need for debounce delay and never triggers unintended clicks, giving you closer control and flawless execution. Up to 120 hours of battery life
This wireless ergonomic gaming mouse offers 3 modes of connection to adapt to your needs: up to 120 hours via Bluetooth for maximum usage, up to 70 hours via Razer™ HyperSpeed Wireless for low-latency gaming, or plugged in via its Razer™ Speedflex cable so you can continue to game even as it’s charging. Fine-tuned scroll wheel tactility
Offering satisfying feedback with a distinct, notched feel, the scroll wheel also has a lower scroll resistance that feels easier and lighter to use—so cycling through weapons and executing bunny hops becomes truly second nature. Advanced on-board memory
Be ready to compete anywhere with up to 5 stored profiles that give you access to optimal keybind layouts, macros and double the inputs via the Razer Hypershift function. Charge-compatible with Razer mouse dock Chroma*
The Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro works with the same mouse dock used to charge the Razer Viper Ultimate or Razer Basilisk Ultimate—the perfect upgrade to your RGB battlestation that can be purchased separately. Injection-molded rubber side grips
For more secure swipes, the mouse has rubber grips that fully cover its left and right side—molded as part of the shell to ensure they never peel off. 100% PTFE mouse feet
Enjoy slick mouse movement across any surface with mouse feet made from the purest, highest grade of PTFE.
description_et - Ergonoomika, millele ei ole vastast
Razer DeathAdder seeria on juba üle kümne aasta olnud mängurite austatud hiireperekond. See on tõestanud end nii usaldusväärsuses, vastupidavuses kui kasutusmugavuses. Ka Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro säilitab klassikalise ergonoomilise kuju, mis on varasemate DeathAdder hiirte seas heakskiidetud. Selle mugav disain on loodud pikkadeks mängutundideks. Kuid uuendusena hülgab DeathAdder V2 Pro piirava juhtme ning pakub juhtmevaba mängunaudingut. Razer™ HyperSpeed juhtmevaba tehnoloogia
25% kiirem kui ükski teine juhtmevaba tehnoloogia – tänu kiirele andmeedastusele ja sujuvale ühilduvusele ei erine see kuidagi juhtmega hiirest.. välja arvatud rohke liikumisvabaduse poolest. Kaherežiimiline disain võimaldab valida standardse 2,4 GHz (HyperSpeed Wireless) ja energiasäästliku Bluetooth ühenduse vahel. Razer optiline lüliti & Razer Focus+ sensor
DeathAdder V2 Pro on varustatud teise generatsiooni Razer optilise lülitiga, mis kasutab infrapuna valgust, nii et iga hiireklõps registreerub kõigest 0,2 sekundiga. Lisaks on hiires kasutuses 99,6% täpsuse ja 20 000 dpi tundlikkusega Razer Focus+ optiline sensor. Kombineerides need kaks Sinu osavusega, ei leidu Sulle virtuaalvõitlustes vastast. Kauakestev aku
Bluetooth režiimis kestab Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro aku kuni 120 tundi ning HyperSpeed Wireless režiimis kuni 70 tundi. Nii ei pea Sa kunagi mängu katkestama, et hiirt laadida. Tipptasemel kerimisrullik
Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro kerimisrullik on optimeeritud sujuvaks kasutuseks. Tänu sellele saad sooritada hüppeid, relvavalikuid ja muid kerimisrullikule määratud ülesandeid veel täpsemalt ja kiiremalt. 5 mäluprofiili
Basilisk Ultimate'ga saad aktiveerida kuni 5 erinevat mänguprofiili. Nii saad oma sätted kaasa võtta ja olla lahinguvalmis vaid hetkega. Kummeeritud küljed
Hiire kummeeritud küljed on osa selle korpusest, nii et need ei kooru kunagi maha. Naudi kindlamat haaret igas mängus. 8 programmeeritavat nuppu
DeathAdder V2 Pro on Razer Synapse 3 kaudu täielikult seadistatav – hiire kaheksa nuppu võimaldavad luua makrosid ja sekundaarseid funktsioone, nii et iga liigutus saaks läbi viidud mugavalt ja kiiresti. 100% PTFE hiirejalad
Naudi sujuvat liuglemist ükskõik, millisel pinnal tänu hiirejalgadele, mis on valmistatud PTFE-materjalist, mida kasutatakse ka mittenakkuvatel pannidel.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - 8-button wireless gaming mouse Precise 20 000 dpi Razer Focus+ optic sensor Independently programmable buttons Razer Chroma light effects Battery lasts up to 120 hours
description_short_et - 8-nupuline juhtmevaba mängurihiir Ülitäpne 20 000 dpi Razer Focus+ optiline sensor Iseseisvalt seadistatavad nupud Razer Chroma valgustus Aku kestab kuni 120 tundi
