Goodram PX600, 500GB, M.2 Gen4 x4

- Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: tiistaina, 01.04.2025
- Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: tiistaina, 01.04.2025

- Kapasiteetti: 500 GB
- Tyyppi: NVME
- Lukunopeus (peräkkäinen): 4700 MB/s
- Kirjoitusnopeus (peräkkäinen): 1700 MB/s
- Muotoilutekijä: M.2 80mm (2280)
- Liitäntä: PCIe 4.0 x4
SSD-teknologian lisäedut liittyvät aseman ainutlaatuiseen rakenteeseen. SSD-asemat tallentavat tiedot muistisiruille, joille on ominaista täysin äänetön toiminta, alhainen lämpötila ja pieni virrankulutus. Kaikki nämä ominaisuudet eroavat merkittävästi nykyään vanhentuneesta kiintolevyteknologiasta.
Jaksollinen lukunopeus eli keskimääräinen tiedonlukunopeus on SSD-levyn nopean toiminnan tärkein kriteeri. SSD-levyltä luetaan tietoja paljon useammin kuin sinne kirjoitetaan, koska käyttöjärjestelmä tallentaa käsitellyt tiedot useimmiten RAM-muistiin.
Jos haluat, että ostamasi SSD-levyn lukunopeus ylittää huomattavasti klassisen kiintolevyn nopeuden, sinun kannattaa valita SSD-levy, jonka lukunopeus on vähintään 200 MB/s. Suorituskyvyn lisäys saavutetaan tiedonhaun (SeekTime) ansiosta, joka on SSD-levyillä paljon korkeammalla tasolla kuin kiintolevyillä.
Kirjoitusnopeus on lähes yhtä tärkeä kuin lukunopeus. Myös tämä parametri määrittää SSD-levyn suorituskyvyn, mutta koska kirjoittaminen levylle ei tapahdu yhtä usein kuin tietojen lukeminen ja keskivertokäyttäjän on subjektiivisesti vaikea erottaa mitään yli 100 MB/s nopeutta suuremmista indekseistä, lukuun ottamatta tapauksia, joissa SSD-levyä käytetään palvelimessa, äänen/videoiden tallentamiseen jne.
SSD-tekniikan tarjoaman pienen koon ansiosta levyjen vakiokoko on 2,5 tuumaa, ja se sopii keskivertokannettavaan tietokoneeseen. Pöytäkoneeseen on mahdollista asentaa 2,5 tuuman levy, jos käytetään siirtymää 2,5" -> 3,5", ja tämän siirtymän voi ostaa edullisesti osoitteesta kohdasta "Adapteri". 2,5" + 3,5" -muotoisissa levyissä on tämä siirtymä mukana.
1,8" levyt on tarkoitettu ultrakompaktin luokan kannettaviin tietokoneisiin.
PCI-Express SSD -levyt on tarkoitettu pöytätietokoneisiin, joissa on käytettävissä vapaa PCI-Express-liitin. Tätä tekniikkaa käytetään useimmissa tapauksissa varmistamaan suorituskyky, joka ylittää muiden liitäntätyyppien mahdollisuudet.
SATAII- ja SATAIII-liitännällä varustetut SSD-asemat ovat yhteensopivia emolevyn molempien liitäntätyyppien kanssa.
On kuitenkin otettavahuomioon, että emolevyn SATAII-liitäntä voi tarjota enintään noin 300 MB/s siirtokapasiteetin, mikä voi vähentää niiden SSD-asemien todellisen siirtokapasiteetin, joiden luku- ja/tai kirjoitusnopeus ylittää tämän tason, SATAII-liitännän kapasiteettirajoihin.
Tilanne on samanlainen PCI-Express- ja SATAIII-liitäntäpaikkojen kanssa. Vaikka SATAIII-standardi voi tarjota jopa 600 MB/s tiedonsiirtokapasiteetin, on SSD-asemia, joiden nopeus ylittää tämän rajan, jolloin valmistaja valitsee PCI-Express-liitäntäpaikan, jonka siirtokapasiteetti on suurempi. PCI-Express-levyjä ei voi liittää kannettavaan tietokoneeseen.
