barcode - 4949268704076
brand - Wacom
Breite - 0.14
Category_1 - Monitors and TV
Category_2 - Monitors - Accessories
category_en - Peripherals
category_et - Lisaseadmed
category_lv - Papildus ierīces
category_ru - Дополнительные устройства
description_en - Wacom and Colour – The Perfect Match
As every artist knows, sharing and reproducing color can be quite frustrating, as colors can look very different from one monitor, display or projector to another or when output as photos, prints, or in animation and video. Luckily, the Wacom® Colour Manager (includes the Wacom Calibrator hardware and custom Wacom Profiler software) can help take the mystery and complexity out of color management and make sure that colors on your displays and in your finished work reproduce exactly as you intend and look true-to-life on all your devices. Eliminate guesswork, create a color safe environment and attain color accuracy on all displays and final outputs with the ultimate color management solution for artists, photographers and designers. System Requirements Windows 7, 8, and 10 Mac 10.8, 10.9 10.10 and 10.11 Compatibility: Wacom Cintiq 27QHD Cintiq Wacom Cintiq 27QHD touch Cintiq 22HD Cintiq 22HD touch Cintiq 13HD Cintiq 13HD touch Cintiq Pro 24 Cintiq Pro 32 Cintiq Pro 13/16 MobileStudio Pro 13/16
description_et - Iga kunstnik teab, et õige värvitooni tabamine ja selle edasi andmine võib olla tohutult frustreeriv, sest monitoril kuvatu ja väljatrükil nähtu võib sootuks erineda. Sel puhul ongi heaks abiliseks Wacom Colour Manager kalibraator, mis korrigeerib kõik värvid õigeks. Viimase põlvkonna i1Profiler tarkvara monitoride, sülearvutite, projektorite jms ekraanide kalibreerimiseks Tasuta ColorTRUE rakendus Android ning iOS seadmete kalibreerimiseks Toetab NTSC, PAL, SECAM ning ITU-R Rec.BT.709 videoedastusstandardeid Mitme monitori kalibreerimise tugi Intelligentne ereduse, kontrastsuse, heleduse jms kalibreerimine Arvestab ekraani omapärasid Süsteemi nõuded: Windows 7/8/10 Mac OS 10.8/10.9/10.10/10.11 Ühildub: Cintiq 27QHD Cintiq 27QHD touch Cintiq 22HD Cintiq 22HD touch Cintiq 13HD Cintiq 13HD touch Cintiq Pro 24 Cintiq Pro 32 Cintiq Pro 13/16 MobileStudio Pro 13/16
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Intelligent colour manager Advanced filter and optical systems Infinite control of luminance, contrast etc Compatible with most displays Wacom Profiler software
description_short_et - Intelligentne ekraanikalibraator Kvaliteetne ja täpne optiline süsteem Intelligentne ereduse, kontrasti jms kalibreerimine Sobib enamikele ekraanitehnoloogiatele Wacom Profiler tarkvara graafikalaudadele
description_short_lv - Viedais krāsu pārvaldnieksUzlabota filtru un optiskā sistēmaBezgalīgas spilgtuma, kontrasta utt. vadības iespējasSaderīgs ar vairumu ekrānuWacom Profiler programmatūra
description_short_ru -
EANCode - 4949268704076
EAN_code - 4949268704076
feature_group_en - Monitor calibration
feature_group_et - Kalibraatorid ja tarvikud
feature_group_lv - Monitoru kalibrēšana
feature_group_ru - Калибровка монитора
Gewicht - 0.29
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
GRUPPE2 - Graphics Tablets
Hoehe - 0.05
Laenge - 0.19
Manufacturer - Wacom
manufacturer_code - EODIS3-DCWA
Manufacturer_code - EODIS3-DCWA
Name - Wacom Color Manager, calibration
name_en - Wacom Colour Manager Cintiq Pro 24/32
name_et - Wacom kalibraator Colour Manager Cintiq Pro 24/32
name_lv - Wacom kalibrators Colour Manager Cintiq Pro 24/32
name_ru - Калибратор Wacom Colour Manager Cintiq Pro 24/32
Stck_Kart - 9998
Stck_Pal - 0
Storno - N
Weight - 0,28