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - 8-кнопочная беспроводная игровая мышьСверхточный оптический сенсор 20 000 dpi Razer Focus+ Самостоятельно настраиваемые кнопкиПодсветка Razer ChromaАккумулятор держит заряд до 120 часов
feature_group_en - Mice
feature_group_et - Hiired
feature_group_lv - Peles
feature_group_ru - Мышки
General - Color - Black
General - Height (mm) - 42.7
General - Length (mm) - 127
General - System requirements - Bluetooth connection
General - System requirements - Free USB port
General - Weight (g) - 88
General - Width (mm) - 61.7
gross_weight - 0.266
height - 17.5
Height - 42.7 mm
Hiir - Andmeedastus - 1000 Hz Ultrapolling
Hiir - Hiire disain - Paremakäeline
Hiir - Hiire tüüp - Juhtmevaba hiir
Hiir - Kerimisrullik - Jah
Hiir - Kiirendus - 50G
Hiir - Klahvide arv - 8
Hiir - Liides - Bluetooth
Hiir - Liides - USB 2.0
Hiir - Profiilid - Jah (kuni 5 profiili)
Hiir - Sensori tundlikkus - 20000 dpi
Hiir - Sensori tüüp - Razer Focus+ optiline sensor
Hiir - Valgustus - Mitmevärviline
Interface - WirelessBluetooth
Juhtmevaba - Aku vastupidavus - 70 tundi (2,4 GHz)
Juhtmevaba - Aku vastupidavus - 120 tundi (Bluetooth)
Juhtmevaba - Juhtmevaba tehnoloogia - 2,4 GHz
Juhtmevaba - Juhtmevaba tehnoloogia - Bluetooth
LongDesc -
manufacturer_code - RZ01-03350100-R3G1
Mouse - Acceleration - 50G
Mouse - Interfaces - Bluetooth
Mouse - Interfaces - USB 2.0
Mouse - Lightning - Multi color
Mouse - Mouse design - Right-handed
Mouse - Mouse type - Wireless mouse
Mouse - Number of keys - 8
Mouse - Polling rate - 1000 Hz Ultrapolling
Mouse - Profiles - Yes (up to 5 profiles)
Mouse - Scroll wheel - Yes
Mouse - Sensor sensitivity - 20000 dpi
Mouse - Sensor type - Razer Focus+ optical sensor
MouseCableLength - -
MouseType - OpticalGaming
name_en - Razer wireless mouse DeathAdder V2 Pro
name_et - Razer juhtmevaba hiir DeathAdder V2 Pro
name_lv - Razer wireless mouse DeathAdder V2 Pro
name_ru - Razer мышь DeathAdder V2 Pro
net_weight - 0.134
NumberOfMouseButtons - 8
PackageContents - -
PackageDimensions - -
PackageWeight - 0.300 kg
Pele - Apgaismojums - Daudzkrāsu
Pele - Aptaujas biežums - 1000 Hz Ultrapolling
Pele - Interfeisi - Bluetooth
Pele - Interfeisi - USB 2.0
Pele - Mouse design - Right-handed
Pele - Paātrinājums - 50G
Pele - Peles tips - Bezvada pele
Pele - Profili - Jā (līdz 5 profiliem)
Pele - Ritināšanas ritenītis - Jā
Pele - Sensora jutība - 20000 dpi
Pele - Sensora tips - Razer Focus+ optiskais sensors
Pele - Taustiņu skaits - 8
Power - CordedBattery
PowerFeatures - -
ProdDesc - Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro Black Wireless Mouse
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
Resoliution - 20000 dpi
Software - -
SystemRequirements - -
Vispārīgi - Augstums (mm) - 42.7
Vispārīgi - Garums (mm) - 127
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Vispārīgi - Platums (mm) - 61.7
Vispārīgi - Sistēmas prasības - Bluetooth connection
Vispārīgi - Sistēmas prasības - Brīvs USB ports
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 88
Warranty - -
Weight - 0.088 kg
width - 5.8
Width - 127 mm
Wireless - Battery life - 70 hours (2.4 GHz)
Wireless - Battery life - 120 hours (Bluetooth)
Wireless - Wireless technology - 2.4 GHz
Wireless - Wireless technology - Bluetooth
WirelessCompatibility - Yes
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 88
Üldine - Kõrgus (mm) - 42,7
Üldine - Laius (mm) - 61,7
Üldine - Nõuded arvutile - Bluetooth ühendus
Üldine - Nõuded arvutile - Vaba USB pesa
Üldine - Pikkus (mm) - 127
Üldine - Värvus - Must
Беспроводной - Беспроводная технология - 2,4 ГГц
Беспроводной - Беспроводная технология - Bluetooth
Беспроводной - Выносливость - 70 часов(2,4 GHz)
Беспроводной - Выносливость - 120 часов (Bluetooth)
Мышка - Дизайн мыши - Для праворуких
Мышка - Интерфейс - Bluetooth
Мышка - Интерфейс - USB 2.0
Мышка - Колесико - Да
Мышка - Освещение - Многоцветная
Мышка - Профили - Да (до 5 профилей)
Мышка - Тип датчика - Razer Focus+ оптический сенсор
Мышка - Тип мышки - Проводная мышь
Мышка - Ускорение - 50G
Мышка - Частота данных - 1000 Гц Ultrapolling
Мышка - Число клавиш - 8
Мышка - Чувствительность сенсора - 20000 dpi
Общие характеристики - Вес (г) - 88
Общие характеристики - Высота (мм) - 42.7
Общие характеристики - Длина (мм) - 127
Общие характеристики - Системные требования - Bluetooth соединение
Общие характеристики - Системные требования - Свободный USB порт
Общие характеристики - Цвет - Черный
Общие характеристики - Ширина (мм) - 61.7