BrandPartCode - SSDPR-PX600-500-80
Category - Datortehnika :: Datoru komponentes :: SSD diski
Category - Internal Solid State Drives
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Hard drives
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer components > Hard Drives > SSD
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Cietie diski > SSD
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Cietie diski > SSD
Code - SSDPR-PX600-500-80
Color - Not applicable
Depth - 80 mm
Desc - Tips: SSD, Apjoms: 500 GB, Izmērs: M.2, Savietojamība: PCI Express Gen4 x4, Rakstīšanas ātrums: 1700 MB/s, Lasīšanas ātrums: 4700 MB/s, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - GOODRAM PX600 SSD The latest Goodram PX600 SSD is the solution for demanding users looking for reliable memory with fast data transfer rates. Thanks to the PCIe 4 x4 standard, the drive operates at speeds of up to 5000 MB/s. The performance of the PX600 is sure to be appreciated by gamers, computer graphic designers, those running photo and video editing software, as well as anyone working with large data sets. The PX600 is also ideal for users who want to improve the performance of their PC or laptop. The blazing speed of the SSD translates into smooth operation, system responsiveness, fast loading of games and applications, and comfortable task performance. The premiere drive offers up to ten times better sequential and random transfer performance than SSDs with older interfaces. Reliability down to the last detail The use of Flash memory bones with 3D NAND technology ensures high performance and reliability. This solution allows for increased memory density and optimised memory usage, which is important for the life of the drive. The MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) is 2,000,000 hours, which means a very long time without failures. High NVNe performance The NVMe communication protocol was designed from the ground up for the fastest 3D NAND Flash storage media. The use of 3D NAND technology in the PX600 unlocks the potential of the memory, controller and fourth generation interface. NVMe reduces latency and queuing, making it much faster than AHCI-based SSDs. One of the problems with M.2 NVMe drives is thermal throttling, i.e. performance limitations due to components running too hot. The controller with which the PX600 is equipped effectively manages voltages, which has a positive effect on temperature emissions and also significantly limits temperature increases during drive use. This translates into reliable operation even under heavy hardware loads.
description_en - SDD drive capacity: 500 GB
SSD form standard: M.2
Read speed: 4700 MB/s
Write speed: 1700 MB/s
description_lv - SDD diskdziņa kapacitāte: 500 GB
SSD formas standarts: M.2
Lasīšanas ātrums: 4700 MB/s
Rakstīšanas ātrums: 1700 MB/s
description_ru - Емкость SDD-накопителя: 500 ГБ
Стандарт формы SSD: M.2
Скорость чтения: 4700 МБ/с
Скорость записи: 1700 МБ/с
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 39
dimension depth - 10 mm
dimension height - 140 mm
dimension weight - 20 g
dimension width - 140 mm
Disk type - SSD
Drive type - Internal
EAN - 5908267964088
ean - 5908267964088
Eans - 5908267964088
Features - Component for - PC/Laptop
Features - Interface - PCI Express 4.0
Features - Memory type - 3D NAND
Features - NVMe - Yes
Features - Read speed - 4700 MB/s
Features - SSD capacity - 500 GB
Features - SSD form factor - M.2
Features - Write speed - 1700 MB/s
Form factor (width) - M.2 2280
gross_weight - 0.3 kg
GTIN - 5908267964088
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
HDD capacity - 500 GB
HDD interface - PCI-Express
Height - 3.8 mm
ImageUrl -
LargeDescHTML -
LongDesc - The latest Goodram PX600 SSD is a solution for demanding users who are looking for reliable memory with fast data transfer. Thanks to the PCIe 4 x4 standard, the drive operates at speeds of up to 5000 MB/s. The parameters of the PX600 will be appreciated by computer graphic designers, gamers, people operating photo and video editing programs and also those working on large data sets.This drive is also an ideal solution for users looking to improve the performance of their PC or laptop. The SSD’s blazing speed means smooth operation, system responsiveness, fast loading of games and applications, and comfortable task performance. The new drive offers up to 10x better sequential and random transfer performance compared to SSDs with older interfaces. The PX600 is available in a wide range of capacities (from 250 GB to as much as 2000 GB), allowing you to flexibly tailor it to your needs.Reliable in every wayThe use of Flash memory chips with 3D NAND technology, ensures high performance and reliability. This solution allows to increase the density of memory and optimize its consumption, which is important for the life of the drive. MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) is 2 000 000 hours, which means that the drive will operate for a very long time without failure. The read speed is 5000 MB/s and write speed is 4200 MB/s, and this makes the PX600 one of the fastest SSDs available on the market.High efficiency of NVMeThe NVMe communication protocol was designed from the ground up for the fastest 3D NAND Flash storage devices. The use of 3D NAND technology in the PX600 unleashes the potential of the memory, controller and fourth-generation interface. NVMe significantly reduces latency and queuing, making it incomparably faster than SSDs based on AHCI protocols.One of the problems that affects M.2 NVMe drives is thermal throttling, i.e. a reduction in performance due to the excessive operating temperature of the components. The controller withwhich the PX600 is equipped effectively manages voltages, which has a positive effect on temperature emissions and significantly limits its rise during use. This, in turn, translates into reliable operation even under heavy hardware load.One drive – many applicationsGoodram PX600 is available in several capacities: 250 GB, 500 GB, 1000 GB and 2000 GB, all in M.2 2280 format, with single-sided component placement. Like other SSDs from the Polish manufacturer, the PX600 comes with a 3-year warranty*.In addition, the manufacturer provides full technical support in case of problems and ongoing firmware updates to the latest version.Warranty with tech supportAll Goodram brand drives undergo multi-stage quality testing at every level of production. Each one is fully tested after it leaves the production line. This ensures that the highest quality products reach our customers.
LongProductName - GOODRAM PX600 SSD 500 GB M.2 size 2280 3D NAND Flash
LongSummaryDescription - Goodram SSDPR-PX600-500-80. SSD capacity: 500 GB, SSD form factor: M.2, Read speed: 4700 MB/s, Write speed: 1700 MB/s, Component for: PC/Laptop
Model - PX600
Model - SSDPR-PX600-500-80
Name - GOODRAM PX600 M2 PCIe NVMe 500GB
Name - SSD disks Goodram PX600 M.2 500GB
name - SSD PX600 500GB M.2 PCIe 4x4 NVMe 2280
Operational conditions - Maximum operating temperature - 85 °C
Operational conditions - Minimum operating temperature - -25 °C
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -25 - 85 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 85 °C
Other features -
producer - GOODRAM
Producer - Goodram
Producer - GoodRAM
producerCode - SSDPR-PX600-500-80
ProducerCode - SSDPR-PX600-500-80
productName - Goodram SSDPR-PX600-500-80 internal solid state drive M.2 500 GB PCI Express 4.0 NVMe 3D NAND
ProductName - SSDPR-PX600-500-80
productSize - Normal
Reading speed - 4700 MB/s
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - Goodram SSDPR-PX600-500-80, 500 GB, M.2, 4700 MB/s
sizeX - 140
sizeY - 10
sizeZ - 140
TBW - 160 TB
Title - Goodram SSDPR-PX600-500-80 internal solid state drive 500 GB M.2 PCI Express 4.0 NVMe 3D NAND
title_en - Goodram PX600 M.2 500GB SSD
title_lv - Goodram PX600 M.2 500GB SSD disks
title_ru - Goodram PX600 M.2 500GB Жесткий диск SSD
vendpn - SSDPR-PX600-500-80
WarrantyInfo - 3-year warranty limited by TBW with free technical support
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
weight - 0.2 kg
weight - 20
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 4 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 80 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 22 mm
Width - 22 mm
Writing speed - 1700 MB/s